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Everything posted by redbandit599

  1. Ooh - anyone else have an Ampeg SVT 140TC? I've only ever seen one other one and that was years ago. It's 4x10 stereo combo. I've still got mine, great combo, weighs 8 stone. Sits in my house and glares at me for not breaking my back to take it to out play... I bought it in '92, but hey, what's a couple of years?
  2. Thanks for the bump. It is a great cab and as you say is much more than just a bottom end thumper. I'd like to keep it but the Neoline stable now stands at a 210, 212 and 115. So something has to go!
  3. [attachment=143138:DSC02491.jpg] [attachment=143139:DSC02489.jpg] [attachment=143140:DSC02490.jpg] Hi all I'm selling my EBS Neoline 115, it's rated at 300w and 4 ohms and is in very good condition. It's a quality cab and is very light despite it's purposeful looks, easy one handed lift. I'd prefer either collection or meet as I'm not quite sure how I'd box the beast, but if I can work something out I'll courier it at cost to the buyer. I'm based near Colchester in north Essex but travel frequently to Northampton and quite often to Canary Wharf, so if you happen to live en route we could meet and do the exchange. I'll try and get some photos loaded up soon (hopefully this has worked and they are on now!), but it's big, black and well, looks like a 1x15 EBS Neoline should.... Would prefer a cash sale but you never know, I might be tempted for trades. I keep looking at Precision's and (I think probably like everyone else) would quite fancy a go with a B3K. Other than that, who knows! Cheers Jason
  4. Got the 212, very tasty. Bit less bottom than the 115 but that's easily dialled back in. Also like that I now have effectively 3 rigs of differing sizes. Thanks for all the advice all. Anyone want an 115 Neoline?
  5. A bit off topic but Sam Dunn's film 'Metal - A Headbangers Journey' is pretty good and worth a look for either metal fans or anyone with an interest in music (pop or otherwise ) [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metal:_A_Headbanger"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metal:_A_Headbanger's_Journey[/url]
  6. Metal has always changed and absorbed other styles of music (as well as creating a few), quite often these go down some cul-de-sacs that in themselves can soon become clogged with 'also rans.' There are always those fans that follow a certain style or scene and then drop away. To be honest most dyed in the wool metal fans can spot a 'bandwagon riding scenester band 'a mile off, and they are probably quite obvious these days as they tend to have largely crap songs, lots of neck tattoos and shouty vocals ( I quite like the odd shout for effect, but all the time just makes me think that actually they've got nothing to say.) So pop as in popular yes, but not 'pop' in delivery, subject matter or sound. Pop exists primarily to shift units, and I'd argue that metal bands exist primarily because the musicians and fans love it. Biggest difference is in the festival arena, where frankly pop/rap/urban is just a bit lame in comparison (imho of course!)
  7. Thanks all for the input, I've currently got fingers crossed that a 'cab sale chain' will complete and I'll soon have a neo212 to try out myself! Cheers J
  8. Thanks for a great and speedy reply Shiznit! That confirms what I was thinking. I don't tend to add much bass to my tone, I'm a low mids guy myself! Don't really need to be louder, but it's nice to have the volume on tap if needed. You're right the 115 does blend nicely with the 210, but I've wondered about the 210 ever since a comment from the guys at EBS (I'd mailed them a question about something else) describing the 12 and 10 combination as the 'Classic EBS' sound. It's just not that easy to try these things out. Hi XGlsx Re picking one cab and getting one of the same, they both sound good individually. I like the warmth of the 115 and the punch of the 210, so the 212 made me think it might have both. I know that there is plenty of science about not mixing speakers, but to be honest I doubt I'll ever get good enough for it to make much difference. (I don't record either) I like being able to use the 210 in the small studios we sometimes end up in, but wouldn't want two of these. Thanks again both.
