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la bam

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Everything posted by la bam

  1. Sorry, you just been beaten to it im afraid. If they don't pick up I'll let you know.
  2. Now £225 at GAK with case and free delivery.
  3. Will take £120.
  4. Just bit the bullet and ordered one. Might give it a blast this weekend.
  5. I should have asked really, but we had a tight turn around. Bass looked like some kind of Warwick, but im sure he uses Fender precisions/jazz too.
  6. Morning all, Like many of us i suspect, Ive been very tempted by the trace elf as a backup or small rig. But, like many, i was slightly put off with reports of lack of tone and lack of power. However, we did a fairly big tribute night last weekend (around 250 people) and one of the other bassists had x2 12 or 15 cabs and used an elf to power them, then into the large PA. Gees, was i impressed! Great tone - kind of classic trace without the mid slam. Never struggled for volume. Speaking to him later he said it has so much power on tap its unreal. Never gets it near half way and tours all over the show. Oh, and hes competing against a loud drummer and x2 really (really) loud guitarists using x2 marshall valve heads and 4x12 cabs each. I suspect those struggling with volume or cutting through the mix may either need a bit of eq change or its down to the fact they only use a small single speaker, because the sound was absolutely spot on. I genuinely thought he was using an old massive trace rig. Is this a case of using more speakers makes a huge difference? Im now 95% gonna bite the bullet and get one - even as a back up (replacing my 20kg QSC). My cabs are either an Ashdown RM212T or markbass 610 sealed - so plenty of driver movement. Has anyone else heard them from the crowd so to speak?
  7. More speakers, more umpf! Heavy head - even more umpf! Class D and single lightweight cabs just cant compete - no matter what anyone says. Theyre perfectly acceptable and youd never know the difference, but side by side, and playing through them its a different ball game!
  8. Pretty much exactly the same on the front panel (tech 21 rbi and rpm- rack versions of sansamp pedals). Just more routing if needed on the rear. It's as simple as they come.
  9. Why not try a rack mount version? There's so many more routing options. Let - xlr sansamp, xlr clean, Jack sansamp, Jack clean, fx loop, 50/50 fx, pads, dual inputs and easier to get to if you need to change anything when playing.
  10. G4m showing delivery end of February.
  11. Cheers, I'll have a look at that thanks.
  12. I'm too confused to be honest. I can't work out why it isn't sinking into my brain. So - what load am I using, using a 6ohm cab bridged?
  13. Superb x2 channel power amp. Ask anybody in the know and theyll tell you - these are superb. Simply bought for a project that didnt come off - so no longer needed. Its in good used condition. Pick up only from Leyland Lancashire. Maybe open to trades.
  14. Hi all, Bought for a project that never happened. These have never been used. I had one made by BCs own OBBM and its wonderfully built. Honestly, better than any ive ever bought. Its a 4 pole to 2 pole which makes for a perfect fit. The second is by soundlab - great build. This one hasnt been altered for bridged. So would probably need the internals swapping for use. This is a 4 pole to 4 pole cable. £25 delivered.
  15. Evening all. Just a quick question - does anyone know the exact eq setting for total flat response on a markbass LMIII? The reason i ask is ive come pretty close i think. Im going to be running a dual set up - tech 21 vtrm to desk, and then into the LMIII, so i want it as flat as possible. The setting i have are around - LOW 1-2oclock. MID 11oclock HIGH 1-2oclock. With those settings it seems to be pretty transparent - getting the same sound to desk and cab.
  16. Thanks to all who helped on this. Ive spoken to QSC themselves today, just querying their manual that clearly shows bridge operation being fine into 1 cab at 4ohm or greater. After speaking to them it should show that (as said above) its a 4ohm LOAD not CAB that it should show. As such, paranoia has set in, so im not going to go down this route anymore. Hence the QSC amp and x2 bridge cables will be going up for sale. On the plus side - i now have a better idea of how bridging works at last!
  17. I genuinely think it's a split between what you play on the day and the instant chemistry you strike with the band - and you can't prepare for that. I don't believe the 'best' player always gets the job. Just prepare the best you can - and what will be will be.
  18. From his point of view, he wants to buy the bass, so will have a bundle of cash on him, but you want to meet somewhere thats not your house, and drive him somewhere he doesnt know where hes going or who with - so he could be feeling the same? As well as that - I wouldnt take a deposit to be honest - youve no proof what that £20 is for. Id just say its a case of first come first served. He can wait as long as he likes but if it sells in the meantime, its their loss. I tend to feel the differently whether im buying or selling nowadays.
  19. BLACK FRIDAY MEGA DEAL!!! a full £1 off. ............. until Saturday.......
  20. BLACK FRIDAY MEGA DEAL!!! a full £1 off. ............. until Saturday.......
  21. I think it is slowing down, but I think that's too do with all the manufacturers supplying consistently good products for little money. There's so many good lightweight amps and multi fx pedals out there. I've had a Mark bassv evo 1 up (and still have). It contains x2 channels, mixable channels, 500w, x2 Di's, USB to PC, tuner, envelope filter, over drive, compressor, chorus, delay AND high end models of ampegs, fenders, swr, trace, sunn, gk, mb, and more SND it's only 3kg - basically everything your ever need. And can't move it at £450.
  22. Sorry (i know im being a pain - it will sink in i promise), but ive gone into confused mode again.... The QSC manual quotes: https://www.qsc.com/resource-files/productresources/amp/discontinued/rmx/q_amp_rmx_series2ru_usermanual.pdf "Bridged mono mode combines the power of both amp channels into one speaker, resulting in twice the voltage swing, four times the peak power, and approximately three times the sustained power of a single channel. This mode uses Channel 1's input, gain control, input filter, and clip limiter; Channel 2's should not be used. WHEN TO USE IT (OR NOT) Use bridged mono to deliver the power of both channels to a single 8- or 4-ohm load. Set switch positions 6 and 7 to "BRIDGE MONO ON." Use Channel 1's inputs, and connect the speaker as shown." There is also a picture on page 21 of a guitar set up showing everything fine in bridged mode with one cab as long as its >4ohm, which my 6ohm cab would be?
  23. Thanks, I think it's becoming clearer. So, by running in bridge mode, each channel is giving 600w at 3ohm, but overall that's 1200w at 6ohm, which is perfectly safe to run at?
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