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Everything posted by redbandit599

  1. Haven't seen loads, Limehouse Lizzy are excellent though. I think that they do 'pay tribute' to the original band, rather than try and ape them. It's obvious that these guys are real fans of the band in question and talk to the crowd as fellow fans in between songs, not pretending to be the real thing. The others I've seen where the wigs and slightly shonky costumes come out, do put me on the back foot a bit. Saw a well regarded/known T Rex tribute recently, I think that the 'Marc' may actually believe that he is him re-incarnated. Kept dropping these rock and roll stories in the first person, freaked me out a bit. Good band though, other than the hits material a bit thin. As regards to the tribute/original/cover debate, they all have their place and I like to sample them all. Always seems a bit self limiting to just say I only like 'such and such', after all you may prefer 'fine dining', but a bag of chips on the way home the pub also sometimes hits the spot. (I'm not saying which is the chips btw )
  2. Great practice tonight, we all really like the rod things, my mate turned up with a variety of types and not only are they just that bit quieter we all really liked the quality of the sound. Just took a little of the initial crack out of the drums but left us with a nice fat drum tone. The overall levels just dropped a smidgeon and the mix was so much cleaner as a result. Good stuff.
  3. Cheers guys, to be fair to my mate his attitude is pretty spot on really, he's being proactive and has a few different types of rods for trial tonight including a set of the nylon ones. The ones he had initially fell apart more than broke really, the rods slipped out of the heat shrink handle. He hasn't broken a stick in years (thrown a good number at me though...) I think we are getting there, and probably without the e-kit route coming in to play.
  4. [sub]Delay Still Available and BUMP![/sub]
  5. Traded my Rat Tail for Paul's VMT. Really straight forward transaction and easy. Cheers mate!
  6. Thanks all for your input. We had a practice last night and my drummer tried out some of those birch dowel rod sticks. They worked really well for him (and us) in just taking the volume down a bit (well, they were cheap ones and started to fall apart but he's now on the hunt for better examples.) I think we'll try this for a bit for rehearsal (our singer is pregnant so we don't want to pummel her little passenger), great to have all the insight into e kits though, should he decide to go down this route we'll be well informed. Thanks again!
  7. I'm getting quicker on the draw. Watch out!
  8. Thanks guys, some interesting points here. It's not so much that my mate is massively heavy handed but his a big fella with long levers! But the durability and issue re hand damping are worth highlighting. Whilst I have your attention, and kind of related, have you or your drummers ever used those sticks made of nylon rods as another means of taking the volume down a touch? Any good?
  9. Thanks both. We only put vox through the PA and run on backline, so a stand alone cab seems to be the easiest option. Any drawbacks to an e-kit? I can't really think of any myself.
  10. Hi all Our drummer is considering switching to an electronic kit. I can see quite a few advantages, he's a big unit and beasts the kit so volume can be a challenge. He's looking at an Alesis DM10 or DM10x. Anyone gig with a drummer who uses an e-kit, any thoughts? How do you amplify it? PA or seperate cabs etc? We are a hard rock/classic metal sort of band. Cheers Jason
  11. Metallica are a great live band, hopefully they'll show some of the pretenders that usually grace Glastonbury what that really means. I'm sticking with Soni though...
  12. Any interest in a straight swap for a Fuzzrocious Rat Tail with 2nd Distortion? (Mint condition.) J
  13. [sub]I've got one of these[/sub] [sub][url="http://buzzelectronics.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=52"]http://buzzelectronics.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=52[/url][/sub] [sub]Built in exactly the same way as you descibe for no extra cost. Does the job you describe for me really well, the LED was faulty on mine at first but he replaced it very quickly and it's a solid little box.[/sub]
  14. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1398706946' post='2436805'] A late twenties girl and a bunch of middle aged blokes .................... 'Pretty Ugly' [/quote] Oh, you know us too well!
