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Everything posted by lowdowner

  1. lowdowner


    [quote name='DiMarco' timestamp='1346495174' post='1789849'] Well then you'll be happy I can haz two lolphins! [/quote] Wow! The 5-er is stunning! Is this a Pro I? How old is it? Fancy parting with it?
  2. lowdowner


    Great Rick, but I *love* the Warwick too! Hmmm.... GAS at this time of the morning....!
  3. Mansons sometimes have stock: www.mansons.co.uk and can order in as well of course
  4. A vocalist was interviewed at length on Radio 4 recently and explained that she was attending a record label offices just after they had auditioned another vocalist who the record label execs said had a 'fabulous voice and presence' but was 'too fat' to make it big time! She overheard them eventually decide to give the newbie a go and try to persuade her to loose some weight - they didn't sound hopeful. The person they were discussing was Adele and the rest is history. The mainstream music business is about music *and* sex - thank god for the internet which enables us to choose the music *we* like and not what the record labels choose for us (who are no more than marketing operations at best anyway).
  5. [quote name='bassman344' timestamp='1346442577' post='1789397'] Sold up lesser gear and bought my long wanted ABII. Walnut chambered body, bubinga neck and top. It is better than any bass I have ever played. Even my 25th anniversary MM Stingray. Could just sit and look at it for hours, sorry about my shabby photography. [/quote] Absolutely stonking - if there is such a thing as gear porn, this is it
  6. [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Bakithi Kumalo playing on Paul Simon's Graceland tour live and grooving for tens of thousands. Seriously - that was my first experience of live bass. No wonder I finally had to land on the bass [/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]His playing drove the whole gig - impeccable, funky, sometimes brilliantly elastic.[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]*phew* even remembering it is fun [/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,] [/font][/color]
  7. I paid top doller for my new German made Thumb 4 B.O. - it's absolutely perfect (and I'm a real stickler for quality)... everything about it screams quality, and the smell (ok, now I'm probably sounding freakish!) If it wasn't for the fact that it's played, or gigged, every day, it'd be hanging on the wall and I'd invite people to stroke it
  8. Fantastic - good ending It's unique, there's no denying it!
  9. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1346415825' post='1788958'] I subscribe to the Anthony Jackson school of thought, that the bass should be viewed as an equal to the guitar. In that, it isn't just a root note plodder. It should be used to create rhythm and harmony but also melody. To that end, I like to have basses that I would be happy to listen to on their own, or high up in the mix. Because I tend to play melody lines, some chords, root notes and rhythm parts, comping etc etc. So my bass needs to sound good on it's own as well as in the mix, and this is something that Warwick have always delivered on for me (I've had three now). Plus, there really is nothing else that sounds like a Thumb. [/quote] +1 for this I'm just starting to experiment with playing some of the melody - or melodic harmonies - with my thumb and it's awesome for being heard in the mix. I'd like a 5 stringer, but as I've already got 2 of the 4 stringers, I think the missus would shoot me
  10. Hmmm... Last night we accepted a last minute invite to play at a folk club. Although they don't usually 'allow' amplified gear, as there was a bass, the organisers agreed to allow us a bass rig and a small P.A. for acoustic guitar and mics. I don't think i've ever played in such a cultish venue! I swear I could hear them building a wicker man outside whilst we played and I was going to be burned alive for bringing 'the devil's own instrument' into the club! After a lot of other performers singing lilting songs about 'fair maids a cummin' and 'the quickening of the may-fles' and such-like, we got up on stage, turned on all our gear, and gave them what could only be accurately described as 'funked up' folk! Some muttering, some tuts, but a good number of tapping feet (which was great to see). Afterwards, one of the other folk performers came up and asked about the bass as if it were a new fangled invention that was worked by magic and fire. All a bit cultish and weird for me I have to say, and despite a really good reception from the audience (how much 'a tra-la-la-ing' can you listen to in one night anyway?) I'm not sure we'll go back. Besides, I think they've finally finished off the wicker man and it looks ominously empty!
  11. [quote name='maldy' timestamp='1346245834' post='1786933'] Very nice - how does the fretless sound compared to the non-fretless? I have a Thumb BO and it has been my main bass for years. [/quote] Slightly softer/warmer and less 'hi-fi', a deeper thwump... Loverly
  12. I'm a newbie and haven't tried or owned many basses, but every day I play my thumb I like it more and more - and I know I haven't even got 10% of its potential yet. I have long arms and a strong back by the way
  13. Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply There's nothing happening in the bass line so i've nicked the lead guitar's rather nice spanish riff in the third verse and replaced the lead. Sometimes they work a couple of octaves down, and sometimes they don't!
  14. I like the floating thumb feel - I've had advice on doing it both ways (two different bass teachers) but my current teacher recommends a floating thumb and it seems to work really well, and it *feels* much more natural and allows the hand to stay relaxed as well as being great for damping. It seems to be one of those controversies though!
  15. [quote name='maldy' timestamp='1345901022' post='1782911'] I have three very lovely warwick 4 strings! A Thumb, Corvette Hot Rod and a Streamer $$ - definitely a Warwick lover! Can't seem to post any pictures from my phone, but will when I'm on my PC next. [/quote] OK, it'll be worth waiting for.. any time soon please!
  16. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1346097011' post='1785272'] If you look at that clip again, you'll find a link to Bruno Mars 'Runaway Baby' ... [/quote] ah, now you see, you've made me feel like a complete trump
  17. [quote name='silentbob' timestamp='1346096763' post='1785263'] Bruno Mars – Runaway Baby [/quote] God this website is completely *awesome*
  18. Don't watch X factor - doesn't help!
  19. OK, so there's a *really* catchy bass groove on the current Corsa advert on TV. Does anyone know the original track? You know, the one that goes dum-da-deedee-da-dum-dum-da-dum-deedee? or, perhaps more helpfully: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPFXUyQug7Q ?
  20. If you tried that with a Thumb, you'd strain your back and shoulder muscles so badly the first swing would be your last me thinks!
  21. I bought my Stremliner 900 and Bergantino 2x12 cabs there. Great gear... Great shop (though I managed to trip over something on the floor and almost brought a tonne of basses down on my head! ) Unfortunately, it's only an hour away from where I live...
  22. Yes - free bump from me too. Alex is my bass teacher and it's always both fun, and worthwhile, with each lesson. Alex has a very funky groove - relaxed and a great sound - I'm hoping that if I work at it long enough, my tone and timing will come close... Can't recommend him enough
  23. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Haha one of the first places i took my newborn daughter in 2009 (think it was still called Soundcontrol then)...introduced her to daddies other dreams [/font][/color] You're never too young! Some people play mozart to their unborn children, but I think letting the newborn inhale the groove like this is far superior!
  24. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1345452524' post='1777539'] Use it for silent notes. Dave [/quote] Goodness one of a whole range of string puns! Who'd have thought E'd av it in 'I'm?
  25. [quote name='Blademan_98' timestamp='1345488553' post='1778120'] I felt the same when I had lessons One day, I have promised myself more. (I'm 46 but it's never too late!) [/quote] I'm 46 and started lessons at 45 - go for it
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