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Everything posted by lowdowner

  1. When I'm not bassing I'm drumming in my 'other' band! Mind you - I always have an eye on the bass player if you know what I mean!
  2. I always hold bass players with HUGE pedal boards in some awe. Partly because they look cool, but largely because I don't really know what they're 'for' and think that if you use them in gigs you must be special... But given that half the punters don't actually listen to what you're playing half the time, do they really have much effect? Which pedal should I get first to wow the crowds?
  3. Singer turning up 10 mins before gig starts and making a fuss over setting up their gear i.e. one mic stand... Breaking a stick in the most important break of the set Someone coming up to you at the bar at the end of a gig and asking "So, have you seen this band before?" (yes, it's happened!)
  4. Welcome home!
  5. been there - makes a 2am return home into a 4am return... annoys the hell out of the other half!
  6. This site edited my 'S H I T E' to 'stinky poo!' - I've been censored!
  7. Oi! I'm a drummer - we're not *all* stinky poo you know!
  8. My bass teacher today (yes, I decided to have lessons again, it's always 'a good thing') showed me a hybrid technique with some picking and then - while still holding the pick - using the ring and pinky for finger style playing. Looks and sounds very effective!
  9. thanks - looks useful, I'll take a look.
  10. hi @TKenrick - your site seems to be down (just saying 'pageok' and nothing else … are you having problems?
  11. It seems that the consensus is that a pick provides a different tone (maybe easier to be more consistent?). A pick is harder, brighter, and with more attack. I've not really put much time into learning to play with a pick so I'm going to put some time into it and see what happens.
  12. pretty things That's going to encourage me to try a few different ones out. Where are you finding them?
  13. this thread has headed in an unexpected direction - very cool
  14. nice triplet soundy-likey-thing
  15. Complicated isn't it? Who said bass playing was easy?
  16. 'flamenco roll' - precisely!
  17. This is interesting - when learning the classical guitar, the 'rolling' of three fingers on a string can be very, very, fast (and consistent)… The pick *feels* different, but is it necessarily possible to play faster?
  18. Why do some people play bass with a pick? I can hear a difference with the tone (bright and hard with a pick and soft and funk-fantastic) but is it the case that you can play *faster* with a pick, or that you can't play faster per se. but it's *easier* to play faster with a pick? What does the combined wisdom of the basseratti on here think?
  19. Great link, thanks for that!
  20. That funky orange is fantastic. I have the same in natural flame maple which I love, but your orange one's a doozy! viger_front.tiff
  21. The upright music resources are a great idea - should have thought about that! Thanks
  22. It's more to do with getting example sight reading exercise - so bass clef music for the bass with accompanying mp3s for example (to check that you're reading it right). With simple exercises/pieces through to more complex stuff. I don't need to learn how to read *music* but how to sight read the bass clef smoothly and accurately.
  23. that's great, thanks
  24. Does anyone have any recommendations for resources for becoming more familiar with musical notation and the bass clef in particular? I was to improve my bass clef sight reading and I'm finding that most resources include tabs with the clef notation and - apart from covering the tab up with masking tape each time! - i'm always distracted by the tab and then don't concentrate on the actual dots. I want to become more familiar with playing from bass clef rather than tabs because I think it opens up some options with positioning and theory that you miss with tab (don't get me wrong, tab is *really* useful and I use it all of the time). When I used to play a flute, because there was no tab available and everything was in standard music notation my treble clef sight reading became second nature and I never had to think about it much, but bass clef is becoming a challenge because it's just so easy to get by without it and rely on tabs or chord sheets. I'm looking for theory and training books, resources for bass guitar music in bass clef notation (no tab), online bass clef sight reading courses, training software, or any other recommendations for becoming fluent with sight reading bass clef.
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