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  1. Bump one more time!
  2. OK final bump - £1200. Well worth it!
  3. Bump. Will accept £1300. Collection probably essential due to weight - Watford area.
  4. OK Bump £340 - It's pretty much unplayed folks! Mint Condition.
  5. Bump - £200 Price drop. Will accept £1400. Thanks for looking!
  6. Bump...will accept £375.
  7. EBS Fafner II Bass Head. Fantastic amp, in fantastic condition and previously used only in a smoke free studio environment for recording and reamping. I am only selling as I need to downsize so I'm not interested in trades. Dave Marks gives much better explanation about the Fafner's capabitilies than I ever will so please check this video out to see what the Fafner II head can do. Collection only, or local meet up - Watford area - I guess the buyer would want to try it out first anyway.
  8. This bass is in as new condition having been mostly kept in its case in a smoke free studio room environment, and has only been used a few times. I'm selling as its simply surplus to my requirements, it's a great bass, very playable, lightweight with a nice feeling neck and capable of a wide variety of sounds, but I have too many instruments so it has to go - for this reason, I am also not interested in trades. Bolt on Neck 4 string with Bartolini Pick-Ups Case Included. Collection preferred, (Watford area) - Shipping - I'll have to work out a price based on location
  9. OK here's another, the little syncopated figure of semiquaver/quaver/semiquaver:
  10. OK perhaps the simplest, maybe I should have started with this one: http://rcmjbass.blogspot.com/2020/09/sixteenth-note-practice-1-e-a-aka.html
  11. I am slacking a bit but here's another:
  12. OK after a little pause, the next in the series...dotted quaver and a semiquaver:
  13. Another new one: https://youtu.be/RzCBv4tKDRg
  14. Next one is up, more to come!
  15. So, here's my current project, following on from the videos I made with quavers: (see here: http://rcmjbass.blogspot.com/2020/03/rhythm-playlist.html,) I've now started on a series of videos to illustrate semiquaver rhythms. I guess I should have called it "Quarantine" though!
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