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Everything posted by philparker

  1. Thanks! That was a quick reply and a very good point as we do a lot of acousitc numbers, folk and MOTR mainly with acoustic guitars....
  2. I really am at loggerheads trying to decide - my head says EUB: my heart says DB. I’m a first timer about to make the crossover to the upright side and I’m very comfortable and excited about that decision, which has been simmering in the background for a long time…and now is the right time to execute it. I may well eventually go for both, but what should I start off with? I’ve enjoyed reading the recent threads from new converts with “[i]Blimey it’s big[/i]”; “[i]So I want to start playing Double Bass[/i]” and “[i]Finally on board[/i]” and I’ve gained some great tips from those threads. I fully intend to take some lessons to start me on the right tracks and I’m used to studying music with disciplined practice over many, many years. I only gig occasionally, when I visit family and friends in the North West every couple of months or so, but I’m never short of gigs with a couple of different line-ups at open-mic nights etc. and can often do two or three gigs in a weekend. Because of the travel and travel arrangements involved my head tells me to get a EUB. My shift work and occasional travel dissuades me from being a regular band member or playing more often in my home area. I would love a nice solid wood intermediate standard ¾ DB (who wouldn’t?) both to play and display when not in use. I could learn to play it progressively with scales, exercises, and correct technique without distraction from learning or transposing my part for a gigging song and become more established and competent before either taking it to a gig or deciding to by an additional EUB for convenience to take to a gig. There are many other possibilities, including getting a worn, but well set-up DB (I’m sorted for amplification), but I’m worried I might want to upgrade in 12 months time if I do that. What would you do and why?
  3. I enjoyed that clip, the song and the tone!!
  4. I really enjoyed the program and wish I'd recorded it for further viewing. Not just the music, although that was great and well covered, but the politics and cheap tricks in the US and also the delight of the band going to London and New York especially when they asked where they could get a permit so that they could walk in Central Park!
  5. Do you have any good suggestions from the lead guitarist? When I used to play lead I did a couple of Santana numbers to give the singer a break: Europa, for a slow dance style and Samba Pa Ti as a slightly more up beat piece, both quite simple if not funky enough?! When I was a teenager I used to play The Fall and Rise of Flingle Bunt, by The Shadows, which can be elaborated upon for some good Bluesey fun!
  6. That's one hell of a list - some very interesting names as well! I seem to recall Steve Vai once commenting on Frank Zaapa with the phrase 'from whence we all came' (or similar).
  7. I've played numerous Beatles songs over the years and they're great fun: two I've played recently that went down very well, which I don't think have been mentioned - 'Norwegian Wood' and 'If I Fell'. Don't rule out a medley neither - if you can keep it to about 5 or 6 minutes!
  8. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1334129440' post='1611141'] If you buy one, you won't regret it. Best bit of kit I ever bought. [/quote] That's reassuring to know, I think I'm already sold anyway, I've just been saving up for a few months and next month's pay packet will be the final saving installment, providing nothing drastic of a higher domestic priority supersedes. Just in time to treat myself to an early birthday present - I'm looking forward to it, I've not been short of gigs this year to try it out soon after!
  9. It's a good question I was hoping somebody was going to answer - and I may ask around some of the bigger retailers. I am hoping to buy one of the AER Amp One's, next month, which I think will probably be suitable for the majority of my needs, but just in case I require that extra volume (oomph!) and can't DI Out, it would be handy to know. It would also make me more confident and be timely to sell the TE 4 x 10 combo. I've not heard one bad comment about the AER Amp One - I've been using the Compact 60 for acoustic (classical) for many years now and despite the initial cost, it has proven to be great value for money because of the quality of sound and portability I have got from it. I am also hoping that you report it being heavy for it's size because it is quite small for 13 kgs compared to a 15" combo at 20 kgs?
  10. I've recently learnt this piece and downloaded the sheet music/tab (legitimately) from musicroom.com for 99p. It was reasonably accurate, but for some pieces I don't think you need note-for-note transcriptions as you're only replicating what the original bass player thought up at the time and I'm sure that he/she will also change and vary the lines as the mood takes them. Once you get the key and the general idea you can do the intricacies by ear or add you own variance to suit the line-up you're accompanying. I recently transcribed another piece by ear, fairly accurately, but I was accompanying only two acoustic guitars and the original line didn't suit this set-up, so I changed it to my liking for the better. It does annoy me, however, how some people can be so inaccurate as to even get the chord structure wrong and I have to transcribe that first to give me a better idea of my next direction.
  11. I know the question has already been answered, numerous times, but I thought I would chip in with my first post after lurking for some time... ...I started off playing with a lined fretless and found myself concentrating on positioning my fingers be line of sight, but since moving to a non-lined ebony fretless playing be ear and moving by muscle-memory and ear is definitely the way to go - and practising pieces to get the right sound. Of course the set up and intonation is much more important on a fretless so it is worth checking it out.
  12. Hi Everyone! A great site you have here and I am looking forward to gaining some valuable advice and tips and also contributing where I can. I suppose classical guitar is my main instrument and I have flirted between electric guitar and bass for over 30 years in numerous bands, but mainly bass in recent times. I have decided to take my bass playing up a level and to do some specific study and practice (with some lessons) to get me there and not just rely on my previous musical background and knowledge. I mainly use an Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray and a Warwick F.N.A Jazzman fretless, although I also have, but rarely play Fender P lined fretless and an Aria 5-string. For quiet practice I plug into my AER Compact 60 and for gigs I have a Trace Elliot GP11 4 x 10 combo. I will be looking to get a lightweight set-up in the future, which brought me to this site in the first place looking for reviews on Barefaced, TC Electronics, Eden, Mark Bass etc. I will spend some quality time researching (and saving up) before parting with my hard earned cash! I live on the Hants/Wilts border, but my roots are in North Manchester, where there is a great live music scene and I have recently contributed bass guitar playing on a couple of jam nights when visiting friends/parents - another reason for me wanting to change to a lightweight and compact set-up as well as rewarding me with some great fun in comparison to the hours of study and practise I do on classical guitar just for repertoire maintenance!
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