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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Forgot to say, I tried the cracking nitro trick with an 'air duster can' having heated the bass body, but it did not work: maybe cos its poly underneath? There's a good view of the cracked nitro around the A string ferrule, grrr....
  2. Here's the finished article, not perfect but as the hardware is reliced, it all matches. Head stock is not as dark compared to the neck, as the photos suggest, just poor light......
  3. My new iron arrived today, got a ceramic cored one in the hope it will not burn out. Cost £7.49, went to Lidl today and they have temperature controlled ones with work station for £7.99... but the 2 of mine that burnt out were both from Lidl....... Photos to follow tomorrow of Bass, got it wired up with no issues this time.
  4. I remember David from Retrovibe talking about this last year. Incidentally anyone else notice the D string is not under the tree?
  5. Things have moved on, it's The Dorchester now...much more civilised
  6. I particularly like the delicate little screws attaching the tuners to the headstock.
  7. If you go on their website, it does appear they do stuff like that now, there's a picture of a tech in a workshop....
  8. and maybe he could bring along a raffle prize too...?
  9. Why is it both my soldering ( or soddering irons as the yanks say) irons have burnt out...cannot now connect up the new pots today.
  10. Anyone got a good word for Van Morrison, cos I love his music but he seems a thoroughly unpleasant individual?
  11. He's a Bassist who played with a later version of BC and who designed said Bass Guitar, which is now sold by Chowny. Every day's a school day....
  12. I would be complaining after 16 days but not after 16 years. I have shoes that are older but that's about it...oh, and my trusty 1972 Telebass.
  13. That's what he says he's been told...maybe a Squier with a decal? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FENDER-JAZZ-BASS-designed-and-backed-by-FENDER-crafted-in-china/253375309104?hash=item3afe586530:g:Y1gAAOSwzRFaX3Tx
  14. It hacks me off that there are others selling Decos unmentioned and they are using stock photos from Thomann, so you cannot see the D stamped on the neck, body and neck plate. I asked one guy what the D stamps on the neck were, he never replied. The other funny one is a HB Beatles Bass which the seller says is 'made in Germany' yet his photos clearly show a China sticker
  15. Interesting, as I mentioned earlier in the thread, when I fitted a Squier 2 saddle bridge the grooves are spaced slightly wider than the individual saddles on the non OEM it had fitted. This then moved the strings away from being directly over the pole pieces on the bridge humbucker so visually and perceptually I had to change the pickup! Your solution would serve to move the strings back to their correct spacing for me. Did you mention what you paid for them earlier? Did they sneak through customs?
  16. There will be a ritual burning of all Basses not deemed acceptable by the self- appointed BC massive a la Wickerman. Those who set off late will just need to follow the smoke to find the venue....
  17. Maybe a Mod will come along and consolidate this thread into the other one?
  18. Apparently he fell down the stairs, sad. Argent was saying how they used to come back from Touring and as they were getting on, deciding how long to rest before going out again. Rodford was out gigging with local bands as soon as he returned!
  19. Despite copying the original wiring exactly, cannot get new pickup to work, seems to be an intermittent wiring fault. Having re-soldered the joints a number of times pot now is buzzy so have ordered 2 new ones, cloth covered wire and will remake. Suspect I probably had temp too high and may have damaged the internals....Will use heat sink for next round. New nut arrived, at least that fitted without fettling.
  20. Saw him a couple of years ago with the Zombies and about 47 years ago with Argent in Newcastle City Hall. RIP
  21. Lots of lovely gear here, don't think I've ever seen so many new products from them at one time? Hopefully some will make it to the SW Bash?
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