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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. I seem to recall when I worked at a luthiers , he regularly took in old martin and gibson guitars to repair where there was no more relief in the neck. What happens over the years is the top of the guitar gradually moves vertically, so the bridge saddle and often the bridge get shaved to reduce the gap back down. I don't know if that is what you describe but it's something that just happens to old guitars due to the pull of the strings. He used to reset the neck by steaming it out ( often not an easy job if someone had done it before and not used the correct glue afterwards), re-set the angle and often fit a new bridge too. You could check yourself if the top of the guitar is fairly flat or if it has started to bulb outwards? If you look at Dan Erlewine's Youtube channel he'll doubtless have a quick tutorial showing the issue.
  2. It gets worse the guitar has just switched his on too for the last song!
  3. At Angola 76 a food and drink venue in Shaftsbury watching Bowie Fashion a Bowie tribute act. Really good, great sound and playing by all. Bassist has a 5 string Status and a Markbass rig.....Oh dear, Bassist has switched on his led fret markers for the second set.........
  4. With the string ball end poking out, would that constitute a 'Prince Albert'?😨
  5. Don't forget to ask them if they intend to do any gigs without you, as a duo or trio.....😪
  6. Saturday was a 40 minute gig in the 'Chill' tent at the Priston Festival: Priston is a small village which has a Music Festival every year for the whole weekend. This was with an Americana Cover Band (Hello Hopeville), so although our occasional Banjo player was absent due to being abroad, I was included in the line-up on Bass.......( long story covered elsewhere) All went off without any issues, and I did get complimented on my 72 Tele Bass, which was older than the guy himself!
  7. I remember playing a gig in Bingley, West Yorkshire with Mirrorball or Idle Hands, must be 20 plus years ago. The pub was fairly rough ( on the r/h side as you went towards the new fire station) and we were sharing a room with the pool table which had a trolley underneath in order to move it. One particularly drunk guy lay on his back on the trolley and pushed it out to try and 'upskirt' our singer who was up on the stage and wearing a dress ...... That's also reminded me we also played the old fire station in Bingley quite a few times and I do remember on one occasion quite a fight developing between two women....
  8. This is from an ad currently running in JMB: comments?.... US Billboard charting artist looking for bassist -Rock/Metal Los Angeles / UK This opportunity is for a bassist who can commit to touring for several months at the time and sign a contract with the band. In the last 4 years the band played 400+ shows in 16 countries and is a US Billboard charting artist. This opportunity is open to musicians regardless of what country/city they live in, since the band is out on the road traveling most of the year. The next leg of the World Tour will start October 26, 2018 in Italy and finish December 18 in UK, to then restart in April/May in USA and Canada. The right candidate must be able to leave his living/working situation behind or have enough flexibility to be gone from home for several months out of the year. As the band is independent any new member will be required to also handle many business tasks besides just playing their instrument, so we require a certain level of computer skills, good team work, patience and a willingness to learn and help the band succeed further. This is for career oriented musicians. No amateurs, no session musicians looking for a quick buck. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to make that music career a reality, but you have to be in touch with reality (99% of musicians aren't) and make your move fast while the opportunity lasts. TO APPLY REPLY BY FILLING THESE QUESTIONS & FORWARD IT TO: ([email protected]) YOUR NAME: YOUR BEST PHOTO (link): PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: YOUR LEVEL OF UNDERSTANDING OF THE MUSIC BUSINESS (strictly the business part) (1-10): REASON FOR FAILURE OF YOUR PREVIOUS PROJECTS: FAVORITE ROCK BAND: FAVORITE METAL BAND: FAVORITE ELECTRONIC BAND: FAVORITE BASSIST: DRIVING SKILLS (1-10): COMMUNICATION SKILLS (1-10):
  9. if bought by credit card you should be able to get your money back.
  10. I currently use Fender Flatwounds all all my P Basses but have some D'addario half wounds on a super Jazz bass which are a nice compromise. I'd be delighted to try some NYXL strings on one of the P's and listen to the difference from flats.
  11. Tone? Did anyone complain at James Jamerson's lack of tone? Get yourself a set of flatwounds, leave 'em on for 14 years and think of the money you've saved....😕
  12. Let me know as it gets very busy: a couple turned up at 8.10 and had no-where to sit. You need to be in around 7.30, oh and its £3 entry too! Next one is Oct 12th
  13. Once a month I play at an Open Mic ( with a difference). We invite people to sing/play in advance, we agree the material and they either play on their own, with their band or the house band will accompany them. The pros are we don't get many surprises, the cons, one loses a little spontaneity but the laundry bills are less..... The venue is cool restaurant in Langport that is sited in an old wharfe warehouse (Langport used to be a huge trading port with the colonies and USA until the estuary silted up). So we have 2 rehearsals with the material, then a quick soundcheck on the night with the artistes if we are backing them, and away we go. The house band is as per the first enclosed clip and the guest trombone is Helen's dad who is 74 and still playing in the Sherborn Brass Band. https://vimeo.com/288948373 The second clip is us accompanying Sarah Randle, a fellow LIPA graduate of Helen, our singer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIQZohN7fxE Of all the stuff I do at the moment, this is the most fun, namely it's a regular gig, I get paid and the material changes each month.
  14. Can I be the first to say these basses are a revelation...?
  15. They did some gigs as 2 acoustics plus cahon and the other with the same lineup plus fiddle. Both their albums have bass all the way through.
  16. Well, one consequence of the situation is that my GAS has been sharply reigned in. I was thinking 4 P/T Basses were not enough, but now I'll stick with them and maybe even sell a couple...
  17. I turned on as her cover of the 'Locomotion' came on and then turned over straight away. Different strokes....!😞
  18. As I've said a couple of times(?), it's the fact that they knowingly gigged without telling me. If they'd said 'we've got a few festival gigs over August where the promoter only wants a 2/3/4 piece/ it's not financially viable to do it as a 5 piece and you were last to join/ or we're not happy with you' then at least it would have been better than finding out via FB update on Monday morning when I see a picture of all the band (bar me) photographed grinning on a Festival Stage....🤩 FWIW I have responded to their original response( we always intended to gig with different line-ups) asking for more transparency in future and saying how disappointed I feel with the situation. What seemed a long term project with them now appears to be something quite different. It will be interesting to see how many more gigs come my way from these guys.....
  19. Could you elaborate for me please on this statement? How does he look '2nd division'?😕
  20. Was waiting for your unique view on things Skank, but I'm a bit confused, as at one point in your vignette you say they are 'floating' and in another you suggest they are weighted down and are definitely sunken: needless to say it would be foolish of me to commit to any form of malevolence in full view of GCHQ and fellow chatters....
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