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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Thought he was the singer with U2?
  2. To be fia To be fair, he has got quite a light touch with that chainsaw....
  3. 'Descaling', is that drop tuning?
  4. I think we have all been blindsided by his unique luthiery and missed the big news, as the maestro says himself , "it might be the last custom build I put together for a while". I wonder if he is going to study at Roberto Venn......? ( let Google be your friend).
  5. See you got the 'N' word past the censor...
  6. I had a Player bought second hand which the seller had updated with the original 62 pickups. Can't say if it made any difference as I was never privvy to the original sound, but it seems a popular upgrade.
  7. "the scale is 32.5 inches on the G string and 33 inches on the bass string." Thought they were all bass strings or am I missing some unique modification? Moi pedantic?
  8. Just wondering how you fastened your Bass to the spinning hub and where the valve goes?
  9. My list has changed, Peavey Milestone has gone but I'll bring along the Nordstrand Acinonyx and the old Telebass...
  10. 'by a well-established pro refinisher in Yorkshire, I was told their name but I've forgotten!' Maybe Clive Brown in Ripon?
  11. Yes, those Royals are foreign....
  12. I bet they rattle the parcel shelf when you crank them up....!
  13. Can't decide if it's too much or about right.... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/325649302488?mkevt=1&mkpid=0&emsid=e11021.m43.l3160&mkcid=7&ch=osgood&euid=fb9b085a35d64183b7ebe3bb96c94417&bu=43124886098&ut=RU&exe=0&ext=0&osub=-1~1&crd=20230510014412&segname=11021
  14. He's quite open about what you get ( see below) and whilst they may not be aesthetically pleasing to all eyes, I checked and there is only 1 bad review.... I'd rather buy one of these than one of our favourite UK Luthiers bitsa b/s creations! A) I do make these, by myself. Each one is a little different. B) The finish is rough. A fine finish takes more time than building the instrument, and does not add to the tone. There is a whole crew of Wishbass Enthusiasts that refinish my basses. It just takes, time, sandpaper, and some Tru-oil. Ten Dollars and elbow grease. C) There are no truss rods. The necks are very stiff, due to the Purpleheart stringers. They are also a bit larger than usual. I find that a fat neck decreases the chance of carpal tunnel syndrome. You adjust the action by shimming under the bridge, it is not glued down. I set the action as low as possible, it is easier to raise the action than to lower it. To do that, simply file the bridge. D) I try to use domestic and renewable woods. Occasionally i have exotic wood left over from a custom order and use that. E) I do take custom orders, but not over eBay Messenger. Wishbass is unique.
  15. Many who know me as 'Keith' will attest to my ironic use of the phrase above....
  16. Will it be good for Metal....?
  17. 'I' before 'e' except after 'c'
  18. Looks a bit heavy and no body contours....
  19. Wham Bam, Thank you Mam!
  20. Those 15inch speakers ( although not Neos) are a bargain at £100 delivered
  21. Sent a Bass recently to Ireland ( ie EU) with Pack and Send who used DHL. Took a couple of days to get there but no issues and once the buyer paid the VAT it was delivered. Tracking was spot on too.
  22. Carole Kaye?
  23. yorks5stringer


    Gary has just bought my Status GP from me and it was a very pleasant transaction, loads of friendly comms. and he cheerfully paid upfront. I'd highly recommend him as a buyer or seller.
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