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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. I'm sure a response to the Retailer and Ibanez with a link to this thread would soon see a swift resolution to the issue!
  2. Surely the fact that you saw a crack to the neck and decided to investigate to see if it was finish or worse is reason enough to take off the neck? As I said earlier, there is no way you could have split the neck yourself with anything you did.
  3. Sounds like a smokescreen from the Seller 'fit and finish is ..never perfect' WTF? eBay will side with you anyway. Tell them they put you in a 'very difficult position' too by selling you a piece of carp..... Or just send it back restating the faults, if they try and get out of it, go to eBay who will side with you. Even if the shop argued you cracked the heel( which would be virtually impossible to do there is a fault in the wood), they could not blame you for the other faults. Also restate the guitar is in the 'exact same condition' they sent it- faulty.....
  4. Sure the truss rod is OK, as sometimes issues with that have caused the skunk stripe to move/be removed?
  5. I take my 'cap 'off to them then.....My problem with 2 'Buckers is the amount of beef from them.
  6. Yes I know what you mean but they were too 'inyerface' soundwise. It's a pretty easy job to swap out the different pickup combos too, I may go back to the double bucker and investigate a different 'cap' and see if that may tame them? Plus at least the strings go over the Jazz pole pieces unlike all the other pickups....
  7. No, but there will be comparing of foot tattoos! Novice or Expert it does not matter, with gear or not, again not an issue. Look back at last years photos (should be under ditto title 2017) and see what went on. Great food, Basses and the friendliest bunch of Bassists this side of the Quantocks. Did I mention the Prize Raffle...?
  8. Thanks. People say don't you find the neck a bit wide, having come from 5 stringers, it feels just right!
  9. Forgot to mention, I've done a 51P Bass 'build' over Christmas and just waiting for the nitro to harden, so look out for that next!
  10. Lastly, the rear of the headstock showing the Grover Titans ( and more holes). They are slightly shorter than OEM's and I've decided to keep them for the moment. The red sticker is for a musical instrument shop in Paris called 'Pasdeloup' which I have been unable to trace however. The Ying/Yang sticker on the rear of the body says 'Town and Country Surf Designs, Pearl City, Hawaii' and I've decided to leave that too. It seems this is a large surfboard manufacturer.
  11. Here's a picture of the heel of the neck, complete with stamp and cross checked with s/n on microtilt plate. Oh, I've got the original case too which stays safely at home as it is getting on a bit....
  12. I also replaced the jack socket, should be a before and after below. Tricky little beggars the OEM sockets, had to spend some time reading up how to fit it without buying an expensive tool. Luckily the internet is a valuable source of 'how to' and I crafted something from a large threaded bolt, washers, nut and a socket that did the job. Again more holes left...!
  13. The eagle and not so eagle-eyed will also spot a different pickup has crept into the fray? I decided to replace the bridge with a Squier one as could not find a Fender and it is the old twin saddle type. Whilst the bridge is no wider than the non OEM one fitted, the saddle spacing is slightly wider and my E string was way adrift from the pole screw on the bridge pickup. So I decided to experiment with pickups, first the P Bass ones(cheapies), then the Squier Jazz one. The body had been routed for a Jazz at some time beneath the control plate. I just fabricated the plates myself and in fact rather than drill any more holes in the body (its like Blackburn under there), the Jazz plate is held in place by the Bridge cover, again a Fender part. Many will know, depending on which was around you have the bridge cover can influence the sound if the damping rubber is still in place. My bridge cover is naked underneath. One thing I have noticed, is that without changing anything but the bridge pickup, how the different pickups react with the neck pickup. Each one is very different and also where they interact when blended too. The two Humbuckers as bought were a bit OTT tonewise and a bit full-on.
  14. Here's a picture of the Fender knobs I sourced, apparently there are domed tops and flat tops, I got flats. I also replaced the tug/pull bar with a Fender part. Strangely having done a number of gigs with it since then, have neither been pulled nor tugged but a tractor driver did nudge me when he was going to the Bar.....
  15. Back in early November I had to take my wife to the Dentist in Wincanton. Whilst she was there I wandered down the High Street (bit of a misnomer) and noticed the following in a Secondhand Record shop window. I went in, asked a few questions and went back and borrowed a phone to take a few photos with the intention of posting it on BC and alerting people to its existence. After about 10 minutes thought however, decided to buy it myself once I'd checked it was kosher. It had been a 'players bass' so there was quite a bit that had been changed. The machine heads were Grover Titans, it had an extra Humbucker , extra volume for that pickup, removed tug bar, different jack socket and different bridge. I've been gradually returning it to stock and this is the story.......
  16. Hope stainless does the trick, might coated strings help too (obviously not nickel cored)?
  17. I thought it sounded very 'clean' for a live show and even the intermission bits where they were playing 'out in the community' sounded very 'processed' too. Incidentally enjoyed them more than the actual show....
  18. My handle went the same way. I went back to the Retailer, who contacted the Distributor, who then contacted the Repairs Agent. Should have contacted Marco I reckon!
  19. I've one of each and apart from being made to jump through a number of ridiculous hoops re getting a new rubber handle for a 13 month old 802 Minimark (photos and copies of receipt) have had no issues.
  20. We got asked to play at short notice on NYE in our local pub. Had 4 rehearsals developing a dancy 3rd set and then last week the pub called it off. They are still paying us our fee, are most apologetic about it and will book us again in 2018. Ironically I have woken up this morning with a virus causing dizziness and nausea so may have had to bail anyway!
  21. Just seen these on eBay: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ao-handmade-greetings-birthday-card-PAISLEY-TELECASTER-BASS/360648757454?hash=item53f85750ce:g:bxkAAOxynapRgnxj
  22. UK declared voltage 230 volts German declared voltage 230 volts Dutch declared voltage 230 volts All at 50hz so where is the difference in power rating?
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