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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Err, isn't that exactly what happens in any major Government Public IT Project...? New NHS IT, Universal Credit, all crap and junked as unsuitable after spending millions! 🙄
  2. I went to see Beth Nielson Chapman and Robert Vincent earlier this year in concert and they had met at the week-long one CD runs. In fact it was just last Thursday that one course finished near me at Pennard House nearish to Glastonbury and the local church hall hosts the end of week gig they do, previewing their new songs. It was advertised as featuring CD, BNC and RV. I was thinking of going (as it was free) but on my Open Mic nights I have sat through so many singer-songwriters....!
  3. Good to know, one assumes he's had them fixed otherwise he would be facing another return situation?
  4. Loafers? Must have belonged to Rob Royer (Bassist with Bread)
  5. What was nice she did not use the interview to plug her latest release (which apparently is still not finished) and she was very humble about her career. I remember buying The Corporate World ( her first album) way back in the late 80's and have followed her career since.
  6. If as people are saying, one checks to see if your item is not prohibited and it isn't so you go ahead in good faith only for something to happen and have a claim turned down, could one not turn around and say the exclusions were not made clear from the get go? It would seem there is deliberate misrepresentation by the Couriers if they take all this money to insure items, in the full knowledge that any claim will be excluded. It's a bit like the P.P.I. mis-selling? Yes, one would ideally do face to face deals but a few months ago I could not arrange a satisfactory Courier ( they would only offer compo if the item was lost , if damaged £100 max and it was a £700 bass) so I drove to Newcastle from South Somerset. As I am no longer a regular distance driver the journey was a nightmare with roadworks and delays, in the end I spent about 16 hours on the road and £80 on fuel. Never doing that again.
  7. So given that many 1000's of musical items are sent by Courier each day by all the large internet retailers, do they face a similar lack of cover or is it just 'private ' senders?
  8. Think they are MIM which will be interesting once the wall goes up...! Snap!
  9. Nice set of well-loved Grover Titan Tuners complete with all hardware, original screws and very hard to obtain tiny white plastic spacing 'O' rings. I have no idea of the age of these but they were taken off a 1972 Telecaster Bass which had the OEM ones removed at some stage, possibly to reduce neck dive as they are shorter? Ideal for adding mojo to an old friend...! At least half the price of new ones. I've added a picture showing them on the Bass.
  10. Just sold a Humbucker to Mark, great guy to deal with and instant payment. We have a great deal of common ground including me working a stones throw from his studio years ago, and I used to live a stones throw from where he currently lives too. Small world....
  11. Played Wookyfest last night. No sign of Hans Solo however. We supported The Drystones.
  12. I'd surmise they perhaps are all miming on this clip: the trumpet sounds very processed.? Apart from a very exaggerated slap style Bassist seems to be on the beat however.
  13. Bet they have a Warwick Dolphin in stock then? Note: For comedic effect I used the word 'dolphin' in the full knowledge that is actually a mammal.
  14. Can you get mini-push-pulls as the control cavity on that model P Bass is quite tight?
  15. Ah, the 80's: if you remember them, you weren't there....
  16. I guess if you played a lot of slap bass you may worry that the truss rod might unwind....?🙄
  17. I'm sure a mod will move this to: https://www.basschat.co.uk/forum/83-bassists-wanted/
  18. So why would anyone superglue it up in the first place....very odd! Anyway result for you.
  19. Never liked the offset pickups and was always a Jazz man until I stumbled over a 72 Telebass last summer. Since then have a bought a 68 reissue Blue Flower P, a JV Squier P and a PJ Standard Squier which is a nice compromise.
  20. I bought a reliced bass second-hand and was disappointed to find there was a real ding amongst the manufactured ones.There again I do regularly brush the fur coating of my Markbass combos...
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