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Everything posted by coasterbass

  1. Am I going to be the only left handed person there ? So many pretty things to play but my hands are all back-to-front
  2. Magic !! Thanks for bringing it all together! I'm 99% sure I'll be there. In terms of gear I'm a lefty, so are there any other lefties coming along that would be interested in my guitars? Happy to bring anything/everything. Can't wait.
  3. All sounds smashing. For what its worth, Redhill would be my preference, and I'm gigging up north on 6th/7th Sept so the other dates would be better for me. Cheers!!
  4. [quote name='Stickman' post='218324' date='Jun 13 2008, 02:10 PM']Hi Jamie, I have a [url="http://www.crestaudio.com/products/browse.cfm/action/detail/cat/319/item/116225/number/CFA-CA9-AB/CA9.cfm"]Crest CA9[/url] I'm looking to sell. Until recently I had it paired with an SVP-Pro and it sounded great - only selling because I've gone the lightweight route.[/quote] Bump for stickman's amp - the SVP and Crown sounded great together. (I'm the happy owner of his SVP thesedays)
  5. I'm doing exactly the same thing at the moment for my SVP. What's taken my eye is the Crown XTi series, which is 2u, but is switching so ridiculously light and a steal on ebay at the moment. (BIN prices) Steve-soar had one with his SVP up until very recently. (Shameless plug: unless you fancy buying a Studiomaster 1200D off me? I've got a couple knocking around gathering dust and haven't got around to selling them yet)
  6. You're trying to run the SVT and SVP through the Hartke ? Confused...
  7. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='216827' date='Jun 11 2008, 01:19 PM']I can't help but love your description. [/quote] Thanks! Maybe I should write the promo brochures? I can't sing its praises enough, and I'm comparing it to my SVT-4 that I've been using for 10 years (not that the 4 was lacking in anything, just that the SVP seems to do it... bigger)
  8. If you trust the soundguy then go for the DI. Its refreshing to travel so simply, and you'll get kudos from your bandmates (especially the singer) for lowering the stage volume. Your ears will feel better in the morning.
  9. [quote name='NancyJohnson' post='216593' date='Jun 11 2008, 08:36 AM']I mean, everyone knows Ashdown stuff,[/quote] Personally, I've never heard an Ashdown amp even switch on. Seriously! But, back to the main thread, yeah bring it on. I'd be well up for it. FWIW I'm free 23/08 and 30/08 but not 06/09.
  10. Rather a fun weekend all in all. We went on a bit of a mini tour, and I had some new gear to play with. On Thursday we had a corporate bash at Stamford Bridge Stadium. All very nice, and we had a corporate box over the pitch as our greenroom. They'd hired the PA guys (never a good thing in my eyes), and they'd paid MASSIVELY over the odds for a pair of untrained monkeys. We DI everything, and have no stage volume, so foldback is critical and it was all over the place. They confessed to not being able to work out the desk. Secondly the council got called for noise abatement and were there with their microphones from 4pm til midnight. 20mins before the end of our set they pulled the plug and the russian gangstars doing security bundled us of stage before we knew what was happening. Sweet. As a gig though it was all fun and we had 1000 european local government guys and girls dancing round like an episode of Going for Gold (ala Henry Kelly). Marvellous. The Estonian delegation was particularly welcome... After all that we packed up and headed off to a wedding on the Isle of Wight. Smashing weather, a nice cruise with the guys, country lanes with 'Blood Sugar' pumping out. Loved it. Free accomodation, decent grub and the best crowd in ages meant it was a corker. It was a marquee wedding on a clifftop with fantastic views, and I'd hired a quality Turbosound rig (4x18" and 4x15"!!) and the PA guys were awesome. Such a change from thursday. The only problem came when, halfway through our soundcheck, one of the ushers arrived red faced and told us to turn it all off... because they could hear us playing Whitesnake in the ceremony 1 mile away !!! Fortunately it was all laughed off and it was the running joke of the day. Fortunately. Having finally sold my SVT4 I was using my Eden Navigator and SVP-Pro preamps for the first time (both bought on this forum). The Navigator was perfect for the corporate affair and had endless warmth and control. And the Ampeg.... just ripped shreds off of everything and everyone. So so so punchy and tight. I ran it with my active Jazz and the bite at the top would cut through metal. Simply awesome. I'm now looking to get an AB/Y sorted so I can switch between them according to the song etc. All in all a smashing weekend, and topped off by some clifftop lime-golf.
