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Everything posted by coasterbass

  1. Hi, Following on from a recent thread about signal splitters to multiple amps, has anyone used/heard the Morley George Lynch three way splitter? I'm curious as to its performance vs. the normal 'black box' AB/Y pedal. Does the boost control work? Cheers
  2. [quote name='Biggsy' post='404306' date='Feb 9 2009, 02:03 PM']Good shout! £1520, ended over the weekend.. is the new owner anyone here by any chance?[/quote] Hahahaha - I did giggle when i saw that. My bids expired on the decent side of 1k, but I hope whomever won enjoys it. It does look a lovely bass.
  3. PM'd
  4. This is a subject that I've spent some time looking at. The bottom line is 'suck it and see' - results can be unexpected, and it also depends how critical your listening ear is. However, there are a couple of points to make: 1) using the fx send will not give you a clear split of signal to another amp. The fx send will (generally) be affected by the preamp of the send amp. Thats the purpose of fx loops, to allow the signal to be boosted by the preamp gain before adding the fx. 2) You may get big earth loop problems. Ideally the splitter would have two earth lifts, one for each amp. This is custom build territory. 3) you may get phasing problems between the amps which can destroy your sound. effectively they'll start to cancel each other out due to minute delays in the signal chain. 4) Guitars send High Z signals which the earth lifts necessary can affect. All of the above are 'ifs' and 'maybes' so just try stuff out and see what happens.
  5. Thats a bargain if it stays this side of £1500 (never been 100% a lover of Rick's myself though)
  6. My favourite Chaka tale... This is going back about 10/15 years ago. Chaka Khan entered the kareoke contest at North Harrow Superbowl, singing her own song. She was disqualified. I WISH I'd kept the local paper article for that as no one ever believes me.
  7. Almost forgot... have you guys seen this place? www.southpawguitars.com
  8. Afternoon all, Wow - I can't believe I haven't found this before! Sorry, nothing to sell at the moment, but this is a great thread so nice work guys! Because lefties are soooooo hard to find in shops can I suggest that we club together to start a 'try before you buy' collective? I know we're scattered all across the country but if, for example, someone was thinking about ordering/buying a Thumb 5, then they could come find me and try mine out. That type of thing... Damn this thread is going to be expensive for me... I have a bad feeling. Nick
  9. Thanks everyone for your PM's. I'll pass these all through today. I've never known so many people wanting to get to preston!
  10. Thanks for all the PM's guys. Keep them coming and I'll pass them all on to the gride and broom.
  11. Afternoon, We've had to turn down a wedding on 16th May 2009 due to our singer's stag weekend. Would anyone be interested in quoting for it? The wedding is in Preston, Lancs (where the M6 is cobbled ) They are friends of friends so I said I'd try to find them a suitable band - and where better than on good old BC. They are looking for a bit of a party band, but professional in behaviour/skills. If it helps then we were going to be providing Queen/Killers/Kaisers/Scissor Sisters type thing with some Beatles & ballads for good measure. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in then please PM me with your band website/details. Cheers all, Nick
  12. Maybe its worth pointing out just how amazing this amp is (rather than saying its heavy!) The Metro combo is quite possibly the ultimate gigging combo and sounds AMAZING. With the extension cab its a pretty compact full gigging rig with tone and headroom to die for! Yes its on the heavy side, but with wheels (if I'm correct?) and still far more practical and lighter than an equivalent 4x10 gigging rig, and with all the tone you could ever want. This rig really is top value. Good luck!!
  13. I'm confused by this one... it sounds to me like you need more power handling rather than less if you've been unfortunate enough to blow your speakers. Yes the B2 is a nice combo, and with an Ampeg 210 it would make a nice rig by itself. However i doubt that you blew your speakers in a 'practice' scenario where your potential new rig would be operating (per your description). If that is where you blew them then you just need to turn down...! The 700RB is a great amp but is hard to make it clip/distort. Thats the beauty of them. If you were driving it to try and make it clip then that could be where you are going wrong (i don't know what sound you are after??) So, my advice would be... if you like the clean sound of the 700RB then just get better speakers (and maybe back off the volume a little). Something like the Schroeder 1210 would give you ample headroom with handling of 900w, in a cab smaller than the B2 by itself. if you want dirty sound then i doubt the GK is going to give it to you, so you might be better swapping it all out. In my opinion... : )
  14. [quote name='Protium' post='380622' date='Jan 14 2009, 07:52 PM']I'm considering a Schroeder cab, and have narrowed it down to the 1212 or 1210. Can anyone comment on the differences between the two? Is there any advantage in the angled 10" speaker over the 12"? Cheers [/quote] Davebass5 is your man for this! I've got a 1210R and love it. Its an easy lift, small, compact, and really gives it some welly. Good subharmonic bass and crystal top end that really cuts through. I was scared off by some of the comments about the edgy midrange but it really isn't an issue and you'll never lose yourself on stage. Buy with confidence.... but which one!?!
