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Everything posted by redbandit599

  1. I think our smoke machine used to empty the dance floor, though it was often hard to tell...
  2. We used to play a pub with one of these, but rather handily there was a plug socket behind a fridge on the bar that wasn't connected into the circuit. My advice is go hunting for those magic sockets and see if you can keep the damn thing red all night. Bit dodgy running a 5 piece rock band, pa, lights, monitors, smoke machine off one socket mind
  3. Another +1 for the DHA VT1, can go from 'just there'(which is what I guess you want) to a nice organic break up or even a decent fuzz. I like the paint jobs, goes with my home made pedal board which my daughter kindly decorated for me (she's 3 next week, so you'll get the idea....) Just sold my Sansamp mostly because it was took over too much for me.
  4. I think that's fair comment around re-sale value, a lot of this is driven by name and that's understandable. I don't change gear often so this is never a consideration for me. I've got the 'Stingray Style' pick up on my Sanberg California, sounds great and it's what I want, but I'd agree it doesn't sound like a Stingray. If it's the Stingray sound you want and build quality is up to scratch then I think your choice is pretty easy. I must admit part of the Sandberg attraction for me is that it's not so well known, and I still get a kick out of spotting those four little silver circles on numerous professional musicians basses that 99% of the crowd will think are the ubiquitous Fenders. Just wish I could play the damn thing as well they can....
  5. Hi mate I can't comment on the specific Sandberg model, I have a California JM5, or the Stingray (which do always sound great), only thing I'll offer is that I've had several Fender players look a bit sick when they see the difference in build quality between the Sandberg and their USA Fenders. Of course, the Stingray may have similar quality build, but something to consider I suppose.
  6. Hi mate My guitarist would like the MXR 18v Chorus if you haven't sold it yet. Let me know and I'll handle payment etc. Cheers Jason 07733261736
  7. Hi both Thanks for the interest, both good offers, but not what I'm after. This thread didn't get much response so I've now listed the Sansamp on the dreaded Ebay. Cheers!
  8. Sansamp sold on eBay - for a very welcome, but somewhat unbelievable £157 + £6 P+P. No box, paint worn....
  9. If you do try the 'play the same mistake again' approach, don't forget to scowl at the guitarist at the same time like it's their fault. Works a treat...
  10. A 'there's no football on telly so let's give it another go' Bump!
  11. Hi all I'm considering trading on or selling my [s]Sansamp Programmable Bass Driver[/s] [b]Sold [/b]and a Trace Elliott SMX Dual Compressor (complete with the appropriate 18v PSU.) I've had the Compressor since it was new and it is in really good condition, just one of the little rubber feet missing on the bottom. I've got the box and even found the receipt for the PSU, £30 in 1994 from the Bass Centre! I've just never used it much, my EBS HD350 has all the compression I think I'll need. [s]The Sansamp is a bit chipped around the edges but everything functions fine, it's a great pedal, but probably more than I need.[/s] No velcro on either of them. I've already got chorus, eq, overdrive that I'm happy with and can cover octave, envelope filter with my Digitech BSW. So I'm not really looking for any of these, unless you can tempt me of course! I'd consider a [s]decent fuzz, [/s] GOT THIS NOW or pretty much anything else that sounds interesting! Maybe trades plus cash? As I say, in two minds on this. I have limited online access so apologies if replies take a while. Cheers! Update 19/7 - I've been looking at Fishman Fission, Akai Unibass, and EHX Freeze recently and would be interested in these as possible trade options +/- cash etc. Pretty open to other stuff too.
  12. [sup]PM'd I'll give it a bash![/sup] [sup]J[/sup]
  13. Thanks both for the tips, the order isn't set by any means as yet and I will certainly try out your recommendations. At the moment I'm still going through the 'what happens if I turn them all on at once stage!?', once I've had enough of making Dr Who sound effects I'll probably settle down and work out some actually usable tones. Agree about the Sansamp, low gain sounds best to me, so might just end up using it for a little grit, and the other channels for a volume boost and something with extra top end. Who knows, still it'll keep me fiddling for a while. Time for another coat of paint and a few holes to be drilled into my scrap wood pedal board. Fun these effetcs, going to terrify my guitarists though....
