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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. I see how the milled aspect helps it locate. I had to retrofit an original one as again the previous owner of my TB had replaced it with a non standard 4 screw version. Once I'd read up about it on the net I worked out how to fit it securely without spending loads on a special stew-mac tool. Here's another before picture. I think I'll do a separate before and after thread elsewhere as it seems unfair to piggy-back on someone else's thread.
  2. Unfortunately I've had similar issues with Thomann on more than one occasion where they will try it on. I bought a 'display' Variax 5 Bass which they assured me had just been in a perspex case. It arrived minus manual, essential leads, pedals and had obviously been played and they stonewalled me for a month. In the end I wrote to the MD and got it sorted. Suggest you remind them of the German distance selling regulations which are more exacting than ours.
  3. I replaced an old brass non fender 4 saddle on my 1972 Telebass for a Squier Fender replica 2 saddle and find I have no issues with intonation even though many speak of it being an issue. However it is slightly wider than what it replaced and takes the E string away from being directly above the bridge Humbucker E pole piece. As 2 Humbuckers were a bit too punchy anyway I swapped one out for a Jazz pickup. Wilkinson used to do those slanted 2 saddle bridges but they seem to be discontinued now. Here's a 'before' photo.
  4. I'm in 2 bands ( a soul/jazz/blues band) and an Americana band. Recently rehearsed with a Jazzy singer I've met at Open Mics. She'd advertised for musicians and 2 ex bandmates contacted her ( she did not know the connection) and we all got together. It went fine but I decided I did not want to go 'backwards' and join them, as I knew these 2 bandmates had just sacked their previous band a week before and in fact had defacto done the same to me a couple of years earlier( the singer went on holiday for a month in February and after he came back we 'mysteriously' stopped rehearsing). So my decision for joining another band is that it must play the music exactly that i'm in to currently, which at this moment is Jason Isbell. So it might never happen but at least i won't get dragged into something I'll just get bored/frustrated by....
  5. I know applying any logic to the Bass is risable, but why have 4 X 6 string guitars and 1 X 12 string? I'd have gone with 4 string Bass, 5 string Bass, 6 string guitar, 7 string guitar and 12 string guitar......
  6. 'Aberto....' Harry Potter spell for opening things....
  7. This weeks most 'commented on thread' was closed by Ped 16 hours ago. So how does Hazbeen manage to answer 4 hours ago? Has he magical powers?
  8. The Pace upright bass is a good price...delivery June/July!
  9. 'It's incredibly powerful, I purchased to play big venues and it certainly can facilitate a very big venue. This amp MUST be collected tomorrow from Manchester Town after 8pm if you're the winner. This is non-negotiable. CASH ON COLLECTION I'm selling very cheaply as it's an urgent sale.' 1. The language does not seem to indicate a native speaker 2. They say they are selling cheaply.... 3. Where's Manchester Town? 4. You rock up at a pre-arranged spot (In Manchester Town) with £55 in your pocket and some scroat hits you over the head and scarpers with the cash, or even better they text you at the last minute, say they can't make it but want a deposit to hold it via a dodgy money site There again I could be totally wrong, maybe you can 'facilitate' a different explanation?
  10. Seem to be some big reductions here at the moment: https://www.gear4music.com/search/?str_search_phrase=dean+pace+upright+bass
  11. Anyone got any Impact Studies regarding the affect on second-hand Bass Sales?
  12. Just saved £60 on a Freezer i was going to buy anyway! Being delivered on Saturday, mind with the weather at the moment, who needs to freeze things? Went for a run this morning, road was like a skating rink....
  13. There are often products on Dragons Den which are dismissed as a solution for a problem we don't have. Where's Deborah Meaden when you need her?
  14. Do you mean herpes or are you faking Hermes, the parcel courier?
  15. When do we get to the bit when everyone kisses and makes up? It's just I have to go out in about 25 minutes and I don't want to miss it.....
  16. Think we need to take this elsewhere if we continue as we have rather hijacked the thread!
  17. I may have missed your full response and have not got the stomach to go back through all the posts, but how many of these were being sold as genuine Fenders ?
  18. HB, quick photo enclosed. As you can see did not slavishly copy the Fender shape as the HB does not have enough wood in the tip to do that so I did a bit of a mongrel....
  19. ....and string through as well. Also unlike the Thomann one it has a decent headstock shape too. I've had to reshape mine but all will be revealed in a Build Thread some time soon...!
  20. As well as Thomann doing something similar, I've seen these too:https://www.ebay.ie/itm/Blowout-Freya-PB-S-Deluxe-Electric-Bass-Guitar-Strings-thru-body-1951-styling/201439279606?hash=item2ee6b779f6:g:QfkAAOSw4HVWCl5w
  21. The reason the amp is so small is so it fits the rear jean pocket of that model....whould people be buying it if it stuck out the top of some cargo pants?
  22. ha, I wrote another name and see what's happened....how PC is that?
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