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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. just ordered one too, think it may be the last one...?
  2. https://www.bax-shop.co.uk/right-handed-bass-guitar/fazley-b200-sb-electric-bass-guitar-sunburst £60 delivered!
  3. Luckily it's not an authentic Fender PP pattern but still looks pretty cool....can I resist?
  4. These have been on for about a month now, if I needed a Jazz i'd try one, they are returnable under german distance selling regs...
  5. Got a can of LPB nitro from Northwestguitars and just did a scuff finish coat over the existing sunburst with 400 grade paper which was too rough, should have gone with 800. Did 6 ish coats and then about the same of clear coat. Used tinted amber for the neck 6-8 coats, then clear over that too. Nitro is quite forgiving: any small errors get righted by the next coat which melts into it, luckily for me...!
  6. The red ones are being advertised again, back-order early June. The last ones sold out on just back-order so if you want one, maybe order now. Not sure if they have the extra layer as they are solid red..? My photoflame one was very accurate and well matched even though covered it with Lake Placid Blue and no odd holes either..
  7. I've run and, attended both Open Mics and Jam Nights and have tried to be the resident bassist on both types, stepping down when another Bassist turns up. Used to hate it when I'd turn up at someone else's Jam and see 5 other Bass cases in the pile and work out I'd get about 15 mins playing all night! There's one Blues jam I used to go to and the guy who ran it had his partner play Bass and no matter how many Bassists turned up you'd get your 15 minutes then she'd play the rest of the night. If you were on guitar or vox you'd get called back up, but never on Bass.... The worst one I ever did was Blues Jam which I ran until I totally lost patience with guitarists who spent 10 minutes setting out all their pedals , then tuning up ( having to borrow a tuner first-another 10 minutes) and then play over the other soloists ( sax and keys) at ear-splitting volume....
  8. Wonder if the babies and toddlers site has been hacked as it seems a long way from Basses to Tommy Tippee...
  9. Got a neg. feedback for mis-describing stuff too, that's a surprise....!
  10. You're meant to remove the protective plastic on the pedals before you use them..... Nice Bass mind!
  11. Sure these are not the latest Damien Hurst?
  12. Not sure how you could do an accurate comparison? You'd need to use the same Bass, the same player for every make of string and what about everyone's different attack and even skin chemistry?
  13. Good fun but about 4 seconds of the Bass in shot!
  14. I had a split washer on some old Grover Titan machine heads on my Telecaster Bass. Tom at John Hornby Skewes managed to find me some suitably aged washers that fit perfectly and look indistinguishable to the others too.
  15. David has just kindly helped me out with a couple of Cheney Case Keys which I requested in the Wanted Section. A true Gentleman and Scholar!
  16. OK this is two cabs but the same principal could apply..
  17. I went to see Roachford a couple of years ago at the Sturminster Exchange, just a small venue. Sit anywhere and the support act had started when I got there so sat in a row above 3 thick-set guys, crew-cuts (possibly armed forces) 2 of whom talked all the way through the rest of the support act. During the interval the 2 went off for drinks and I tackled (in a friendly way) the remaining one of the 3 and asked if his mates were actually Roachford fans and were they liable to be listening during his set? I said if they were going to continue to be chatting I 'd go elsewhere in the hall. He said they were fans, and he'd been a bit annoyed by them too but felt sure they would listen for Roachford. I didn't enjoy the rest of the gig as I wondered if the'd be waiting for me outside the venue at the end...!
  18. Thought those fretless Squier Jazz Basses had ebanol fingerboards for the last 10 years or so?
  19. Bobby from Boney M was actually a dancer and he mimed all the words, sung by Frank Farian, the Producer.
  20. Saw Kyla at one of the early big Bass Events held in Manchester Music School run by Stevie Williams. Played a nice set from what I remember....
  21. They are Behringher's 'quality brand' but their 1000 watts are not the same as others....
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