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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Fender did produce a model in the 60's especially for the UK market: instead of the contoured body that was sold elsewhere, it was a slab version.
  2. Just bought another Bass on FB in the BassplayersUK Lounge, then in the 'under £300' category. Couldn't have picked a nicer seller called Lloyd Raich!
  3. 'Neck brace' is the term I'd use, but you don't usually see them sold separately, just as part of the bag. Hope this helps? You could perhaps make one with some Velcro?
  4. Years ago I was in a band who rehearsed at Idle Cricket Club near Bradford ( we called ourselves 'Idle Hands') and after the rehearsal we'd go into the clubhouse for a drink before leaving. We were 10 minutes and in that time the guitarist's guitar, amp and fx were all stole out of his side window which was broken by a brick. Some time later he managed to get some of the gear back. Consequently I never leave my gear in the car, in fact even when loading after a gig I put all my stuff in the car and go straight home. if I'm going to be chatting after the gig the gear stays within eyeshot and then gets loaded in as I leave. Sorry if this sounds sanctimonious but leaving gear in your unattended car is a calculated risk, especially if your face is well known.
  5. Either a goosed truss rod or possibly a rattling one? RTS
  6. Won't the 3 existing screws ( assuming the worst happens) be able to stop the neck flying over my shoulder and taking out the drummer?
  7. So I either leave the' cast and skinny' screws alone, or try and remove them and risk a head breaking off....sleepless nights ahead😨
  8. Nice approach to the 'elephant in the room'. Intrigued to hear the original I looked on Youtube and there's plenty of young ladies who can play it note for note!
  9. Cool, looks like they swapped basses for the night?
  10. Not sure if you can still access your old PM's, but maybe speak to a Mod by PM?
  11. Not been given much to go on,so I'll bite. 1 Did you sell it on here? 2. If so can you remember the buyers name? If not where they lived? 3. If not here, where did you sell it, private or to a shop? 4. Think you get my drift, as much info as possible will help😉
  12. There seem to be a number of Japanese Dealers who all list the same Basses, if you search Fender Basses on eBay there's always a few and a different prices for the same Bass.
  13. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Squier-Precision-Bass-Made-In-Japan-1993-Rare-Maui-Blue-with-Hard-Case/282984981657?hash=item41e3382499:g:WAAAAOSwN2VbC9nM £950 Really? I'm watching this sale as I have the same Bass in that Blue Maui, albeit less modded (just a Badass)
  14. If the Mrs is moaning have you checked she's not just transferring the moan about something else onto the gear? Have you removed that motorbike you were renovating from the kitchen yet? Has the water been re-connected since you put a nail through one of the pipes when putting up a Bass hanger? Do you still store used editions of Bass Guitar Magazine in the bed and when re-stringing a bass do you casually toss the old strings across to her side? Just sayin'....
  15. I have 2 spare pickguards: one an original white aged 93 Crafted in J and the other a non OEM grey pearl. Trouble is the pickups are slightly larger than the CJ and I don't want to damage it by enlarging it. The guy who sold me this said it looks better with a black guard but one can get a looka likey white for for £15.
  16. I'll have a closer look at the pickups when I put the flats I've ordered on.
  17. Thanks, do you find the pickups are different volumes or is that down to the characteristics of the different pickups and their location?i
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