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Everything posted by coasterbass

  1. Well.... we finally played the gig this weekend !! It was not fun I'd spent a lot of time talking to the venue prior to the gig to get assurances about stuff, and so that they knew we were dealing with it professionally, right up until Friday. Turned up on saturday to find: a) The Db limiter is NOT at the property limit, but is 10ft from the stage. The Db limiter IS hooked in to the power supply, and is not 'read only' c) Env Health WERE on site, and not away for the weekend d) The venue management were incompetent, patronising, inept, offensive, beligerent c***s The DB meter was set to be so sensitive that it peaked when the door of the marquee shut ! We were then told that Env Health were monitoring 'perceived volume' and not any set Db limit. How farcical and non-scientific is that?? We tripped the power 3 times during soundchecking, pretty much acoustically. After 3hrs of soundchecking and retardedness (from them) it was established that we were going home if they didn't disconnect their meter. As they were actually monitoring the level outside they would come and tell the sound engineer to turn down (thats down from a starting point of zero!). They rewired the place. On we came. 15seconds in, 'Bang'. Power cuts. Much murmoring. They check the rewiring and we're told 'no, the sound limiter isn't in the circuit'. 'my arse', we protest. The lights go red, the reset button comes on, and it only cuts the PA power. Take two: On we go again. 15seconds in, 'Bang'. Power cuts. Band walks off. They then tell us 'your equipment must be faulty or pulling too much juice'. We tell them to stick that up their ar*e. We're only pulling 9v and 12v power and its all tested. I tell them to check their circuits again. Take three: On we go again. 15seconds in, 'Bang'. Power cuts. Cue Ian Brown 'I think we're wasting our time here lads' comment. Bride and Groom apoplectic at the venue, as they could see we were doing all we could do. Even more heated discussion with venue manager and their electrician. Lots of finger pointing. We point out that unless we can see the mains cable coming straight from the genny, to the stage, ie. removing the spaghetti of cables currently there, then they couldn't be sure the limiter was out the loop. They protested, and did what we said to show we were wrong. Take four: Everything works fine. We play the set straight through without problems. However the volume restrictions were still in place as they were instructing the soundguy to keep turning down. We all played the set from memory as there was no sound to reference other than the vox and drums. I could hear myself pick the strings, and people could happily chat at normal volumes over the PA when standing on the sweetspot of the dancefloor!! Ludicrous. All in all it was tremendously unfulfilling and left a nasty taste in everyone's mouth. The bride and groom were happy with us which is all that matters, but they've got a lot of negotiating to do with the venue I reckon. I wouldn't pay them a penny. As a plus point I met up with bassjamm and bought his Schroeder 1210R, so I'm very excited about that.
  2. I saw a band at The Swan in Stockwell the other week... They played Dani California. The band played it fine, butthe singer knew not one word of the lyrics and sang it, confidently, in the style of Vic Reeves. Not one person seemed to notice except me, and the crowd went nuts. Goes to show that a confident delivery can cover ANYTHING
  3. [quote name='squire5' post='263233' date='Aug 15 2008, 04:48 PM']Made me smile [/quote] Absolutely!! Reminded me of my old online 'tell me a little about yourself' statement: "I am passionate about three things: speling and numeracy"
  4. Knights of Cydonia. Can't play that fast for that long. Must Practice More
  5. Does anyone else actually have room to move about on stage? I spend my life wedged with my headstock under a cymbal and my picking hand being pestered by a badly placed table decoration, whilst our halfcut frontman tries not to fall headfirst over the cables on top of everyone. Some gigs I wonder if I should trade in my wireless set for a 1 foot jack lead!?! If there was room to 'look cool' other than the occasional gurn then I'd be all for it.
  6. Being a (relative) newby I only just discovered this delightful thread... please can we ressurect it, on the basis that there's a million and one new joiners this year, and its fun ! I promise I'll get a couple of pics up when i'm back home.
  7. I happened to check my emails in ebay last night and found that they are offering 10% off of anything bought via paypal for the next few days. This goes up to £1000 ! Has anyone else got this? I admit to not reading the spam they email to my hotmail account so they might have told me, but it might be worth checking your emails in ebay to see if you've got the same 'present'. CB
  8. FWIW I take a more audacious approach and run two 'rigs' in parallel. I split before the preamp, and run clean into an Eden preamp (then straight to desk). At the same time I take the second signal into my Ampeg preamp and then run fx in the loop on that. That runs to the desk too. Both preamps run into a stereo poweramp and then (once I've bought them) to a pair of speakers. Main advantage is that the eq for the FX side can be tweaked to suit the tone whilst your clean side stays solid throughout. NB: I concede this is overkill for most gigs, and use something much simpler for 90% of gigs. However it remains light if you just bring the preamps to gigs and leave the output to the FOH.
  9. [quote name='eude' post='260695' date='Aug 12 2008, 11:21 AM']He he Alarmingly, I think I know what you mean... Eude[/quote] Eude - your band, 10 Storey's High... how long has that been going? I think I might have one of your CD's.
  10. Morning, Can someone please explain to me what the difference between the DB112 and the GS112 is ? On paper they look pretty much identical. Which came first? Any different profiling on the sound? Thanks
  11. Hi, Its that time of year where we play a public gig (as opposed to weddings and corporate functions) so if anyone would like to come and hear coasterbass play then you are more than welcome. We get to play the more indulgent tracks that we've learned (its all covers) rather than some more standard wedding tracks so I love it. I've also completely changed my rig since last year - principally due to BassChat induced GAS so that should be something to come look at too. Seriously though, if any BC'ers fancy coming then drop me a line and I'll get you in at the student rate (£4) rather than the fullprice (£8). Hope to see some of you there Nick
  12. I was really enjoying this thread so can I bump it to the top for some more responses? JeanLuc - your setlist sounds great. Will definitely be trying to track down your band sometime soon!
