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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. I guess they are panic buying before the wall goes up?
  2. Just had to replace the flats on my Telebass. They were Fender flats but I had them on and off so many times that the windings round the post at the right angle broke on one but I managed to re-fit it when I had Grover Titans on the Bass. then got a set of Shallers with a thicker post. Thicker post meant that less string was available to go around and I could not string it without it slipping. Had 55-105's on it but saw some 50-100's Fender Flats for £22.50 so am trying them, just fitted today. Did wonder if the £14.99 sets were any good?
  3. Strangely under 'Condition' the Seller has put 'Not if it works'.....
  4. Suspicious that something being sold as' new' has only the c&p blurb off the Thomann website. My screen does not have the resolution to check see but have spotted other Decos being sold, usually at silly high prices. Usually when I ask Deco sellers what the 'D' is, I fail to get a response.....
  5. Looks like an understated Fender Paisley Bass......
  6. Twin saddle bridge on the 'Jazz' too!
  7. I see: 'I have no ego', ergo they're a singer/guitarist!
  8. Mark sold me some Shaller Tuners which were packed so securely I had to call in 'Oceans Eleven' to get into the box! All good, trade with confidence, and looking at this thread. virtually every BC member would appear to have!
  9. Just saw this and the last four words made me chuckle: Well, I’ve met some dreamers, wishful thinkers and enthusiastic but badly organised bands over the last month. It’s been a bit of fun but I’m an experienced bass player and maybe I need to get serious. I have years of experience and have played most genres . I have good kit and transport and have played professionally. Now I would be happy to either play for fun or money provided the other musicians are as committed as me. Get in touch, I have no ego.
  10. It's one of the earlier versions( non midi) and whilst i can't be sure about this one, I had one that was described as having 'marks' on it. Turned out to be crush marks as a whole shipment got damaged and they sold them off cheap. Still a good price mind...
  11. Lucy Shaw recorded and toured with Squeeze a couple of years ago. http://www.lucyshaw.co.uk/
  12. Possibly modified Copy. Has not got elephant ear tuners, has pickup like the ones on eBay for £4 yet has a 2 saddle bridge but not thro body stringing.
  13. Right, have found out what the issue is; when I replaced the Tuners after tinting the neck in the original build, I put a tiny touch of silicone lube on the screw threads for the Tuners. Subsequently this has seeped into the wood, as the pattern of where the lacquer is now not sticking is where the screw threads are lined up. As I have already cleaned the headstock off once with thinners, I don't think I can remove any more silicon. Hopefully I'll be able to glue on a very thin veneer and proceed from there...unless shellac will provide a barrier?
  14. I had them on a Godin A5 and thought they were nice to play and contributed to that acoustic sound! I think mine were Rotosounds
  15. It's hard to believe there's a comment that is more interested in the Basses than the Beer...!
  16. You are going to be asked anyway, but posting the internal dimensions is always helpful.. glad to see it's not collection from Ottowa!
  17. I sanded the previously nitro'd headstock face down to bare wood, then used the water-based tint which went on fine. The Poly is Wilkinsons... but it was fine on another HB headstock face where I reshaped the 'hook', sanded it and gave it a few coats( granted poly on poly). I did clean the whole headstock face with nitro thinners before my second go of tint, then lacquer. Thought I'd save some time and money by not re-doing headstock in nitro but by using existing clear poly and water based tint.... should have known better!
  18. Am I doing missing something obvious here? I tinted my neck and headstock with Ntiro lacquer then went over with clear. No issues except I put on the wrong decal so decided to sand it off and retint with a water-based guitar tint and spray with poly lacquer. As I'd sprayed nitro over poly originally I assumed the reverse would work? So sanded down the headstock face, removed decal and retinted with amber tint. Let dry, attached decal, left overnight and when I sprayed the lacquer ( same can as I used for something else that worked) there were places where the lacquer was almost repelled from the headstock face leaving gaps. I thought maybe I'd got some silicone lube off the tuner gears on it ( but how had it got there under the lacquer?) so sanded the headstock down again leaving the decal area which was OK. Cleaned it with nitro thinners thoroughly and just had another go with poly lacquer and same thing has happened. What is going on? I don't want to have to sand it all off again and redo the decal. If the headstock face is contaminated maybe I could glue on some very thin light wood veneer, tint it and try again. This would be a ball-ache as I'm trying to just re-do the face and not touch the rest of the headstock and a thin laminate may need trimming which could affect the headstock sides. Any ideas please..?
  19. I find a Pot Noodle fits nicely into my drinks holder on my microphone stand....
  20. Loved the Faces back in the early days. I had Long Player which had this track live, even has Plonk Lane singing:
  21. Well, early in the New Year I decided that 'if you do what you always do. you get what you always get', so instead of scouring sites for bands looking for a Bass, I'd tell the world I was available ( for the stuff I want to do). I placed an ad as 'Bassiest' (which tickled me), and listed my faves. Got about 5 replies over a couple of weeks, the first response was a band called The Bad Cowboys from Glastonbury. They sent me 7 songs, I learned them and went to audition. They have gone out and write as a duo, but were putting a band together and were looking for a Bass. I was successful and It is my first originals band, 2 acoustic guitars, fiddle, cahon and bass. I'd had 2 unhappy gigs with the Soul Band in January and decided I'd put them out of their misery by leaving (keys left in the summer, then the drummer, so we got by with deps.) as I just thought the standard was not good. Sax player said 'there are worse bands out there' but it seemed a good time to go.... Anyway 2 rehearsals with Bad Cowboys we were ready to gig on Friday night gone at the City Arms, Wells which was fun:
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