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Everything posted by redbandit599

  1. VT1 Sold Pending Payment - cheers!
  2. PM replied, Akai still available. Cheers Paul.
  3. Hi all Having a bit of a clear out and have discovered I've got quite a few bits and pieces knocking around that I won't be using, so might as well sell them on so they get a bit of action. [u]None of these have velcro on the bottom, all prices are posted to a UK address. Payment by Paypal gift or bank transfer.[/u] First up the cheap ones [b](NOW OPEN TO OFFERS FOR THESE CHEAPIES)[/b] :- [b]Behringer Bass Overdrive BOD100 £20 (or make me an offer!)[/b] Quite a gnarly little thing in very good condition, I think these are supposed to be a clone of the Boss ODB, but I've never owned one of those so couldn't tell you if they sound the same! Importantly it's got a balance control so you can blend in the overdriven signal with your clean tone. Made of a very robust plastic. For £20, you can't go wrong really. [attachment=125742:DSC01410.jpg] [b]SOLD (Cheers Sam!) [s]Behringer V-tone GDI21 £20 (or make me an offer!)[/s][/b] [s]This is the guitar version of the BDI that is popular with many on here, I bought it to try out a particular idea which I've now decided against. It's a DI and Amp Simulator, or can just be used as a distortion pedal too. This is absolutely mint having only been used a couple of times, still has original packaging, documents and battery![/s] [attachment=125743:DSC01412.jpg] [b]Ibanez Sound Tank - Classic Metal £17 (or make me an offer!)[/b] This is pretty old, and pretty nasty sounding. It's another guitar pedal that I've never used with bass properly, though I've tried it a couple of times and you certainly notice it... Had it kicking around for ages, a few paint chips but nothing too bad. You'll know if you want it or not. [attachment=125744:DSC01432.jpg] Cheers all Jason
  4. SOLD.
  5. Hi all Not sure if the contravenes any rules, don't think so as this [u]isn't[/u] a For Sale add. I've got an A1 condition Akai Unibass (boxed, PSU etc), I bought it a little while back via Basschat and paid what I thought was a fair price and what the seller asked for. Since then I've decided to sell it and having a look about have found them listed for more than three times what I paid on Ebay and Talkbass (those Amercans seems to like them very much!) Now, I'm not overly mercenary but I wondered what you all thought one of these is 'really' worth before I list it. I wouldn't mind making a few quid on it, and I can justify it by almost certainly guaranteeing that the proceeds will get 're-invested' in other goodies via the forums. Might even chuck the original seller a beer or two if it does well. I'd be no good running a shop J
  6. Here's a curve ball for you, I've just got an Auralex Gramma (plenty of threads about these already) to go under my rig, this has really worked on the wooden floor of the village hall where we practice. My sound instantly is tighter and more focused without changing it at all. I'm very impressed, as are the rest of the band. If you want a Trace Elliot SMX dual compressor, then let me know and I'll finally get around to deciding how much I want for it. (Mint condition, had it since new, has proper 18v PSU - very light usage.)
  7. Hi Ozmike, yep the Fishman looks like the thing, but this is what I've been trying with my Unibass. Prime_BASS, now that's an idea! I like the sound of that. I do like Octave, but for that Hammondy sound that you can get from them, but what you describe is more what I'm after. I suppose that's just something like a Boss LS - 2 to split and blend the signal and then with the 'guitar bit' through a seperate (or not I suppose)overdrive before reconnecting. Hmm. Cheers all J
  8. Agreed Si! I like a good gap. It's just for the odd bit here and there, another reason why I'm keen to keep it pretty simple. Thanks again, Basschat is great!
  9. Cheers Lefrash, that looks like a possibility. Rob, I've got an Akai Unibass (which is basically the same as the Fishman) it does work and every now and then I think I've nailed it. This is what I've been trying through the PA at practice combined with a Behringer GDI21 guitar amp sim. I just had a bit of a change of heart and thought that maybe there's another way to add something to the bass tone, rather than try and emulate a guitar too closely. Plus, I run a looper into into the PA for sound samples, so with that and the Akai I've got cables everywhere! So would be good to do it all through the backline. Cheers though, we obviously thought the same and that's why initially tracked down a Unibass. Should just be practicing rather than making wierd noises I suppose!
