When I bought my 72 TeleBass last year it came configured as per the photo. I decided 2 'Buckers were too much, so rather than it hide in a drawer the other one is for sale. It will fund a refurb. of the Bass and hasten it's return to stock. I have no idea how old this pickup is, I can just make out some numbers in pen but they are not fully legible (28?) but they stopped production in 1979 so I guess it can't be any older than that?
I've not seen any for sale anywhere and given they are no longer made I feel my price for this piece of vintage Fender is fair. Condition wise it has been well used and the E and A strings have scored the finish.There are slight scores from D and G too.
As it was the 'Bridge' pick-up, it was very close to the pots, so only has a short lead, but this could be easily made longer/replaced.