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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Aye! I've got Agent WOT onto it , but if he gets taken out, it's good to know there's 2 others ready to step in!
  2. It would be good to get a chance to hear the new Mark Audio system at the SW Bash (other systems are available!)
  3. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Harley-Benton-51-Style-Precision-Bass-copy/202251137876?hash=item2f171b7354:g:xVMAAOSwYMNanqiX This looks a good buy, got a SD pickup.......
  4. I've seen on Bass on the Facebook Bassplayers site and I'm reluctant to send the seller a decent wedge for a Bass unseen and he's reluctant to not do 'collection only' as he's been 'stung before'. As its a 12 hour round trip I don't fancy driving up there from Somerset, much as it would be nice to return to the stomping ground of my youth.....(nostalgic sigh). Could anyone help me out please....?
  5. There's a 'freestyle' tele on facebook for £200 https://www.facebook.com/groups/689090051102626/permalink/1770578222953798/?sale_post_id=1770578222953798
  6. Looks very similar to mine which also does not have branding, but came with my 72 Telebass.
  7. Can you do a delete and re-install?
  8. There's a Lakeland version for sale in the ads here but it has PBass pickups only. With a hard case too...
  9. 'Interpretive skills' would be the bit I would emphasise. A note for note copy of Sir Duke would only last 3.54 so straight away you are 1 minute short! And as you say, ad some fills and improv to it too.
  10. Update: my first shot of Poly encouraged the veneer splits to lift and widen so I've taken it off...ordered some more veneer in Maple!
  11. Seems like a nice guy: https://www.premierguitar.com/articles/27069-rig-rundown-snarky-puppy?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Snarky Puppy Rig Rundown&utm_term=PG Weekly
  12. Did not see that, anyway I will have a unique Bass...
  13. Not available so thought I'd just get the lightest wood available.
  14. I reshaped the headstock so lost it anyway.....
  15. Bit of an update: I realised I had put the wrong decal on as it is a 51 P Bass not a Telecaster Bass. So stripped off the nitro and decal, sanded the headstock, tinted it with some water based tint rather than a rattle can with the intention of putting on new decal and spraying with some poly I had, rather than go through the nitro process and having to let it dry. All went well until I used the poly and in a number of places it was repelled off the wood. So let it dry, took it off with thinners and had another go. Same thing happened then I realised where it was happening was at the reverse of the headstock where the screw holes were for the Tuners. I had used some silicon grease on the screws to help them go back in and it had leeched into the wood! Previously used a candle and should have stuck to that! Tried with some french polish which contained shellac as a barrier, but it went too dark so bought a small sheet of white beech veneer and glued it onto the headstock, having steamed it to fit the slope up to the nut. Made a template of the headstock with some hardboard and used that on the reverse and used cork sanding blocks as cauls for all my clamps. Unfortunately the veneer is very thin (good) but easy to split (bad) so had some splitting once it went on. Decided to leave it, could always order another sheet at £2.85! This afternoon I looked at it (24hrs later) as I did not cut it to size beforehand and it was OK but I was unsure how it would react to being cut/sanded back to fit the headstock. I trimmed some of the excess off with a rigid blade then hit the sides with 400 grit w&d on a block. To my surprise and with some care I trimmed it back well. I'd masked the sides to try and avoid having to respray them but realised in order to get a good boundary I would have to remove the tape and sand it right into the sides. Went thorough the grades and then tinted it, surprising how it has changed, looking very pretty. So all being well tomorrow, 1 coat of poly then do the decal and then build up the coats, rubbing the decal down every time. Hopefully the veneer has halted the silicon pollution...... This is how it looks tinted, with a strip of the veneer offcut untinted to show the change:
  16. Fully booked for the next week....
  17. Does it only work with Blues? What about something Spooky?
  18. I should have also said you have more lovely basses than one can shake a stick at: I visited your shop a few years ago and was totally overwhelmed!
  19. I wouldn't leave those Basses out on the pavement overnight.......someone may trip over them.
  20. Looks like the elephant ear bit will slot back into the post so would be surprised if some epoxy would'nt hold it in place, as the twist forces are taken care of by the post. All the glue will do is stop it falling out.... but I could be wrong! Equally, agree I'm sure many of us have an odd tuner lying around.
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