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Everything posted by JohnA

  1. Really don’t think I’ll need a second, but never say never
  2. Just to close this one out. Got myself a Barefaced one10 and it’s enough! Absolutely astounded by the volume and bottom end from something so small. Love it!
  3. +1 for @dodgnofski Bought a Barefaced One10 from Tim, great to deal with - Thanks
  4. Totally agree with this
  5. Funny reading this. As a guitarist who's used FRFR with a Helix live for the past 3 years I've recently got more in to bass (played bass in bands years ago) and love the simplicity, and 'realness' of a head/cab for bass. Agree that with the way PA's are moving forward in 20 years no-one will be using proper amps any more, but I'm enjoying using them while I can
  6. I see a few comments about ordering these as a kit, cant for the life of me find out where/how I do that. Anyone got a link?
  7. Definitely will have one of these. Anyone fancy the other?
  8. My Helix has some great bass models in there too, just want to keep it real with a head and cab for bass, gone all hi tech with guitar. I might end up using a modeller, but really like my Ampeg pf350 so would like to use it
  9. Drop me a pm with details if you would. Cheers
  10. The Ampeg brings simplicity which I really like about it, I do have a HK 12" active sitting in the garage, I'll give that a bash. Just sold a Yamha DXR10, that might have done the job, but really like the idea of a 'proper amp and cab' for bass
  11. Thanks for the 'welcome back to bass', and the detailed response For now I'm planning on using the little Ampeg as I already own it, possibly will mess with my Helix in to the FX return and use the Ampeg as a power amp. The Ampeg does 250W @ 8 Ohms, 350 in to 4 ohms. Gone totally in to the FRFR approach with guitar, Helix to PA with a dB technologies FM10 as a monitor, and it works great. Bass sounds good through the dB at home volumes, but suspect it would blow up if used in anger. Just spotted a TKS 112 in the classifieds and seriously considering that. The Eden TN110, looks great, is cheap but I suspect wont be enough on the oomph front
  12. Another quick one. What are people’s thoughts on Eden cabs, any good?
  13. I own our PA, currently play guitar in a band so we normally DI the bass player who uses a Fender Rumble (300 I think) with a 2x10 and it's more than loud enough, like the idea of a 110, but have my doubts
  14. Probably a bit out of my league to be honest. See circumstances above, not even playing bass with a band yet, been on guitar for the last 20 years Will keep my eyes peeled for something suitable
  15. On another note, what are the Ampeg portaflex cabs like? They look a bit too 'vintagy' to be good by modern standards, but I do like the look of them
  16. Sounds like id be pushing it
  17. 1. Not even in a band as a bassist at the moment, play guitar in a band, but looking to get back in to bass playing as I really enjoy it, probably Americana sort of stuff, I play in a rock covers band at the moment on guitar 2. Most likely, but then again.... 3. probably pubs
  18. Pretty much what I was thinking, probably been spoilt all these years as a guitarist, back when I played bass in a band I had a 1x15 and a 4x10, and really dont want to go back to that sort of set-up. The Ampeg has a Class D power stage, so it pushes out (in theory) 350W in to 4 Ohms, and probably 200ish in to 8, does that affect the advice of getting an 8 ohm cab?
  19. Been looking at the Eden Terra Nova TN110 1x10 4 Ohm Bass Cab, they are on offer at the moment at gearformusic, dont need loads of stage volume (would be used with an Ampeg PF-350). Just coming back to bass after 20 years of guitar, but the idea of a compact rig is very appealing
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