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Everything posted by lowdowner

  1. Really? Clean strings?? Wait until they fall apart (does this ever happen) and then shell out the £20 for a new set. £20 every 18 months is a few pennies a day.
  2. It's a weird coincidence but I was at a band rehearsal last night playing drums. I've not played my bass for about 12 months and have been playing drums and really digging it. Our bass player (oh, how strange that feels to say) brought along his fretless Warwick and he was good enough to let me riff on it. Lovely... Now I'm feeling the pull of the bass again, so cool...
  3. I have 2xHD112 so I'm guessing the combo would work very well - Berg have a downloadable profile for these cabs
  4. Thanks for that - it's always interesting to hear people's *real* experience of using one
  5. I'm thinking about getting a Bergantino B|Amp to match my Bergantino cabs - has anyone used one of these in a gig, and what do you think of them?
  6. Now I'm even more impatient for it to arrive! I'll post up some vids when it does
  7. It's nearly here - my new baby is an Ibanez SR1300 and I've just been told it has dispatched and is on its way. Early next week I will be a two bass man! I like Ibanez because they're playable, straight-forward, no nonsense, no 'coffee table' attitude. I'm not hassled about slinging it in the car, gigging with it, and just enjoying the playing without worrying about damaging a 'hewn out of secret rarest hardwood stock by world famous luthiers' bass... I'm just slightly worried that even though it's not rare, perfect, and precious, maybe it'll become 'the one' Hmmm.... http://www.ibanez.com/products/eb_detail.php?year=2016&area_id=3&cat_id=2&series_id=51&data_id=111&color=CL01
  8. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1454269457' post='2968128'] Video would be good, even if it's only of you with bass and hands, so noobs can watch an learn techniques from others. [/quote] Not sure my 'technique' is worth noobs, or anyone else, watching but i'd like to see others' that's for sure so good idea
  9. Anyone got any advice on how to do the actual recording? What gear would you use? I'm up for it anyway
  10. Although it's never been my kind of music the man was an icon, and whenever I heard him speak on radio or TV my admiration for him grew. A rare gem of an authentic person in a world of grey mediocrity - he'll be missed. Can't help but thinking that his end must have been quick and somehow suited him - even in death he wasn't a shrinking wallflower. The world will be just a little bit blander and boring without him.
  11. Rotosound RS77LD (77 Jazz) Flatwound strings from my other half (I made sure my amazon wish list was up to date and voila!) They're on and humming - loverly...
  12. [quote name='Palo' timestamp='1450033363' post='2929001'] Hi folks! Here is my new video of playing in public. Enjoy [url="https://youtu.be/N_TogsjZch4"]https://youtu.be/N_TogsjZch4[/url] [/quote] Ver, VERY, cool playing there. Great use of fuzz/distortion
  13. A Warwick thumb 4 string b.o. with black hardware. I had one - my first bass - and traded it! Now I miss it. My current bass is a Vigier Passion 3 which is a brilliant bass, but I miss my thumb!
  14. That's a top looking bass! So, for the benefit of a Fender-virgin (me!) this is a new bass right? The antique finish is added? Where is it made and who did you order it from? sorry for all the questions just a really interesting bass....
  15. Original, up-front, and deeply pocketed lines. Come together originality for example, takes *all* the glory on the track, and deservedly so. Had his finger on the pulse of bass playing at the time and translated a lot of global influences into listenable, catchy, and original riffs. Loverly
  16. Perfect - thanks... good to know that they are still made 'in their home' if you know what I mean
  17. The subject says it all really. Just wondering where the Musicman Stingrays are built these days (i'm referring to the 'classic' 4 string, single humbucker version). Are they still all made in USA or are they now shipped off to the far east? Does it matter - from a quality point of view?
  18. She's on here of course
  19. 250W Tc BH250 into a Berg 1x10 - but I'm not sure why, I prefer the sound of the Genz Benz 900 into 2xBerg cabs so I should just use the one rig i think...
  20. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1430425244' post='2761414'] Here's my Eve Iona fretless. [attachment=190965:20150211 Final.jpg] [/quote] stunning - I really *need* this bass. I know that if I owned it my bass playing would be peerless and I'd become the sexiest guy on the planet...
  21. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1429646844' post='2753688'] LaBella 760Ns This is my Ibby GWB35 with LaBella flatwounds [IMG]http://i308.photobucket.com/albums/kk344/ezbass/488cb0b0c876534467fbbfbb91caa50d_zpsa8656627.jpg[/IMG] [/quote] I like the dots - subtle
  22. I think my muscle memory would be ok - I'm even more sold on the idea now
  23. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1429644550' post='2753640'] I play fretted and fretless but Intend to gravitate to fretless most of the time. It really suits the kind of melancholic jazz I like to play. Just more expressive than fretted. I've just discovered Labella flats as well and they have just taken my overwater from stunning to unbelievably brilliant. Just don't start a discussion on lined or unlined boards. Oh dear, i mentioned it. [/quote] Unlined surely - if only for the look of the thing?
  24. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1429643735' post='2753623'] Fretless rules. I was lucky enough to be able to pick up a Rob Allen MB2 last year, the latest in a line of fretless basses I have owned. I find I just prefer playing without frets (although I do still play them) and if you lay back on the vibrato and sliding there's very little a fretless can't do, even slapping (check out Pino's slap moments on Come Back And Stay). They also fit many, many genres. Rock is often where some folks think it shouldn't work, but check out Boz Burrell's playing with Bad Co; sounds perfect to me. In short - do it. We don't need no stinking frets [/quote] Wow - great info, I'll check them out
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