  14. Brilliant thanks! This has sorted it, I thought I'd tried every permutation but obviously not this. The labelling threw me, Output 1 is labelled 'dry' and Output 2 'effect', to my mind that made me think that (as I'm not getting into any fancy loops or two amp set-ups)I'd need the 'effect' channel. Obviously, I don't know what I'm talking about! Thanks for putting me straight, though I still can't work out how it managed to nullify effects before it in the chain. Weird. Just out of interest I'm currently planning an order of synth wah - chorus - flange - sansamp - compressor. I read that the Synth Wah works best with as clean as signal as possible (and I'll mostly be using it's octave feature.) The jury is out on if I need/want the compressor and Sansamp currently. I think I might end up trading the Sansamp for a decent straight overdrive pedal. Thanks once again for your quick help, I owe you a beer! Jason
  15. Hi all For the first time I'm attempting to join up all the various stomp boxes I've accumulated. These are Boss BF2 Flanger, Trace Elliott SMX Dual Compressor, Sansamp Programmable, Digitech Multi Voice Chorus and the most recent e-bay purchase, a Digitech Bass Synth Wah. It's the synth wah that is causing me to question my sanity. It's a great funky pedal and it works fine in isolation but as soon as I connect it to the other effects pedals it seems somehow to stop them working. All the pedals work in isolation and they also work when the Synth Wah is turned on. But with the Synth Wah off (and this is where it gets really confusing) either before or after other active effects, all I get is a straight dry signal. I've swapped order, leads, ditched power leads and put batteries in everything but I'm stumped. Like I say I've been playing for ages (not that it shows...) but never used effects other than in isolation before. Have I done something daft? Any ideas gratefully received. Cheers Jason
  16. How much?
  17. Not exactly puke related (though I was gagging by the end.) My old band arrived one night to set up in a pub in Ipswich. It was pitch black inside (boarded up windows - you know the sort of place!)but the door was open and we knew the landlord well so started loading kit in. It was me and one of the guitarists first, creating a pile of gear in the dark, landlord turns up and puts the lights on. As the other band members arrive we notice a stink. Of course, we blame the drummer. Still we can't trace the stink until we are nearly set up and reach the bottom of the pile of gear, where my bass case was lying. Beneath the case was a huge, squashed, dog turd. The cuplrit ( the landlords very large German Shepherd) watched sheepishly from behind the bar, as I dragged my bass case into the ladies toilet to clean it up. (Had to use the ladies, no paper in the blokes.)Gagging, swearing and much laughter from other band members ensue. Still, it all fit with the pub's ambience, which at the time was being used by the police to stake out the drug dealers in the flats next door. Ah, such sweet memories of the Rocking Horse, what a hole....
  18. Hi again all, I've had a pm from a member who might be interested in the head. Any takers for the cabs? I can split for sensible offers, as I say I'd rather sell the lot for £600 cash, so use this as a guide for offers. 22 watchers but no bids as yet on eBay so I can still end early and sell via the forums. I'll only split if I have takers for all the parts. I'll check this again later tonight (Fri) but feel free to call or text on 07733 261736 Cheers
  19. Hi all, just to let you know that my rig is still available. I've relisted it on eBay starting at £600. If I get a cash offer for this from the forums then I'll end the eBay auction early (assuming that there are no bids of course) So if you are interested don't hang about! Call me on 07733 261736 as I'm not able to respond to pm's immediately. Thanks for looking, this rig deserves to shaking windows of pubs, upsetting neighbours and making drummers deaf in one ear (er- guilty m'lud...) Cheers Jason
  20. Hi there, nope it didn't sell on eBay. Despite all the watchers and daft questions. I've finally worked out how to amend this thread title so you'll see it's up for the bargain price of £650. I may consider splitting it up if I get sensible offers for all the parts. I'm sure that this thumping rig deserves a new home. I don't get to check in that often so please excuse any delays in response. Cheers
  21. Thanks for the vote of confidence Bob! It is a beast of a rig, with the addition of the 212 the bottom end available is pretty ridiculous. I have to cut the bass frequencies on the eq just to keep other band members happy! Unfortunately, I haven't had the chance to gig it, our drummer had time of with knee surgery and now he's just had a mini-stroke!! He's trying to blame bass frequencies for this of course.... Ebay auction finishes this evening, grab a bargain.
  22. Not at the moment, rather sell as a whole. If it doesn't go on eBay I might reconsider, what bits would you be interested in? Starting price for the lot is £650.
  23. A 'it's back on E-bay' BUMP - Hope you've got your bankers/footballers/train bosses bonus burning a hole in your pocket.
  24. I think you may be right, I certainly have to offer Paypal. To be honest if the buyer seemed genuine, had a decent rating and feedback I'd probably go ahead, BUT, having had some right chancer (I doubt this guy would have known what a bass was if I'd smashed him over the head with my Sandberg California 5 - that's heavy!) try and de-fraud me using the Paypal route I've got to steer towards cash on collection. I've become well versed in the refund process for Paypal transactions!!
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