  13. [quote name='ashevans09' post='259087' date='Aug 10 2008, 12:01 AM']Oooooh man I want this. Bad. If anyone can come up with how I can reasonably justify this I will take this off your hands in a heartbeat. Aaaah and I'd use my mesa as a poweramp...oh it could be gorgeous. Hmm. You have PM. Ash[/quote] I can help you justify this.... on the basis that they are fanbloodytastic amps that do everything from fatbottomed lush tone through to full tear-the-audience's face off. They really are superb. Do it!
  14. Maroon 5 This Love Sum41 FatLip RHCP Dani California OutKast Hey ya REM The One I Love Zutons Valerie Kiss God Gave Rock and Roll to You Muse Plug in baby Muse Knights of Cydonia Aha Take on Me Hoosiers Goodbye Mr A ELO Mr Bluesky Killers Read My Mind Fratellis Chelsea Dagger Queen Under Pressure Men At Work Down Under The Darkness I Believe In A Thing Called Love Queen Don't Stop Me Now The Beatles Back In The USSR Franz Ferdinand Take Me Out Guns N Roses Sweet Child Of Mine Coldplay In My Place Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel Come Up And See Me Alien Ant Farm Smooth Criminal Arctic Monkeys I Bet You Look Good On The Dance Floor Band Aid Do They Know It’s Christmas? Blink 182 All The Small Things Bryan Adams Summer Of 69 Crowded House Fall At Your Feet Crowded House Weather With You David Gray Sail Away Elvis Trouble Erasure A Little Respect Extreme More Than Words Feeder Buck Rogers Green Day When September Ends Gwen Stefani What You Waiting For? Huey Lewis & The News The Power Of Love Kaiser Chiefs I Predict A Riot Kaiser Chiefs Ruby Keane Somewhere Only We Know Muse Starlight Pulp Disco 2000 Rainbow Since You've Been Gone Razorlight Golden Touch Red Hot Chili Peppers Snow Red Hot Chili Peppers Under The Bridge Robbie Williams She's The One Scissor Sisters Mary Scissor Sisters Take Your Mama Take That Back For Good The Beatles Daytripper The Beatles Saw Her Standing There The Beatles Twist & Shout The Black Crowes Hard To Handle The Commodores Easy The Jam A Town Called Malice The Killers All These Things That I've Done The Killers Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine The Killers Mr Brightside The Kooks Naïve The Strokes Last Nite Travis Turn Weezer Buddy Holly Whitesnake Here I Go Again
  15. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Aguilar-Bass-Rig-plus-tuner_W0QQitemZ220266562060QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item220266562060&_trkparms=72%3A638%7C39%3A1%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14.l1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Aguilar-Bass-Rig-plu...86.c0.m14.l1318[/url] Looks awesome!
  16. Cheers for all the suggestions - much appreciated and I'll pass these on.
  17. Morning, A friend of a friend approached us to play a wedding on Saturday 25th October. Sadly our drummer is on his holidays so we can't do it. Any of you guys fancy this gig? I'm afraid I don't have the address for the wedding, but she's London based. She said she'd found it difficult to find a band who'd play modern stuff (Killers, Kaiser Chiefs etc). Plus she said she refused to consider any band that had Mustang Sally in their repertoire.
  18. Once a week, 7.30 til 11pm at the glorious Scream studios in Croydon. Suits me fine as we all have day jobs.
  19. Interesting plan. My concern would be that the limiter won't protect you from the ambient mic. If you have vocal mics in the main mix then wouldn't these function as 'ambient' mics anyway?
  20. I bought Mr Site for £25 a couple of months ago and built our website from scratch in a weekend. I'm a complete dunce with this stuff but it was pretty simple and personally, I'm well chuffed. Their online support is really prompt too. For £75(?) you get the advanced version which has more add-ons. www.coaster-music.co.uk
  21. [quote name='Galilee' post='257220' date='Aug 7 2008, 02:12 PM']If the sample track runs all the way through the song, it's a complete pain. We've tried playing along to song-length samples and, even with a click track for the drummer, it's next to impossible to keep in time with them. What we do now is create smaller patches (say, up to 30 seconds) that can be triggered by a human when they're required. These are loaded into a piece of free software on the PC (forget what it's called but I can find out if you like) and triggered by a bank of midi-controlling footswitches (like [url="http://www.roland.com/PRODUCTS/en/FC-200/index.html"]this[/url]). Whoever's least busy at that point hits the switch![/quote] Presumably the drummer would still have to be going at a consistent speed otherwise the sample will never run at the same speed?? Mmmmm - this does sound like bad news.
  22. Thanks - yes, its consistently moving arpeggios : (
  23. We're learning quite a tricky track that has some massive synth track on it that our single keyboard player possibly can't handle. I've found a copy of the original synth parts as recorded by the original artist (god bless the internet!) I'm not wondering about whether it would be possible to lift this original track and have us play along to it ? Trouble is that I have no idea whatsoever about how this might work... I imagine I'd have to stick some clicks at the start, and it would have to be in the drummer's foldback, but what else is involved? To these things actually work in a real life scenario??
  24. I think this was the best discussion of the options available, and has some pics too [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=16069&hl=hiscox"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...9&hl=hiscox[/url]
  25. Damn you boys work fast with your links... i just spent 5 mins trying to find my OWN thread on the topic !!! Yep, I have a Pelican and I love it. Totally indestructable. Heavy but its got wheels and is lighter than mdf cases. Happy to answer any questions.
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