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Posts posted by yorks5stringer

  1. 7 hours ago, PaulThePlug said:

    if you can get past that headstock...

    I went to a big gig, 2 bands last Weds and there were 2 Precisions lined up next to a MB Casa stack. The opening act were halfway through their set before I noticed the PJ being played was a US G&L.....and that's the sort of stuff I usually notice!

  2. To make such a great day like today there's a number of success factors. Firstly great organisation and infrastructure( Mike and his entourage), secondly great attendees (some who drove 100's of miles each way) and thirdly some fantastic basses and cabs. Tick, tick, tick. We should all  feel great pride in the joint achievement and look forward to the next one.

    • Like 7
    • Thanks 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, Richard R said:

    From Wikipedia:

    "Clomifene, also known as clomiphene, is a medication used to treat infertility in women who do not ovulate, including those with polycystic ovary syndrome. Use results in a greater chance of twins.It is taken by mouth once a day, with a course of treatment that usually lasts for 5 days."


     Unless it also enhances rhythm and groove in middle-aged bassists I don't think it's something we're likely to encounter on Sunday 😉


    I'll stick to asking folks to weigh their basses and starting a BC-wide database.


  4. 15 minutes ago, Richard R said:

    This is the first draft Bass Weights spreadsheet.  The first sheet is for input, the other tabs have a couple of example graphs. 

    I've not included too many data fields but enough to provide some stats.


    Not quite sure how the best way to do this is, but Mike's suggestion is that we set it up in the small room and periodically have weigh-ins.  Hopefully there will be something interesting in the data -  I was tempted to include "weight of owner" as a column to see if there is a correlation.


    Bass Weights.xlsm 73.28 kB · 0 downloads

    Weigh-ins?  Are we testing for Clomifene too?

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 2
  5. "Hi there,

    Quick reminder about your tickets...

    The O2 Academy app is your ticket 

    You can download the O2 Academy app from your phone’s app store on iOS or Android. All you need to do is open the app, then tap the ticket icon and sign in with your Ticketmaster account log-in.  

    If you haven’t already, be sure to download the app as it allows you to transfer your tickets to others in your party and download them straight to your phone’s digital wallet.

    Please note, as you will be using the O2 Academy app, your tickets will not be emailed to you, available to print, or available at the box office.
    If you’ve already sold your tickets on the Ticketmaster Ticket Exchange and are no longer attending the event, please disregard this email. "

  6. Went to Bristol 02 last night and my how things have changed since attending my last large gig.


    1. I was deluged by emails from Ticketmaster over the last week reminding me my 'phone was my ticket', there was me thinking I could just print off the QR code and be fine, in the end I had to dig out my password and align phone with my desktop and then nervously check it still worked whilst waiting in line.

    2. The deluge of emails also mentioned no rucksacks or large bags would be allowed, I was to see why later, in fact the guy in front went off  never to be seen again when he was told by a line steward that he would not get in with his bag.

    3. Queue moved very slowly, when I got to the entrance, I thought I was in Bristol Airport... overhead scanners and plastic trays to put your shrapnel  and other metal in. Then the  phone was scanned and in!

    4. Got into the venue virtually unscathed and wandered around to find the bar, seemed quiet so went upstairs to see if the view was better from the balcony. No one at the bar there so bought a pint then saw I could upsize it to a 2 pint container, thought that would save me losing my place in the mosh pit if I left, so did that: £13.60 please!

    5. Went back downstairs and stood 4 persons from the front, right in front of the bass gear, P Bass and Markbass Casa head and cab

    6. During the gig staff walked inbetween the stage front and the metal barriers handing out 'shorts', turned out it was just water but as those in front kept them I thought they had special access and it was their treat!

    7. At either end of the stage were remote  birdseye cameras and they were trained on the various instrumentalists  at different times and then once combined with graphics were projected onto the backdrop which looked good.

    8. It was too loud, luckily had packed little ear defenders which saved me from ringing ears.

    9. Got another email from Ticketmaster today asking me to rate their perfromance and suggesting other gigs I may wish to attend.....

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