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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. [quote name='afterimage' timestamp='1506538804' post='3379448'] Nice of Jim to put out such good information exchange rates will get worse me thinks [/quote] Yeah, once the UK retaliates over the 220% surcharge put on Bombardier Aircraft by the USA, a Berg cab will cost around £3k!
  2. [quote name='T-Bay' timestamp='1506369512' post='3378327'] Exactly, you sort of think it wouldn't be many but I bet it's thousands. [/quote] There's 84 million guitar players in the USA and 4 million in the UK, so I'd guess it's more than a few thousands. Still if you're not in, you don't win..!
  3. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1506334267' post='3377928'] Bizarrely, maps show I'm also exactly 84 miles away to the east of Bracknell. Mike Lull Bryan Beller available. It would have to be after Oct 14th though and you would have to collect and return. [/quote] Snap!
  4. [quote name='phil.c60' timestamp='1506344857' post='3378052'] I like the new one! Just goes to show - different strokes for different folks! [/quote] I dunno, there seems some weird production on the album where his voice is doubled-tracked? on Molotov and Chaos and Clothes whereas on the Tiny Desk it sounds more natural and Amanda does discernible bv's too. Almost sounds on the album as if its too compressed?
  5. Slight differences in size and placement of screw holes i'd suspect? Maybe get a custom one made by tracing your existing one or DIY?
  6. Can't comment on Octave pedals but I exclusively play 5 Stringers and can report no issues.
  7. I've got a mixture of Italian and Indo and they are absolutely fine. There were questions asked when they first switched production as some cabs were a tiny bit heavier but that is all sorted now. The only reason for switching production was that many of the components were from the far east anyway so it made sense to assemble there as well, and keep prices competitive. The change over was a good 2-3 years ago now: had there been any issues they would have come to light by now. Doubtless someone will be along soon who can swear they can tell the difference between Italian and Indo mind....
  8. Got a self-made (with Jon Shuker) super Jazz 5 string active on groundwound strings. I'm 84 miles away however but could meet halfway?
  9. There's some initial thoughts here:http://basschat.co.uk/topic/304837-delivery-date-for-the-new-te-elf-head/page__st__210
  10. Just had an email from Daptone Records. First Sharon Jones, now Charles Bradley...
  11. [quote name='phil.c60' timestamp='1505895548' post='3374981'] Seeing him in October. Can't wait! [/quote] Just got the most recent album, The Nashville Sound and am disappointed compared to the Tiny Desk stuff. So it may be he is better live than in the studio. Certainly the work he does with Amanda Shires seems more pronounced live than recorded.
  12. I have a CMD 121P and it is fine with a 5 string, so a 151P should be even better!
  13. Vintage TV takes so much finding that your blood sugar plummets and you start to hallucinate...
  14. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djUh1eHdepE[/media] Been directed to this to learn the first song for a Village do. Love the vibe, this is the type of Band I'd love to play in.....dig the Ashbory Bass. Incidentally if you watch the whole show they pluck a guy out of the audience to play with them. I must have mentioned the same thing happened to me with Rich Hall but unfortunately no video running! On the strength of this have ordered the new album, love the tunes, the vibe and he seems a really cool guy. Notice they screw up and start again on the second song, they just laugh. Incidentally the Bassist is called Jimbo Hart.
  15. Poor Marcus, must be on his uppers, did you see the holes in his jeans?
  16. The Nashville Sound, Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit , my best album of the year.
  17. Well if you want more 'heft', a Markbass Micromark 801 will keep up no probs, but comes in at around £300 new and £230 used
  18. The Roland Bass Micro Cube is what I took one holiday and they often come up in the classifieds for around £130. You can use a battery as well as mains so if you are camping.....
  19. I had real issues with my MB RJ 800 Head overhanging a Traveller 210. So much so I then went and bought the matching RJ cab, so problem solved. Just harking back to the Traveller cab, I even moved the badge through 90 degrees as I could not abide it being sideways when I used it with a LMII/III.....
  20. You might have expected his birthday cake to be by Sarah Lee?
  21. and I don't even live in Yorkshire, let alone been born there....
  22. In a recent version of our Soul Band (MoFuSo-work it out!) we had the pleasure of a young keyboard player just out of Music College playing for us. Despite him living at home and nearest to the rehearsal room to us all (5 mins), my journey was 45 mins, guess who could be relied upon to be at least 30 mins and up to 60 mins late for a 7.00 pm start? After 3 episodes of this I asked him if he had a compelling reason for being late? His answer, 'No, I was just having my tea'...... He dropped out just after he got us to play for nowt at his Village Gala over the Summer, saying he was going to be working abroad and would be too busy for us. Facebook indicates his feet are still firmly stood on Somerset soil....... Good keyboard player but crap timekeeper.
  23. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1505219070' post='3370296'] I'm planning to order a bridge from them, but refuse to order it until it has arrived. [/quote] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]'Last time I went I had to walk from my car, and open the door myself.'[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Maybe if you both park nearer the door...........? [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color]
  24. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1505128993' post='3369612'] Waiting for the head to arrive - I have an original series 1x10 extension cab which I'll be using with it. Acquire the cab for around £100 IIRC - I'm sure that they can work together.... [/quote] Yes, but does it have the special 'docking station'...?
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