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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. No, not him , but him.......😉 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1972-FENDER-PRECISION-BASS-NECK-made-in-USA-/123365314041?oid=142849328982
  2. Unfortunately as others (and myself) have found out, it is impossible to have a rational dialogue with him. He reminds me of some of the X Factor contestants who just because they have ' had a childhood dream' to be a singer think that is enough and talent does not come into it. Regarding his creations, if it looks like excrement, smells like excrement and feels like excrement it usually is, and no amount of spin and quasi- technical terms alters that fact. It is also noticeable in his reply he does not address the issue of passing off a deco as a custom creation. Whenever I've sold decos on, I've always mentioned their origin and explained what a deco is, he has omitted to do this. Equally he ignores your point about the pickup being a generic cheap one: if as he says in his reply they are all the same and just a magnet and wire, why does his description allude to it being a custom creation? He cannot have it both ways. In conclusion I do love his patronising and passive-aggressive start and ending to your enquiry too.
  3. Owned now by the Music Group who is Behringer, Bugera etc I think?
  4. My last email to them: Am I to assume, that the December 1st gig at Glastonbury URC is as a duo or 3 piece? I notice the other 2 bands on the bill are a 3 piece or 5 piece, so just wondering if your decision was based on Promoter requests or some other reason? I did ask you for some transparency around these sort of decisions in my last email. I mention this as I was close to getting some paid Sunday pm dates at 2 venues for the full band but if you feel a 5 piece redacted is no longer viable then I will direct my energies to other projects. They did not answer my question in their reply but just suggested I leave as I was obviously dissatisfied..!
  5. Is the Polytune OK for Bass or does one really need the Unitune?
  6. Yes, when I asked why they were doing gigs in August without me, they said they had always adapted the lineup to suit the venue or promoter, be it duo, trio, quartet or sextet -5 piece! I said I appreciated that but could they be more transparent about the process and keep me in the loop as I was still committed? I did also point out at the audition they explained they were looking for a bass to make up a 5 piece band to play Festivals etc. Problem was they did at least 3 Festivals without me even though the venues were large enough. My last f2f rehearsal/contact with them was on 21st August, then radio silence..... I already knew the die had been cast and suspect money was at the bottom of it as the gigs I did play tended to be for cider tokens or food and a drink (Charity)rather than cash. I think I only got paid 3 times in around 8 gigs and they creamed off the lucrative paying ones as a duo......yes I know, my bad!
  7. Just a quick update: following me seeing an ad yesterday advertising the band on Dec 1st as part of a 3 band line-up, I asked the question, (as I had not been consulted re being free that day) if they were doing it as a duo , trio or quartet, and would that be without me? They replied thanking me for my input over the last year and said we ought to call it time. Gutted😉! Bunch of cowboys.....
  8. I thought Lyme Regis was a small port....sorry, you'll see my post in OT
  9. He could do with investing some of his huge profits in a tripod for his videos.....
  10. Like it has been said before, he's a member on here and maybe when he puts down his nut file (not a euphemism), he'll come on down and enlighten us...? Someone could send him a link to this thread perhaps..........🙂
  11. Cab looks as if it has plenty of 'heft' i.e not lightweight!
  12. Never heard of them, think they are German, Thomann sell one of their tweeters. Can't comment on the value, as if their is not a lot of s/h gear around in Bulgaria prices would be higher than somewhere else where gear is more plentiful.
  13. If I do it will I get a like, like? (not that I'm needy, like....)😟
  14. As he's just a cartoon character, I'd have to agree on both the boots and guitar aspects of your response: was not expecting a literal reply 😉
  15. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1962-Fender-Precision-Bass-in-Red/372435274080?hash=item56b6df4960:g:eiwAAOSwky1bmjNG
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