  11. Morning, I can provide a glowing endorsement of the SVP Preamp this morning, having done my first two gigs with it over the weekend. Running straight to FOH it was absolutely awesome. It covered the subtle sections admirably (even without a compressor) and then tore the face off everything in the rockier stuff. It has the real growl of the SVT's that I love, and bit through two guitars, keyboards, synths, and the drummer. Never been happier with my live sound (apart from when I get my AB/Y switching sorted out and get my Eden Pre in there too!!)
  12. I sometimes had issues cooling my SVT when it was racked (as the fans blow out the sides) Best bet for me was to get a 12" house fan and mount it so it blew across the amp. It kept the amp happy, and me cool too.
  13. Morning, My weekly trawl through fleabay brought something new to my attention. I was wondering whether anyone knew anything about the Crown XTi series of poweramps? They seem very well priced for a Crown, and actually moveable by hand which is a first. Are these worthy of the Crown moniker, or pale imitation to cash in? Thoughts appreciated Nick
  14. Very interesting. Thanks My quote wasn't from Watford Valves, it was 'somewhere' in south london. Perhaps I need to check around and have a proper chat before deciding on my revalve lineup... but Steve had really sold me with his Harma comments before. Cheers Nick
  15. how much should this cost then?
  16. good to get your thoughts dood. cheers.
  17. Noooooooo!!! Don't do it ! You'll be wanting it back in a month!
  18. If its any help I was quoted £15 a valve for Harma valves (thats £75 for an SVP) + fitting/overhaul costs Notes: 1) I have no idea whether the 'Harma' i was quoted for are the same as the Diamonds in Dood's amp 2) I have no idea whether this is good value or not.
  19. If I'm not mistaken thats a 410HLF rather than the standard classic so extended low end response. Does the job of a 410 and a 115 all in one. Awesome cabs!!
  20. [quote name='Merton' post='207847' date='May 28 2008, 10:07 AM']Same here. Hmmm, maybe there's something in the water...[/quote] Is there a drumchat forum where our 'other halves' chat about the same topics??
  21. [quote name='Josh' post='207620' date='May 27 2008, 09:56 PM']Since I found the sweet spot on both the Eden and my Thumb, the last few months have been tonal Nirvana.[/quote] +1000 for that. I hadn't played my Thumb V for a while (4 strings are fine for gigs I do). I restrung it last weekend and ran it through my Eden. I loved it. It really was the mutts.
  22. [quote name='ahpook' post='207159' date='May 27 2008, 12:07 PM']i think i'm going to treat my ampeg to a new set of valves. i've really no idea what to go for...the pre uses 4 12ax7s and a 12au7... i'd like to reduce the noise the preamp puts out a bit if possible. any ideas ?[/quote] Morning, I'm contemplating the same at the moment. I think Steve-soar is the man to speak to on this issue... When I was thinking about buying an SVP he wrote the following: "It's got a new set of tubes in it ,Harma Diamond's in positions, 1 2 3 and 5 and a Phillips Cryogenic in position 4. It's quet, for a pre with 5 valves, three dimensioal sounding and I can hear myself at much lower volumes through guitar and load drums." He's a v.friendly chap and I'm sure he won't mind a PM if you wanted to discuss with him. Let me know what you decide to do though as I'm still weighing up my options. Nick
  23. Have you considered active speakers (so you don't need the poweramps)??? I did a gig with the active Turbosound range recently and I was very impressed, both with the sound and the portability.
  24. Do you have a particular stack and combo in mind (your comments on castors makes me think you do). That might ake it easier to advise.
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