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Everything posted by paulypbass

  1. I noticed a huge differance when i swaped the pickups from my squier p bass to seymour duncan SPB 3s. although the squier pick ups where cheap.
  2. new strings days should be a special day for everyone
  3. well my repair man got back to me earyler and said iv blown 8 output transitors. but the good thing is KORG stock them and there only 1.58 each. hes gunna make sure nothing else in the amp is broken though. hes also gunna put a new pre amp tube in it for me. so not that bad after all.
  4. Spoke to korg today. they were really helpful sent me a wirirng diagram for my repair man to look at and said they can stock transitors, risistors etc for my amp. so getting parts not should be easy enough.
  5. Ok guys thank you very much for all your help. the guying looking at it said he will get bck to me by the weekend and hopefully have an answer so i wil update
  6. How hard is it to gets part for hartkes atm. The repair man said it may be hard to get parts. Is there anywhere u can get a wiring diagram
  7. Right well the fuse that blew in the amp the first time was a 250v 6A it says on back of the amp it takes F6AL/250V the fuse i got from maplins are 250v 6.3A would that make any differance. The only other thing i forgot to say was the one of the output jacks for the speaker cable is louse. although its been like that for a week now and i used it twice like it. I'm hoping it wont cost to much money to repair iv been the recomend the guy from a couple of poeple and been told hes good.
  8. Bascily i was at band practice last night and pulled the speaker cable out the head for a secound while it was still running stupid thing to do i no. as i put the cable back in it arcked on somthing and blew the fuse. iv tryed two more fuses now and it keeps blowing them, any ideas what i could of done, taking it to a repair man tomorrow but hopefully its nothing pricyy,
  9. I would be abit pissed off if that was me you done that to.
  10. Iv always thought of a P bass as an evo with a big turbo and a J bass as a civic type R are with a revy vtec engine.
  11. Personally i would invest in a 500watt head or somthing round that power with a 410 and a 115. Then you have plenty of power with two cabs for bigger gigs and for practice you can just use one cab. invest in somthing like a hartke or ashdown. My hartke with a 410 is perfect for practice.
  12. Need abit of help with what pots i need for my squier p bass. been looking on all parts and was wondering if these pots would fit my bass http://www.allparts.uk.com/online-shop/guitar-bass-parts/electronics/250k-pots/250k-audio-log-pot-cts-split-knurled-shaft-p-1541.html if there not could someone point me in the right directions
  13. I got the magical feeling when my band made up our first song, it sounded so good and also when we are practicing and we get our set played perfect. My first gig was amazing aswell just went nuts and had such a good time. never had a feeling like that before and i dont want it to be the last.
  14. gig went really well poeple seemed to really like us and i had a great time. was so nervous but it got better with each song and even managed to jump around.lol
  15. my first gig is tonight got an 11 song set. wish me luck
  16. i normally like the drive home after practice. its only a 10mille drive and means out guitarist is tired and not buzzing. the drive to practice you cant shut him up
  17. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1330451784' post='1557769'] You've come to the right place my son! Or is that the left place.....? I've never had any trouble getting lefty parts from anywhere I've tried. Surprised you're having trouble getting stuff on eBay, as it used to be pretty good (to be fair, I haven't bought off eBay for a couple of years now...). You could try the 'Items Wanted' thread on this forum (look under 'Basschat Marketplace'). Or you could try asking in this thread for the items you want. For shopping, there is a BC member quite near you (Patch006) who will know the best places to shop, but I do know there's a branch of Manson's in Exeter, which I dropped by on a visit recently and was very impressed. [/quote] ok mate thanks for the help. i'll chat to him soon
  18. [quote name='leftyhook' timestamp='1330451483' post='1557767'] anything specific? I know Howard the BassDoc here at BC makes pickguards to order. I am sure he can help you with other stuff. Search for Bassdoc and pm him. A very helpful and enthusiastic chap [/quote] well a squier lefty neck is what i am after and also a new pick gaurd
  19. Anyone
  20. [quote name='patch006' timestamp='1329157527' post='1538116'] I will be driving from devon! With a nice 1978 precision! amongst loads of other goodies! [/quote] where abouts in devon do u live. as i am in barnstaple. tempted to go if i can get the night of work
  21. i normally get ernie ball strings in that gauge. the only gay thing about nickel strings is they really dont last that long but i personally think they sound much nicer.
  22. just put some fender nickels on today. sounding nice to be fair. was going to buy some ernie balls again but there like £24 in the music shop i go to. should of got them off ebay,
  23. Been playing bass for about 4 years now and used most string makes. ie rotosound, ernie ball, elites, fender, stagg etc Out of all the makes iv tryed i really cant find much difference between them, iv i had to pick one make i guess it would be ernie ball. i do however prefer nickel strings to stainless, Anyway what do you use do you have a prefered make
  24. bascily jeans and t shirts. although i do prefer slim fit jeans [IMG]http://i740.photobucket.com/albums/xx43/paulyzs/421759_10150694044146416_595121415_11477434_2107578868_n.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i740.photobucket.com/albums/xx43/paulyzs/402694_3314523631160_1510260269_3003630_1396317960_n.jpg[/IMG]
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