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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. That doesn't look like a real Pink Paisley in the background however...!
  2. Slightly confused: a 72 would be a poly finish so was it stripped and re-done with a nitro refinish?
  3. Alex James is obviously the exception to the rule...?
  4. I always like to see it with some strings ( reference to another thread)
  5. Just to think how we used to laugh about our american cousins, as they had to cope with summer heatwaves and winter blizzards and still keep their instruments in tune......
  6. Just to steal the joke from the Off Topic page: 'Whilst there is no official England Song for this World Cup, they are bringing back '3 Lions on my Yurt' for the Qatar World Cup in 4 years time'. Well it amused me....😂
  7. I like the fact he has mock- stone wallpaper, which seems kinda apt....
  8. Thanks to all. Anyone know of a good poly sprayer?
  9. I had an Ibanez Artcore semi 5 string short scale with a 30 .3 neck. String choice was the key, I had it on flats and the B was a bit meh but with something more zingy ( like what it came with) it was OK.
  10. Everytime I look they have sold out..how does one set an alert for the Thomann site please?
  11. i was recently looking at clip-ons as mine fell off and I stood on it. Anyway, back to the point, I like to go 'stealth' with my clip-on and clip it on the headstock so I can see it 'from the back' if that makes sense. I rejected a Polytune Clip as it would only seem to go on the front of the headstock and is to my mind, ugly. So if you go 'round the back' it is important to have 3 D articulation so the display faces the right way. My most recent cheapy doesn't and I have to read it at 45%. FTR I also have a Korg pitch black...in blue!
  12. I feel the pain, have been there myself with various footballs-up....
  13. Yep did some further research and poly body, nitro neck. It was the headstock that confused me...
  14. Anyone know if a 72 Telebass was a nitro or poly finish? I'm posting on here as well as below for a wider audience..! Thanks
  15. I'm sorting out my purchase from last year. As you can see from the photo it had an extra pickup added and I'm going to get the hole routed and a piece glued in. Likewise the bridge was swapped out and the whole area has a number of extraneous holes so will get that routed and sorted too, keeping the string through holes (obviously)! I know there is a view that leaving the Bass 'as is' is more authentic than sorting it, but I'm not going for a 'as new finish', as it has quite a few chips anyway. My question has arisen from contacting a refinisher who states he only does nitro and thinks this may be poly. It never occurred to me it would be poly but now am wondering....? Pretty sure the headstock is nitro( has crazing) but may not be original finish and the body has faded from white to the ivory colour you see. Does anyone know definitively if 72's were nitro or poly or would better photos help?
  16. Bolt is already tight as a gnats chuff!
  17. Got lucky and it's repaired and on its way back, have to recommend Armstrong pickups who sorted this very quickly and for just 18GBP including postage!
  18. RE the wobble, I have some stock tuners on a Japanese P Bass and one of them (when the string tension is off) is really wobbly but under tension is absolutely fine.
  19. Good idea will try next time I'm in there, but they are wired up as per the stock wiring diagram.
  20. Confused. The header says 'Female Bass Player', the text below says 'Male or Female'. Just sayin.....!
  21. Just going back to the bridge spacing issue: its not a particularly hard job to make your own to any size/spec from a boiled bone from the pet shop. Just take the marrow out first......!
  22. I have 2 Basses with non-matching pickups. Both do the same weird thing and I don't know why.... My Telebass has a humbucker at the neck and a Jazz in the bridge position. The Humbucker is the predominate sound unless the Jazz is turned up full, when you then get the same thin sound of the Jazz being on full and the Humbucker being off. This is despite the Humbucker being very hot, about 3 times the resistance of the Jazz. Dial the Jazz back a tiny bit and you get loads of Bass via the Humbucker with just a little treble in the sound. So I thought if I got a matched PJ set this issue would not arise but it's still the same on a SD set I've just got and put on a PJ Bass. The P bass pickups are hot on full but add in the full Jazz and the P Bass ones lose their fullness. If you dial back the Jazz just a touch it brings it back the PBass sound. Surely having the P and J pickups on full should not diminish the overall punch of the sound so much? Granted you would expect the neck P pickup to be more predominant than a J when on full due to location, but why does both on full suck the overall sound back/down so much? I had a stock Jaguar Bass with the same PJ setup and having both pickups on full did not ( from memory) adversely affect the P sound....
  23. Be good to know what went wrong, if its not too painful? Did you use those paisley wraps?
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