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Everything posted by bagsieblue

  1. Boring back story: - Possible job loss looming so need to rationalise the toys. This being a USA Fender is hopefully the most saleable bass I've got. Good Points: - It's a Fender Precision 2001 Sunburst with Fender Moulded Case. Great playing and sounding bass, nice stripe on the freboard. Some of the best Fender basses date from around this time. Overall in very good condition. Bad Points: - A couple of dings, both pictured, one on the top side of the bass where your forearm would rest, another inside the inner top horn. There are a couple of hairline lacquer cracks in the back of the neck, I've tried to photograph these as best as I can but they are very difficult to photograph. Also a couple of minor marks on the top of the fretboard which again are very difficult to photograph. £599 for a cash sale - [i]may[/i] trade (trade valuation would be increased) for something (Warwick / Fender Jazz?) that would mean I would then put one of my other Warwick's up for sale. By all means let me know what you've got, the worst I can do is politely decline. Selling for cash preferred due to current circumstances. I'm in Chorley, Lancs - any inspection more than welcome.
  2. [quote name='Rayman' timestamp='1367174384' post='2062181'] [url="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/russjm/media/Crisisme_zpsee297175.jpg.html"][/url] Awesome gig last night, happy with the general sound, plenty of nice comments. The Schecters really kicked some ass, and soooo happy to have gone back to Ashdown.........trouser flapping power. [/quote] Looking good Russ, looking good.
  3. Karl, Two things: 1 - They let you do solo's?? - and 40 seconds worth??? 2 - Stunning bass...
  4. Thanks for the comments Fella's, Yep - somehow the Fender basses are now nearly outnumbering the Warwick ones, so something has to give. Karlfer, my friend, you have PM.....
  5. That is a very good looking bass - I love Warwick, still not convinced by the 'F Holes' but no doubt that is a beautiful, beautiful bass....
  6. Very impressed and very jealous Warwickhunt. If you had to save one from a burning / flooding building could you choose?
  7. Bump, no interest in a great bass - It's even got a real, genuine Fender Decal on it....I though that was what was needed to sell at the moment??
  8. For the classic / desirable Warwick - I expect the consensus will be early Streamers - although I'd add Dolphin Pro 1 to that as well. I love my Dolphin Pro II (considered by many the b'std child of Warwick) is also a superb bass. For the "state of the art" ones I'd have to say a $$ Streamer or Corvette, for the modern trend of array of sounds etc. Must admit I do like the Vampyre's as well - bit gothy though. If I could buy any it would probably be a Dolphin Pro 1.
  9. [quote name='Jellyfish' timestamp='1366720844' post='2056358'] Unfortunately, because you bought from the shop in person, the doesn't have to accept the return as it is a non-faulty item. You're right, from a customer service perspective it doesn't seem right, but it's allowed. The best thing to do would have been to ask them what their policy or terms and conditions were as they have to stick to them. If their terms and conditions are no refunds on non-faulty items then so be it. But I can see that it was easy to get caught out, really unfortunate. The only thing you can really do is be as nice as possible (as I'm sure you have been already) and give them a ring or perhaps visit them and hope that they offer to take it back as a good will gesture. [/quote] JellyFish - I think I've seen elsewhere on here you work in a Music Shop. What is your opinion of if the shop is able then to sell the bass as new (again) if it was returned?
  10. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1366721425' post='2056370'] I have a fairly recent law degree, but I'm a but rusty. Correct me where I'm wrong above. I think it may have been different if you'd asked them in person to extend those 14 day terms to you based on your unique issues and the understanding that the item would be kept in as-new condition until you were certain you wanted it. A mini rental, if you will [/quote] Agreed - unless you had specifically asked and agreed and it therefore became a part of your contract with the shop then you only have your Statutory Rights to rely on, which a "Change Of Mind" does not cover.
  11. [sup][size=3][size=4]Geek99 is right - this is a "Change Of Mind" and as there is nothing 'wrong' with the bass then you'd struggle to get a refund.[/size][/size][/sup] [sup][size=3][size=4]Playing Devils Advocate the shop have asked you to make direct contact as it would have been a better deal for you both.[/size][/size][/sup] [sup][size=3][size=4]I am also not sure if they would be allowed to take the bass back and sell it as new again - I assume they would have to sell it as shop returned / pre owned etc and have to take a hit on the price.[/size][/size][/sup] [sup][size=3][size=4]As you bought in person you are not covered by the Distance Selling Regs of Mail Order / Internet Sales etc.[/size][/size][/sup] [sup][size=3][size=4]You would only have course to a refund if you had discussed return and refund with them before - therefore making it a term of the agreement you had with them.[/size][/size][/sup] [sup][size=3][size=4]I see that there may be a grey area as you could argue the transaction started online (= 14 day No Quibble return and refund) but was then completed in person (store not willing to return on change of mind).[/size][/size][/sup] [sup][size=3][size=4]You [i]may [/i]be able to appeal to their customer sevice / goodwill on this, it doesn't really help for a store to pee off their customers - especially a Music Store that would like to rely on reputation and repeat business.[/size][/size][/sup] [sup][size=3][size=4]I think you best bet will be to appeal to them and see what's the best outcome you could get.[/size][/size][/sup]
  12. Thanks Karl - a good bass it is too - Bump....
  13. Bump - just to say that the pictures make the touch up job look much worse than it does in the flesh.
  14. [quote name='outsider70' timestamp='1366490833' post='2053249'] Lovely colour! Picture 8, has there been some paint repair done inside the lower horn? [/quote] The 'paint repair' is that the previous owner has brushed over with a touch up paint. You can see this on pictures 8 and 9. As above, not the best job in the world but then not a complete disaster either. Personally I'd have just left it - but it's on there now - never bothered me as they are out of sight when on a playing or on a stand.
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