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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. I reckon a note to Rotosound and they may replace the string...?
  2. Yes, I tried the dint-fill trick and managed to sand it all off(!), and used a cocktail stick to drop it on. Maybe as you say need to build it up gradually. Going to get me some micromesh pads and good trick on the ferrules too. Annoying thing is 2 others just pressed in easily, so I just pressed on...
  3. Toying with getting some white or maybe dark blue pearloid plastic and making another scratch plate. Any views?
  4. The eagle-eyed may notice there a few things missing so here's my Lessons Learned Report. 1. If you decide to spray over the existing poly, don't use 400 grade wet&dry to scuff coat, as even then going over it with 800 grade one can see those scuff scratches under the Nitro! 2. To level off the Nitro I used 1200/1500/2000 grade papers with soapy water to lubricate. This got into all the existing screw holes in some places, expanded the wood, lifted the Nitro and caused cracking and crazing. Not intended but looks kinda reliced.... Wonder if mesh papers without water would have worked? 3. I used a tinted lacquer and then clear coat for the neck. Came out well but don't remove the nut and then lose it/forget where you put it, waiting for a replacement! 4. The headstock tuner holes had slightly filled due to extra lacquer and pressing the ferrules in by hand caused a little break up of the lacquer around 2 of the holes. More Mojo.... 5. I re-shaped the headstock to not an exact copy of a 51Fender and also added a Fender decal. I now realise this is an awful thing to do but if and when I sell this I will put NOTAFENDER in huge letters all around the ad. 6. Reliced all the hardware by the Vinegar vapour method. Works well on screws and cheap hardware including bridge saddles but does not touch the Tuners. 7. Check when you remove the bridge where it locates, I took mine off to find 2 sets of holes. Also don't drop the bridge on your new Bass, where it impacts tends to chip the new Nitro... 8. Bought a replacement pickup, hand wound by Martin Herrick, although the OEM by Roswell seemed OK. Incidentally Roswell pickups are made from waste magnetic material sourced from alien craft stored on US Bases around Area 51...or maybe not. 9. If you use rattle cans of nitro, ensure the safety collar is removed. I moved from cans without a safety collar to one with and laid on a very patchy pitted coat as the spray was not fully depressed. 10. As I sprayed all the neck, I did not mask off the frets so had to remove the lacquer from the frets. Made a template from cardboard the exact thickness of the frets, put it over the fret and lightly wiped the fret with nitro thinners. Don't get the cloth too wet or it can leach through down to the neck. 11. Spraying. Had all the issues someone who used rattle cans (with handle) may experience due to inexperience. Blooming due to cold/moisture in air, seemed to go when I shot another coat over. Runs: got too close when spraying so lightly smoothed off the nib when dry and is not noticeable. When i look in certain light, lacquer is still a little pitted and did not want to smooth it down too far unless I broke through to the colour coat, or worse. Also have sanded through lightly on the edges in a couple of small places...even more Mojo! Once I get the new nut I'll string it up, do a setup and report back with further photos, which hopefully will be in focus..no, you don't need to go to Specsavers, it's just poor snapping!
  5. Here's something for all those who like to read the end of the story, or read the paper from the back page forward.
  6. Not going to do a lurid shot by shot account as I bought a very serviceable Harley Benton copy and set about modifying it, so its not really a proper build per se. I used it for a couple of rehearsals and not bad little Bass. Restricted by one pickup and not totally accurate (as it is not a slab body) but for around £100 it was well made and set up nicely. Anyway here is the starting point:
  7. I'm sure you could buy something online ; there seem to be lots of kits available?
  8. So did you cut them to the 'declining' width of the gaps between the frets as you got higher up the neck? Assume no hard block but just finger pressure? I heard T Cut has ammonia in it and might not be nice to nitro...?
  9. I refinished and decaled a neck for my Telecaster Bass Project. Whilst I'm fine with the head stock and rear of neck ( lightly rub with 1200 then 200 wet n dry till smooth) and polish with Farecla scratch remover, I'm a bit unsure on the fretted side. I've already got the lacquer off the frets by rubbing with thinners through a fret-shaped cardboard template but how do address the area between the frets? Do I rub with w&d on a small block in the direction of the grain ( lengthwise) or go cross ways without a block to match the slight curve of the neck? Also how do i deal with the top end of the neck where the frets are close together? Also should I mask the frets to avoid going over them?
  10. Foam? It's crazy! (You have to be of a certain age to understand this)
  11. Re suggestions, I'm not that bothered about gear demos with backing tracks as I'd rather do my own thing and what may sound great played by 'X' may sound rubbish when I play that combination! But it's an interesting idea, maybe in the quiet room? However, being an inquisitive soul, I was a little bit disappointed we didn't get any of the short talks scheduled from any of the Luthiers/retailers present last year. I don't know if Gillet/Chowny/Retrovibe will be coming along again, but if so, it would be nice to hear a bit about their products from them and do a Q&A. A few years ago I got Ben from Crimson Guitars along and he gave an interesting talk and got enough interest about set-ups to run a short bass set-up course from those who attended the Bash. So that kind of thing 'floats my boat' but I could be in a minority of 1 on this....! Also I know it's easier for those at the SE Bash to encourage a 'celeb' along but I look on with envy at the caliber of the pro Bassists they manage to attract ( Herbie Flowers, John Bentley, Dave Swift etc etc) We did have an ex- Sabbath Bassist (Jo Burt) at one of our Bashes a few years ago and it was fun hearing his tales of the road..... know of anyone else from your neck of the woods? Having said all this, if you just replicate last year, I won't be disappointed! It was a great event.
  12. For them to fall into the cab means the holes are now bigger than the screw heads so I'd reattach them via new holes.
  13. Respect to Ashdown for coming on here and giving the background to it all. I suppose they're just Being Social...?
  14. Interesting that a 'too light body' is seen as a property of a cheap Bass. Usually it's a heavier body that is the issue. Certainly with the Harley Bentons that have passed through my hands but admittedly, they have been around £100 and not £300
  15. Suggest you use a private message for this stuff, you don't know who could harvest your details!
  16. I'll bring my 72 Fender Telecaster Bass and my 51 notafender Precision Bass. Also a notafender 75 Jazz Bass if not sold before then. I think the Minimark 802 will suffice on the Amplification front. Could also bring a Squier Jaguar 5 if anyone is interested too.
  17. I have a load of songs I wrote, that sound just like many modern classics. i recorded them ages ago, and put them in my safe along with all my Bitcoin details...gone and lost the key......
  18. Be good to see you but might be better posting this on this years (2018) thread?
  19. If Carlsberg Harp made Guitars....
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