  9. Hi all I'm lucky enough to have a nice EBS HD350 and Neoline 210 and 115. I like it very much. But I'm also curious about what it would be like with a 212 instead on the 115. There seems to be a lot of love for the 212 here as a stand alone cab and this is an aspect that appeals (allowing me to split down the rig.) The 115 is rated at 300w whereas the 212s are 600w. Anyone tried both combinations, any input? I play mostly rock, a bit of metal. Cheers Jason
  10. Never liked it, I like to see the form and shape of the guitar. Sunburst just seems to muddy that up to my eye. I do like some of the other colour bursts that you can get, but they seem to have a less pronounced change of colour more just a gradual darkening. But the whole nicotine yellow to red to black doesn't do it for me.
  11. Hofner Violin Basses Short scale basses of any brand/design, can't help but think they are letting the side down somehow. Padded straps MTFU FFS!
  12. Can't comment on the others but I love my Sandberg California. The bridge humbucker can be split so there's endless tonal variation to play with. It's also quite handy that when you switch to passive the tone changes but the output stays the same. Quite a bit less than £2k too.
  13. +1 for the bike chain, although this might not work attaching to a metal pedal board. My board is just an off cut of ply, with another bit screwed underneath to make it into a little ramp, after a suitably lairy 3 year olds paint job and a coat or two of varnish it's pretty good. If you want to change positions it's just a case of screwing the pedals in where you want them. Not as quick as velcro but very solid. I only use two chain links per pedal and it's fine.
  14. Don't suppose any of them mentioned a desire to play in a dodgy covers band in Essex did they? No, thought not.... Nice one!
  15. Signed copies of "Whispering Grass" and "Sing Lofty' by Don Estelle and Windsor Davies. I'll get my coat....
  16. I had a used one with 210 and 212 too, plenty loud and the 212 had a lot of bottom to it. The cabs are actually pretty light too. I did try it through a BC410 as well and that was very nice. In the end I didn't hang on to it for long as I didn't really 'fall for it' (it was my first new amp in 20 years, my old Ampeg combo is a tough act to follow) and I made the 'mistake' of trying some EBS gear, which I really liked and then sourced second hand (for about twice the cost of the TC unfortunately.) Overall, it was a good solid rig that pumped out plenty of volume and was a lot of stack for the money (and if you're a luddite like me) it also looks like a bass amp, rather than a clock radio .
  17. Bought Pete's Pickle Pie, great item, comms and speedy despatch. Can't ask for any more!
  18. Sibob's approach would definitely trump the BSW, although cost more of course. It depends if you just want a cheap dabble for starters with a second hand pedal that you can move on if it doesn't do what you need, or are sure that you want to invest a broader set of quality pedals. Playing about with them is fun and dangerously addictive (watch out!)
  19. I think that the thing with the Digitech BSW is that there are a lot of pretty useless sounds in there, but also a few good settings that are a lot of fun when you find them (even my drummer likes it!). I agree that a fuzz is more generally useful though, but if the OP considered going down the seperate fuzz and octave route then the BSW has the added benefit of then being able to do Fuzz into Wah (which sounds great) as well as covering the octave duties.
  20. Digitech bass synth wah is a great little pedal. Fuzzy synthy sounds, funky wah and an octaver all in one. Great fun. Think I even saw some gear review of the Muse bloke once and he had one on his board. Usually about £40used.
  21. Hi all I've stuck this up on the Bassists wanted forum too, but thought it wise to come straight to the DB forum as well! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/210726-rockabilly-double-bass-player-needed-essexherts/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/210726-rockabilly-double-bass-player-needed-essexherts/[/url] Hope someone wants to connect to my mate Lee! Jason
  22. Hi all I'm putting this ad up for a drumming mate of mine who is looking for a double bass player in the Essex/Herts area. I've known Lee for years, and used to gig with him for a good few and he's a real solid player and a top bloke too. He's trying to get a three piece combo together with a guitarist and vocalist already in place. Sounds like they are pretty ready to go. They do lots of Stray Cats and Eddie Cochrane type stuff and are looking to do some of the rockabilly/hot rod /tattoo convention type gigs (Lee is well known in this circle so has loads of contacts.) Lee can be contacted on 07828 686926 (he lives out on the North Essex coast) I don't know where the guitarist lives or where they practice. Probably best to go direct but let me know if you get the gig anyone! Cheers Jason P.S. they've politely declined my offer of adding 5 string metal bass, so I think it is a DB player that they really want...
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