  10. Cheers guys, off to do research! Some good suggestions in here. Sibob, is that the Bass BB Pre or the Guitar version? Lefrash, is that the Joyo JF12? Green thing with a goat on the front! Paul, good tip, already started tying up my fingers and knackered brain with that! Ray, I've always fancied an eight string. But I'm very much a fingerstyle guy, do you need to use a pick to get that 8 string sound? Thanks again.
  11. Thanks xgsjx That's similar to what I've been trying with the Unibass, but into the PA. Not sure I can be arsed to lug another combo around just for these odd bits. Trying to get it sounding reasonable through my rig (which I accept might be a tall order...) Think the guitarist has a Hog or Pog somewhere, so might give that a bash as an alternative. Cheers
  12. Hi all Been playing about with various ways of adding a 'bit of distorted guitar' along with my bass part on occasions in a 3 piece that I'm practcing with. It's not the usual 'under the solo' gaps, I don't really miss the rythmn guitar there. But on occassions, and for certain songs, we want to drop the 'real guitar, out completely at the odd point (mostly when the guitarist is singing a particularly demanding part), fill a bit with 'something' and then bring the guitar back in. Doubt that makes sense... Anyhow, has anyone tried running a distortion/overdrive after an octaver and playing the line an octave higher than normal? I've been trying this tonight and it might be ok. Any experience live? My trusty Digitech BSW is covering octave duties, but I've just dug out a Behringer BOD400 Bass Overdrive to cover the gnarly aspect. It sounds like I might be onto something but the Behringer isn't great sounding, though it does have a Blend knob which would seem vital. Anyone else tried this with success? Any suggestions on alternative OD pedal that also has Blend that might be an improvement? (Don't think I'll be running to a B3k though....) If this works out I'll probably sell my Akai Unibass, it's in absolutely perfect condition, boxed, psu etc. They seem to go for quite a bit now, any ideas what a fair price would be for one of these? Cheers all J
  13. +1 for the Digitech BSW with sens and range rolled right off (to the left) and control at 12 o'clock. I use a few of the other settings too, but find that I just need to change the type setting to get what I need from these with the sens and range still flat.So the clean octave sound is always there when needed.
  14. Hi Bert Makes sense, and that's what I'd do. But (knowing my brother in law well) he's the kind of guy who'd like some technical insight before getting up the courage to go to a singing teacher. He's an engineer and these guys need information. With a bit of basic information, even just terminology etc he will feel more confident and able to understand what the teacher discusses and also to articulate what he needs. That's where I think maybe a forum, video etc could help initially. Cheers Jason
  15. There's the Akai Unibass if you can find one, which adds an octave up to your original signal, plus a fifth above if required. Has distortion and noise gate built in, I'm still experimenting with mine and running the octave signal into the pa rather than through the bass amp, sounds better. Or, there was a link on here with details of a discount code for Mooer pedals from a dealer in the states recently. They have a pedal that might do the octave up thing for you, though you may need to split the signal if you want to retain your original note too. Think these were about £30-£40 with the discount.
