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Everything posted by lowdowner

  1. Sell? You'd have to prize either of my Warwicks out of my cold, dead, hands!
  2. [quote name='DiMarco' timestamp='1346785105' post='1793267'] As music is almost purely emotion, you shouldn't be wanting to justify desiring to play it on a wonderful and inspiring instrument imho. I bought my rickenbacker because I have been dreaming of sounding like Chris Squire for years! It doesn't have to make sense its only human... [/quote] Right - that's it - I've emailed my local Warwick dealer so if the price is as it should be, the order will happen. I blame you if I end up on the street penniless and starving
  3. great dolphin vid, but i thought Money was played at a lower position than that (in B?) - fab tone though, I think I've found the bass to save my pennies for
  4. I'm actually *crying* with frustration that I can't justify getting one of these... I despise consumerism, but somehow my bass-GAS seems to completely leapfrog over my own morality on this issue - the fretted 5 string in the picture is completely fantastic
  5. [quote name='Jack Cahalane' timestamp='1346769780' post='1792953'] For funsies. [/quote] excellent word!
  6. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1346765376' post='1792843'] I can't answer this - I've honestly forgotten how it feels to not be able to play with a reasonable degree of competence. I expect , at my age ,the day will come in the future when I can't anymore. I expect , too , that the feeling of only being able to go downhill as a player will be far , far worse than the feeling that you're not good enough yet but will get there. [/quote] Ouch! that's incredibly down-feeling (but probably true) enjoy it whilst you can huh?
  7. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1346755207' post='1792638'] Playing with a reggae band, most of my lines are deep, simple and repetitive. This is essential in getting that 'trance' like feel. So yeah, I get that feeling a lot, and I love it! [/quote] Yes, this is *exactly* what I mean - that kind of 'zen like' state of being completely in the groove and almost meditative
  8. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1346715924' post='1792426'] What you're talking about is muscle memory - when you've played something so many times it becomes almost automatic. That's not really a matter of musicianship, more a matter of diligence. [/quote] No, I don't think I mean this - when you're improvising along to a chord sequence, I think it's about inventing quickly enough (and well enough) that you can easily keep up. Not specific bass lines, but improvisation
  9. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1346705722' post='1792280'] For the average joes among us , I think it's all to do with how well you really know what your playing [/quote] Maybe, but for a lot of tracks there is a pretty repeating chord sequence so if you're just jamming along and making up the bass line as you go it's a bit different. When this happened earlier, it was a I-V-VIm-IV sequence, with a V-Vim-IV chorus which is a simple thing to 'remember' - you can feel the chord change coming
  10. Had an interesting practice session this evening. Playing away to some tracks on our gig list and for a moment - just a minute or two here and there - I forgot the written music and looking at the frets, and just played. And it worked... and it feels (almost) as good as sex! I suspect that this is what it 'feels like' for really experienced players pretty much all of the time. So, for those of you for whom this isn't anything special, how long did it take you to become 'at one' with your instrument and just play the feel? (as you might be able to tell, i've had a glass or two!)
  11. Oh dear - I have enough difficulty getting a good sound from one set of knob positions, and one hand position, without having to work out how all the knobs work together. I only have a GB Streamliner, and it has 5 full range knobs, and one 3-way cut knob which is just short of 300,000 combinations (if you assume 10 positions on each infinitely variable knob). When you add the three non-volume controls of the bass, you get 3 million combinations. Who has time to work all that out? *sobs*
  12. Welcome to BC - lots of friendly people on here, and good (though sometimes completely mad) advice to be had too... Beware the GAS though, it's infectious!
  13. fantastic - you get a very cool business going here
  14. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1346615232' post='1791291'] I owned a custom Dolphin Pro I 5 and was simply a work of art and an incredible tone monster. IMO that model is in the top league of best 5 string basses that money can buy. Miss mine terribly and one of the biggest regrets I have letting that one go. [/quote] But - and this is a genuine question - you have *loads* of basses and equipment, why don't you get another one if it's that good? Are the new ones not as good as the old, or...?
  15. The worst part is the fact that the toss-pot who stole it probably has no real appreciation of the memories, hopes, and joys of the history of that bass - they just see it as something they can sell for a few quid down the pub... My blood's boiling just thinking about the injustice Still, a good thing to remember is that all of the experiences, and skills, and music, and poetry of your playing that bass is still in your head and hands, and with a new bass you can pour it all out again into the instrument and it'll be a new, but still comfortably familiar, relationship again.
  16. Well be assured that it will be much appreciated
  17. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1346612878' post='1791244'] You get what you're given me lad... and it may be in a couple of hours! [/quote] Oh... ok... </looks crestfallen>
  18. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1346612182' post='1791229'] Do I look like a 'Jukebox'... it's worse than the heckles at a bad pub gig; 'Do something we know!' 'Do you do The Hunter?' [/quote] well, I'd accept 'mustang sally' at a push - I don't want to push you out of your comfort zone!
  19. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1346601172' post='1791051'] Terrifying! Arrived to be confronted by a grotty venue empty but for two full on NF neo nazis, wearing neo nazi badges, spiderwebs tattoo'd on their heads, bomber jackets and cherry red boots the works. No more than twenty people all night, looked like the set of shameless, don't think they appreciated our rocked up covers of pop classics much. Swindon just doesn't get what we do at all!! Fine everywhere else, but Swindon just seemed befuddled by the whole 'rocked up pop' thing. [/quote] God - that sounds far worse than my (frankly middle-class) crisis on thursday! Still, at least you got out without the threat of being burned alive!
  20. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1346610136' post='1791192'] LOL Will see what I can do now. I'd record the Dolphin but mine has got OLD flats on and doesn't sound 'typical' Warwick just now! [/quote] oh go on... do you do requests? Maybe a bit of Meters, or (at a push) Santana?
  21. What do you mean by 'distinctive tone'? is it like other warwicks with the mid growl and woody thump? Lord knows where I'm going to get to listen to one though...
  22. So, now I've actually seen DiMarco's 5 string Dolphin on here, and reading some reviews, I'm thinking of ending my 5 string bass search with a warwick dolphin pro i 5 string fretted. I'm nowhere even near being a pro so maybe I don't deserve such a thing? Anyway, anyone got any experience with these lickable basses (there I go again, slightly pervy huh)? Any comments, advice to alternatives, encouragement really appreciated!
  23. I'm still finding the 'playing with other people' such a buzz I couldn't care if I'm playing to a packed stadium (I wish!) or a lone deaf cat! I realise this may change, but it's why I do it Having a gig just forces us to concentrate on a a short gig list and not fizz all over the place trying loads of new music - originals or covers
  24. Arrrrrrrrgggggghhhhh - stop doing this to me!
  25. lowdowner


    I'm impressed - i'd not know how to bring a bass back to life like that. Jealous of course, but good on you
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