  15. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1398630772' post='2436050'] The Broadmoor Sirens. [/quote] This is good too, where were all these great names when I first started a band 20 odd years ago? We ended up being called Dumper after a drunken, laughter session in the pub, when one of the guitarists said he though the dumper trucks on his building site were funny... We were stuck with that for years
  16. Not suitable for us, but another bird name I always fancied for an Indy sort is The Pretty, Pretty Starlings. [quote name='tony_m' timestamp='1398682944' post='2436439'] We've gone for a bird-related name (The Golden Orioles) on account of the guitarist / singist being a keen bird-watcher, and the bird in question being a rather tuneful little b*gger - sadly this isn't really representative of our garagey-pop-rock thrashings, though we've only had a couple of rehearsals so far so hopefully may do the name justice yet. On the other hand, my spoonerising Other Half has already tagged us "The Olden Glory Holes", which to be fair is probably nearer the mark... [/quote] Orioles made with think of Leyton Orient so Latent Orioles or West Bromwich Orient, which could be West Bum-Itch (insert something else more appropriate beginning with B ) Orioles. I quite like Little Sister. "Mother Margaret!" That's very funny in that context. Couple I have that don't really fit are :- Uncle Woodbine - after a mates uncle who went out for a packet of fags and never came home Mike's Green Cortina - the coolest car any of my mates had in our youth. It even had extra windscreen washers on the front to squirt pedestrians.. EDIT: Just realised it's West Bromwich Albion - but hey, I know nothing about football!!!
  17. I'm somewhat dumbfounded....
  18. I was just thinking The Sparrow Hawks.. (have to split it to get the proper effect.) White Stillettos is good, but something of an urban myth. Besides, I always found Suffolk girls more accomodating ;-) Keep 'em coming.
  19. Hi all Not seen one of these threads for a while and they are usually fun so... After a couple of personnel changes it's finally looking good for getting my 'main' band going again after a very long period of stagnation. It'll be a hard rock/classic metal covers band (yes, I know, move on if it's not your thing ) three of us are mid 40's, new guitarist I'd say mid 30's and a new girl singer, later 20's early 30's ish. The new singer gives us a different spin as she has a very good soprano/alto voice, classically trained and really cuts through the mix. Makes some of our 'classic' stuff sound a bit fresher but we'll be adding in some more contemporary stuff and versions of 'oddball' material for fun. Pub rock, no time or ambition to write stuff, just get out of the house and shake a few windows and have a laugh. OK, any name ideas welcome, I've got a few already that I'm not posting in case someone knicks them!! Feel free to suggest any cool, suitable tunes too! Cheers J
  20. I stand corrected re cab size! 3 BC212s! Your neighbours, and their neighbours, neighbours, neighbours will hate you. Do it!
  21. I had a BH500 for a while, with a TC BC210 and BC212, it was very loud! If you are talking about pairing it with the TC cabs from the same range. Of those two the 212 was probably the better cab for a one cab set up, [u]but[/u] I did get to try a BC410 with the a TC BH500 and that was probably the best of the lot. Quite light for big cabs too. It was pure vanity that pushed me to get a two cab 'stack' with the 212 and 210. In hindsight the 410 would have been a better option, think it's the same size as the 212 so no difference in terms of ease of transport etc.
  22. Love my BSW. The octaver does all I need and I find it pretty easy to flip it onto the other channels for synthy bits as I don't need octave and synth in the same tracks. I've got some great (and much more pricey pedals) but the BSW is a real, fun and handy box of tricks that is going nowhere. My whole band love it!
  23. Hi all A couple of colleagues that I play with ocassionally via work are on the look out for another band (not necessarily the same one!) to do a bit more with. Mike (Northampton area) is an experienced drummer, reliable and a good guy. In his 40's, think he could turn his hand to pretty much anything, though he does like stuff with a bit of go to it. Can't see him playing blues. Stacey (Bedford Area) is very good and experienced singer, got a great rocky/bluesy/soulful set of pipes on her and some real power. Loves the pop stuff too and belts out the pop punk things we do with our work band. She's done 'show tune' type stuff before. TBH if she lived nearer me then I'd have recruited her for my rock covers band months ago... It's rude to ask a lady their age, but I think she's late 20's. I think both of them would most be up for covers, Stacey in particular is busy and so I doubt would have the time/inclination to get into writing etc. They'll be looking for fun, rather than a second income stream and loads of gigs commitments etc. If you want to know more, then PM and I'll hook you up. Obviously, tell me a bit about what you want and can offer too! Cheers Jason
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