  16. Hi all We're trying to break in a new singer (he's my brother in law so no nasty sackings, punch ups etc...), he's a real fan of the type of music we play, mostly classic metal and hard rock and can hit the right notes most of the time. But, he is an absolute beginner and so learning as he goes with somewhat sporadic practices (families, work and shifts get in the way for us old rockers these days...) Do any of you know of any good online resources/guides/lessons that would help a new singer learn his craft? I'm thinking maybe tutorial videos, but also it might be good if he could plug in his mike to his pc, sing along to tracks and listen back. This secod idea sounds simple enough, but not something I've done before and I've no experience of recording via a PC. Any tips or advice welcome! Cheers all Jason
  17. Hi Bluesparky Bit late picking this up, all I can say is thanks for a great weekend! It really was an awesome show. Cheers J
  18. Hi mate Sorry, I'd forgotten about this post. I think I've come to the end of an effects buying splurge for a while so I've decided to hang onto the SMX unless I get a really tempting trade offer. Tend only to sell gear to buy other stuff, and right now the GAS has subsided! Thanks for your interest though. J
  19. Sonisphere 2010 had the same headliners. I'd played and heard a couple of Rammstein tracks but didn't know much about them. I would say that a large proportion of the crowd were the same. During the gig, got talking to a real old campaigner Maiden fan (think he clocked a rare Maiden (Nodding Donkeys) t-shirt from an undercover pub gig they played in Norwich that I'd been too and was wearing) and his comment was 'I've followed Maiden for well over 20 years and I've never seen anything like this, I don't know how they'll (maiden) follow it tomorrow." The crowd were absolutely gripped by the show, you couldn't take your eyes away. This was to such an extent that a large proportion of the crowd were still hanging around watching the crew start to strip down the set because we still thought something else was going to happen. Suffice to say my mate (guitarist) and I spent the next few weeks gibbering on about just what an amazing show Rammstein put on. Since then I've seen them at the O2, which was also fantastic. Though if pyro is your thing, go for an outside gig, bigger, hotter, higher and louder. At Download I suspect they may cause problems for the aircraft coming into the nearby airport... Did Maiden follow it? Well I think the two bands approach things very differently. Rammstein put on a fantastic show (best I've seen) and have some very good songs, Maiden were on great form and played a fantastic GIG and that's a different thing (plus, they've got a few absolute landmark songs up their sleeve.) Enjoyed both immensely and so glad we ditched the awful and over rated Motley Crue early to see Rammstein up close! Haven't been to Donnington since the Monsters of Rock days, going back this year...
  20. I've just got an Akai Unibass UB1 for this purpose, they are discontinued but there are a few about. I got mine on here by contacting a member who had one for sale on an old post that looked like it had never been closed out, and sure enough it worked and I got one for sensible money rather than the Ebay rate! Still experimenting with it at present, and the jury is out. It can add an octave above plus a fifth or a fourth, and has it's own distortion and noise gate. The distortion is a bit 'cheesy' and I found running it into the bass rig clouds the bass a bit too much (but I might be able to tweak this once I use it more in a band setting). Clean it's a bit nasty, doubt that it will ever get any use clean. Tracks pretty well as long as you have a good strong input signal, other wise it invents new notes. Probably best when used with pretty straight ahead lines though. It's monophonic so chords are out, way out.... What I'm going to try is running the octave signal out into the PA and using a (cheap but quite well reviewed) Behringer GDI 21 guitar amp modeller along with the built in delay/reverb of our pa. Had one quick go like this and it sounds more likely to produce usable results. My tone conscious guitarist (who was out front) declared it "a bit boxy, but that can be good in the right place." So, it must have some potential. One things for sure it'll be able to syncopate and keep time better than our second guitarist can...
  21. Blimey! First time anyone has ever explained what goes on in my head, patterns are all I can remember. Now i don't feel guilty! Cheers!
  22. I'd love to see someone turn up at a festival and try and support Slayer with one of these. It'd make the 'chicken wire' scene from the Blues Brothers look like a snowball fight.... That said, quite a nice toy I'm sure.
  23. Thanks for the welcome all. Bert, you're not a journalist by any chance? Some 'creative' editing there! But, your theory comments make a lot of sense and ring true. Thanks! I'm thinking I might start a thread in Effects along the lines of 'Which stomp boxes are the most fun with toddlers?' Wonder if there's anything that causes a 'remote control dancing response' bit like getting cats to chase a laser pointer maybe...
  24. Hi all I've been a member for a while but have never got round to posting an intro. Bought a few effects though... I've been playing bass for about 20 years, and used to gig a lot in the local pub circuit. I'm still in a 'band' with good friends, but with young families and weird shifts getting in the way, the occasional practice is about as good as it gets these days. I'm a competent but pretty basic player. I'd like to advance but am beginning to think that I'm a bit 'theory dyslexic', I'm not thick, but no matter what I read it doesn't seem to sink in to any degree. At least not in any way that is actually useful anyway. I've recently entered the world of effects and am enjoying making weird noises (as is my 3 year old daughter, who particularly enjoys a bit of Bass Synth Wah and Big Muff...) Cheers all! Jason
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