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Everything posted by redbandit599

  1. It crops up on all pages for me. Mine is Samsung Galaxy S8.
  2. Tech luddite here 😉 - but I have also tried the above Cache Clearance and Reboot thing a couple of times. No dice... Does seem to occur especially with quotes - and weird that zooming in shows the text. I'd never seen the Desktop Site function before, I've tried that and it doesn't have the issue - but obviously very small and wrong format for the phone.
  3. Weirdly I have found if I zoom in on the stripes then they clear and I can read the text. Zoom out and they come back. Doesn't happen on desk top. Does happen whilst typing right now the stripes are over this bit aside enter text.
  4. Mine us an Android too - Samsung
  5. Yes, I've tried that. Unfortunately still persists. It only occurs on Basschat. Doing it as I type!
  6. Hi there I keep getting horizontal stripy patches on various threads. Only happens on Basschat. Any ideas? Cheers Jason
  7. You're welcome. Hope they work well for you.
  8. These are the 25 watt ones - you could get more powerful ones and turn them down which might be handy. Just checked and I paid £33.99 for two, the guitarist bought the other pair so may be worth hanging on for Black Friday or some other offer if you want to save a bit. I think they give a good spread of light as they are designed to floodlight outside. I got a sample piece of frosted window privacy film from Ebay to go over the lens to take the harshness down, lot cheaper than 'proper' filters and does the job well - LED so they don't get hot.
  9. This is the above rig. Plus a couple of small led lights up lighting the drum kit. The colours can be set to cycle through changes by themselves, they do get a little out of sync, but it's pretty good. Fairy lights were the pubs!
  10. Those Spectrapix look cool. I've got a bigger dmx controlled lighting rig and also a small one - for the smaller rig we wanted something that we could either have on the floor or strap to PA stands. We've got 4 Novostella outdoor LED lights - the 25w ones on Amazon. They seem to fluctuate in price, pretty sure I got them for about £25 a pair but now more like £40. You can fix colours or have them change - they are small enough just to cable tie to stands and are made from pretty substantial metal so also work well just sat on the floor. I did put a bit of frosted film over the glass as the LEDs are quite dazzling when shining up at you/audience - remote control option is fine, didn't want the faff of an app. I also got a couple of the little plastic dome lights (just the cheapies) and sit these at the back shining up on the ceiling - they move and are surprisingly effective. This is the option we use in small spaces or when I just can't be bothered to lug the full rig 🙂
  11. Blimey - I though just my one above was enough, don't tell me there's more of this! 🤯
  12. This horribly twee version exists on a Christmas compilation that my wife has. It makes me shout obscenities as soon as Ronan starts...then Moya chimes in and makes it worse...
  13. I play in a covers band and it's definitely not just about what, or how well you play - but How you Play to the audience. We are pretty cheeky and go out of our way to engage, but it's all natural stuff- no delusions of being rock stars. Our guitarist is fun, loves a knee solo ( sometimes needs a hand up afterwards), we are all wireless and have recently taken to dashing into the audience and photobombing selfies whenever possible. If things are quiet, we do more interaction. Usually means by the second set we have less need to. We try and dance a bit...but we're all Dads....
  14. Turbo Condom and the Fish Fingers - we knew one song (House of the Rising Sun) which the drummer could sing but couldn't play, we made up two others - the drum kit fell over. Our mates in the garage at the party thought we were gods.... Dumper - the above 3 piece became a 5 piece and learned how to plug everything in. We gigged a lot and by the end actually got quite good, somehow. Red Raw and Sore - one guitarist left and we ' rebranded ' only played a couple of gigs then packed it in for a bit. NightOwl- myself and two other Dumpers, plus a new girl singer and another good guitarist. Quite a few gigs , well received- pregnancy stopped play ( very amicably of course.) Declined Transaction- I work for a corporate credit card company and this band was formed by an old punk director, an inspired name choice. The most fun I had at work 3 singers ( one awesome) great drummer, two bassist and two dodgy guitarists. Said director blagged us into British Summer Time in Hyde Park, twice. We released a single. Had our name banned by the CEO (American Bible Belter - nuff said...) Hoaxx- my current band, probably the best I've been in. Get more gigs offered than we want 🙂
  15. Cheers Dad, I think that's what I'll end up doing. Like you say, it's a village fun day, with a beer tent.... I may be overthinking it 😉
  16. Heading off to a little outdoor gig in an hour so apologies if I don't respond! Anyhow, we'll be supplying pa for this gig - recent outdoor gigs I've had the two subs sitting together and central. This has been fine as we've either had a small stage or been on a truck etc. Sound has been good. This one is at ground level though, so can't tuck the subs underneath and obviously can't have them centrally in front of the band. Would I better of placing the two together on one side of the band? I'm conscious of the filtering/ power alley thing that I vaguely understand 😉 Cheers all.
  17. I have more guitars than hangers, and somehow seem to have gravitated to Corvettes. The Warwick photo is rarely seen as the two fives live in my gig bag. The other view is most common!
  18. I have a Mezzo 5 and snapped up a Warwick Rockbass Corvette Medium scale 5 from the marketplace here soon after. They are both great, but the Warwick edges the Mezzo for my needs. If you can find one, I recommend it. I now take two Corvette's to a gig (one German 34 and the 32),as back up and if space is tight (like last night) I opt for the 32".
  19. Avalon Funeral sounds pretty interesting too. I'm thinking Roxy Music covers done in a Doom Metal style - Bryan Ferry in corpse paint would be quite a look.
  20. Mine has had a modest makeover. I'd ideally like black hardware too, and to sort the preamp but that little project can wait a bit.
  21. Rip it Up (and start again) - Orange Juice
  22. Kebab shops that close before we've finished loading out. Rude.
  23. I start off pretty mobile and slowly get more worn out as the evening progresses!
  24. I switched to one of these from from a Shure GLXd16 and a Smoothound because I got drop outs with them - I think it might have been the wireless router we use for the mixer, and in bigger pubs they failed when it filled with phones. Shame because I liked them both, although the aerials on the Smoothhound receiver get in the way a bit on a pedal board. The Harley Benton is on the 5.8khz frequency and (touch wood) hasn't missed a beat. Flimsier than the GLXD16 but works for me.
  25. I always think that the Jaguar bass is classic, but also fits the 'hip and different' thing as they aren't as common as Jazzes and Precisions - there's a few options of variants price wise. Also they often have a 32" scale, which does mean that there is a little less finger stretch involved and so maybe more comfortable/easier to learn on. Here's one https://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Squier-Classic-Vibe-70s-Jaguar-Bass-Black/2ZYB?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=surfaces_across_google&utm_content=surfaces_across_google Another option, also 32" scale is an Ibanez Mezzo, cracking little basses these - I have the 5 string version. There is a 4 string in the classifieds on here I think, but this is what I'm referring to https://www.thomann.de/gb/ibanez_srmd200d_mft.htm
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