  15. I've had this a few times, but only from the PA - never backline or cymbals. I've found it happens when one ear gets a loud blast, liek if you walk past the PA stack. It just throws my centre of gravity out for a second or two. +1 to all the comments about earplugs. We all use them now. +1000 to the fact that you shouldn't be rehearsing at that volume.
  16. Waterloo = Alaska Studios SE19 (Crystal Palace) = Antenna Studios Croydon = Scream Studios. We've used Scream for the past 5 years and they've been very good. Quantity and variety of rooms is an asset. We used to use Resident and Bush Studios (both mentioned above) but the price and availability of rooms turned us away.
  17. Can I play a 5 as well as I play a 4 ?? Answer: No. Does the tone of my 5 string exceed the tone of my 4 ?? Answer: Possibly I think its all down to technique and how each bass is set up.
  18. Not a bad year considering the bad influence of this site OUT: Ampeg SVT4 Pro Ampeg 410HLF Ampeg 115 IN: Ampeg SVP-Pro Eden WP-100 Schroeder 1012 Shure wireless BassPod Live Big Muff (Russian) BALANCE: Saved - £200 Saved - 60lb Saved - My spine
  19. [quote name='dangerboy' post='358638' date='Dec 19 2008, 11:05 AM']So London originals bands - start your own nights. One a month isn't that difficult to arrange, and you'll make a lot of new friends. Let's remove at least one layer of the people making money off our backs.[/quote] Whilst we've gone out and done exactly as you suggest, the problem I've found is that venues are reluctant or unable to give out nights directly to bands because they have contracts with the promoters and so don't have any free nights. In essence the venue have 'insured' themselves by selling each night to a promoter. Hey ho. But, in better news, I'm really intrigued to see how tonight works out and will try and get along to the Dry bar later (assuming its open to punters?)
  20. This is an awesome preamp - someone really should get excited about this! As OP states, the options are endless but at the same time its sooooo easy to use. Even with everything flat the tone is immense. Bump to the top, especially for a fellow Pinner man!
  21. Sold! - so to speak. Thanks Nick
  22. I got two copies in the post this weekend so if anyone would like my spare copy then let me know and i'll post it. FYI its edition no. 40, with the 40 best basslines/5 string shootout. I wouldn't want to deprive BGM of a sale so I'll add that I'd prefer this to go to someone who doesn't normally buy the mag. Cheers
  23. Yeah, ok, it was a dumb idea. I just had this image of walking out to where the audience would be, playing some stuff and thinking 'hmmm, not cutting through enough in this room', pulling a remote out of your pocket and fiddling with the mid/treble until it sounded right. it would save the play/walk/adjust/walk/play/walk/adjust cycle that I seem to get into. As for stopping people playing with it when you're playing, I'm sure we could put a bypass/off switch on the amp itself. Hmmm.... maybe i'll have to come up with a better idea to make my millions.
  24. [quote name='Clarky' post='349795' date='Dec 9 2008, 03:24 PM']Welcome back Shockwave, noone wanted you to leave and everyone appreciated your hard work in this matter I don't care if its late, his comments were an affront to a lot of decent, helpful people on this site. He should bl**dy well apologise and retract.[/quote] Absolutely +1 on both points, but particularly the former. Nice one.
  25. Well this is turning out well isn't it kids. I donated to try and get the bass moving. Quite frankly I couldn't have given a damn if my money had gone to UPS/DHL or propped up Robert Mugabe.... it was a symbolic gesture. And now, quite frankly, I find IncX's responses posted above to be gobsmackingly arrogant and conceited. Not good form.
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