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Everything posted by redbandit599

  1. Little Willy - The Sweet (sorry, couldn't resist...) 😉
  2. That's great - thanks very much!
  3. Sorry for the diversion - I'd like to do this to my Mezzo but have never ventured into electronics before. Have you got any steer on how you did this? I'm thinking VVTT might be handy. Cheers!
  4. First and only time (so far in 30 years) just this Saturday as we were doing a quick change at a festival - horrible minutes thinking it was the wireless, then the amp (I'd put a new battery in the day before so thought that couldn't be it) but popped the cover and found the soldered joint had come away on the battery clip. Spare bass - TICK - back in business - phew. The sound guys reckon it happens all the time and 9/10 people don't even have a spare battery, let alone a bass.
  5. Yes, I did wonder about the wireless DMX dongles, so I set up with cables instead one night and still got drop outs. Mine may well be an isolated case as the Shure has a great rep.
  6. I had the Shure GLXD - it was a lovely well made unit. It was fine on the occasional 'big stage' that I used it on, but would cut out in busy pubs. I did wonder if it was our own wifi and other wirelesses that caused it, or even my wireless dmx controls for the lights. But I could go to a good 20 metres away during sound check in some pubs with no issue (with all the above on) and it was great, as soon as the pub filled I'd frequently get issues. Had the same with the Smoothound, which was also a great little unit (and Chris is a top bloke.) I did find that the aerials on the receiver station got in the way on a pedal board though if you 'get about a bit.' I do still use the little strap mounted holder that I got to go with my Smoothound for the dongle, I just prefer it tucked up out of the way than sticking out of the bass. Personally, I wouldn't touch 2.4 again. I better not have put the kiss of death on it now! 😁
  7. I've had both the Shure and Smoothhound, great when setting up and sound checking.... but numerous drop outs on both as soon as the pub filled with people ( and phones.) My guitarist sometimes gets this on his Boss unit too. I sold both and went cheap and 5.8ghz with a Harley Benton version that has a built in tuner on the receiver station. Not a single drop out since.
  8. It's an AER wedge, similar to the Markbass one but cheaper. Got it from Thomann when I ordered the table/stand. https://www.thomann.de/gb/aer_tiltsystemschraegsteller.htm It folds up flat and stows away easily - I think it might be a bit smaller than the Mark Bass version, but it works fine. My Bergs are the 'old school' ceramic 12s so not lightweight, it works fine. This is the stand - a lot cheaper than other fancier makes but very solid https://www.thomann.de/gb/millenium_mixer_stand.htm
  9. This on link below is how I do it. I also use a tip I got from here and use an IKEA laptop stand hooked over the cab for when I use my lighter and smaller GK head.
  10. Hi Tony, that was me 😉
  11. @Ashdown Engineering This looks to be available now direct from Ashdown and is an interesting package. Billed as a 250w 210. I can't however find any clear stats on the head or cab. i.e. Is the cab 4ohm? Do you get the full 250w into the one 210 cab? What are the specs of the cab? Ported/sealed/power rating etc? There is a demo video online but nothing much in terms of detail. Will it be available through dealers so we might be able to give one a go?
  12. My wife has this CD - it's pretty festive - but that version of Fairytale sets my teeth on edge - horribly twee.
  13. Hofner Bootle Bass - a subtle variation on the original Mersey sound..
  14. Fender Permission Bass - carefully crafted to look exactly like all our other basses so you don't have to worry about sneaking another one in..... PS - But really, if you have to do this, have a word with yourself 😁
  15. Some fine recommendations above - on your initial thoughts - I have a 32" 5 string Rockbass Corvette that is a punchy, fat, little beast, slim neck and easy to play. I also got a second hand German 5 Corvette Standard from Bass Bros and that's a really solid choice - neck is chunkier but very comfortable, has the growl, active/passive and a good B. There is another one on there again now (I'm not affiliated) - I have a (mk1) Sandberg and have had a Yamaha BB1025X too - both the above Warwicks have a more consistent B string than those (ime ymmv imho etc!)
  16. I shouldn't have sold my Hohner B either, light, great neck and easy to play. I had two other basses and three felt excessive back then - went to a young lad learning, I hope he enjoyed it. Would have been awesome for my daughter in a few years.
  17. HOAXX- pop and rock covers, the two Xs is just to make us easier to find on Facebook etc. There was one other band named the same, a dance outfit that hadn't done anything for years, so... All happy with it still, doesn't pigeonhole us. I was in a band called Dumper for years, never choose a name whilst several pints in down the pub 😁
  18. Here's my 3 Corvettes. The bubinga 4 string is a German passive model that I've had since new ( sometime in the 90s) gigged a lot but still looking and sounding great. Doesn't get to come out to play these days as I need 5s. The black one is a 32" Rockbass, it's a powerful and fat bass, not as growly as the others but very punchy. I use this at gigs where space is tight. Last one is a German Standard active / passive that I got from Bass Bros. Nut was knackered so stuck a brass one on. It's obviously had a life before coming to me. Now my number one gigging bass. It's neck has been fondled lovingly by several old musos in one of our regular venues, provokes lots of "Now, that's a bass." Type comments! 🤣
  19. Very long way from the Highlands, but the drummers around my way all love this shop (they do online too of course.) https://www.soundattak.co.uk/
  20. It was my original post and the issue persists. One strange thing, if you zoom in on the stripy bits ( thumb and finger on the screen method) then the text becomes clear. Only happens on Basschat.
  21. I seem to have found myself, through no great scheme, with three Corvettes. I agree that the top horn is a bit damn strange, my band called my Dingwall 'The Purple Dildo' so you can imagine the mirth when the Corvette arrived! 😁 To be fair though, great basses and my (secondhand) German 5 string has subsequently been dubbed 'Really cool' by the drummer...high praise indeed. They don't look so 'Anne Summers' once they are 'strapped on'....ooer....😘
  22. There are quite a few similar options to The Elf - Warwick and TC have alternatives. The Elf is surprisingly loud, I took it along to rehearsal once ( we are daft and rehearse loud..) stuck it on a 410 and it coped no problem. Sounded really fat too. It seemed like it might be the easier fix in a 'live' situation too - if main amp goes pop during the gig, then sticking a DI in will still mean you'll probably need to tweak the monitors and FOH sound - I thought just swapping in the small amp would be an easier fix. Plus you can use them without a cab as a DI too. That said, I've never had to use it in anger...and now I've worked it out I probably won't! 😄
  23. I used to carry a VT Bass DI as backup, but then thought why not just have a small amp instead? - So got a TE Elf. It's DI sounds good (as it also does through the rig too, and plenty loud) and so it covers both options.
  24. I've set off a few fire alarms with our smoke machine, do hazers have the same issue?
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