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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. [quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1505108958' post='3369444'] I strongly disagree, Alfa Romeos are probably the worst cars to own in Australia where they rust out within a decade. Nice cars to drive, but no, you don't buy one in Oz. I spent so many friggin hour filling in my cousins Alfasud with chicken wire and putty lol. No, not in Australia. [/quote] Alfasuds were built in a new state subsidised factory using cheap steel from Russia obtained in a deal with the Italian Government: the last ones were built in the late 80's. (note: 37 years ago)! There is still a market for current and older Alfas in Australia judging from the owners who contribute to some of the Alfa forums I lurk in. Next you'll be saying all Fords are dull because they are only available in Black......
  2. Just had a look at the price of the 2 X 8 cab....£650 ? So a 250 watt Elf plus cab is £900? My MarkBass 250 watt 2x8 Minimark is less than £600!
  3. [quote name='Chownybass' timestamp='1504871611' post='3367902'] HELLO! I was summoned and I have appeared. So Retrovibe and Chowny are working together in an official capacity. We were already using a lot of the same production facilities and working fairly closely together. So it made sense to combine it all. This allows us to consolidate orders, shipping, manufacturing buying power and marketing, have a central UK contact for the factory etc. It's a growing enterprise and works very well for all of us. So currently we make all the Retrovibe bass designs under license - and Retrovibe work with us like a sort of in-house design team. We still have our own models. And we also have Retrovibe models released under the banner of "Retrovibe by Chowny" We have a similar arrangement with Scott Whitley to make the SWB basses under license. Working together EVO has been redesigned and greatly improved. We have a version with Davie504 (linked above) and also an upgrade to the existing one here [url="http://chownybass.com/product/evo-standard/"]http://chownybass.co...t/evo-standard/[/url] . Both of these feature the Retrovibe Stinger '77 Pre-Amp as standard. All of us (Scott Whitley, David from Retrovibe and I) will all being going to NAMM together. Which will be a laugh I hope that makes sense. [/quote] You'll all need a huge suitcases to get that cut timber in for your stand at NAMM......
  4. Both are members of this forum and doubtless will be along soon to explain the merger, which incidentally happened after the SW Bass Bash earlier this year.
  5. Unfortunately in an effort to get more subscribers, it's just more click-bait.
  6. Yes, but then Roqsolid often have discounts and offers.
  7. [quote name='deepbass5' timestamp='1504256052' post='3363652'] therealthing - The course prices are on Jon's Shuker site, presently £750 for a 3 person build course that he runs about 3 times a year. you can ask for 1:2:1 courses that cost more. As you are about the same distance from the Peak District as me, you need to factor in the cost of B&B for the week (£250) and then evening meals etc travel expenses. So not cheap, I estimate this cost me £1100+ I could have bought a nice second hand Shuker bass Jon build himself off this site for that. But of course that isn't the point it was the experience and learning process and satisfaction of producing a working bass. You need the Time - money - and inclination all three lined up for me this year so i went for it. [/quote] An amusing anecdote from when I did the 1-2-1 course 7 or 8 years ago. I was on about day 4 and said to Jon, 'When do you put the Shuker name on the headstock' He laughed and said' I don't put my name on the headstock, you built the Bass but I'm happy to take your design for a transfer to put on your headstock'! I hadn't quite thought that one through...!
  8. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1504373709' post='3364502'] Shame it's not blue; would have worked otherwise. [/quote] I guess that's why they call it the blues?
  9. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1504103049' post='3362704'] Couldn't they have found a better house band? I'm really cross about this: a collection of good musicians led by a gurning clown who's managed to turn the whole thing into a soup of mediocrity. Compare with the Metropole Orkestr doing the Mingus Prom last week. IMHO, of course. Other indifferent bands are available. [/quote] Yeah, that guitarist with the pony-tale, some useless old has-been, he'll come a cropper....
  10. Sorry to repeat myself from a post elsewhere..... but why not just get one of these? More than adequate cushioning, good to look at and on trend for stagewear.... [attachment=252541:elf_backpocket.jpg]
  11. Wait for a Stelvio, based on the same platform but a larger boot...? (525 litres instead of 480). Either are nice car!
  12. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1503703260' post='3360486'] Did you try it the other way round? I have a TC450 amp and 2xTC112 speakers. I have 3 speakon - speakcon leads and the have a piece of tape round the end that goes to the amp. If I put them the other way round I get nothing (I can wire between the speakers either way). [/quote] Exactly the same for me, I gaffa'd the end that worked!
  13. [quote name='Opticaleye' timestamp='1503598119' post='3359594'] There was an issue with Lm2 Speakon outputs where they were very fussy about the connectors that went into them. I have one that only works with the cable a certain way round. I labeled the connectors as Amp and Cab. Another lead works with both connectors. This was reported on forums at the time (2008 onwards as I recall) [/quote] I will concur, in that I had a LM2 from new that would only work with certain Speakons and not others.
  14. Back in 70's I was given a leather coat by my brother in law that used to belong to Chris Farlowe.
  15. Looks like he was saying it was all going over the top of his head....
  16. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1503391534' post='3357747'] Another +1 to the above. Never really liked it. [/quote] I guess its different (New York Rock band formed 1998) for different folks....
  17. Can I be the first to say I'm not bi-curious?
  18. [quote name='eddie1984' timestamp='1503255859' post='3356760'] Got a 2002 Mexican fender active deluxe jazz bass for sale but no interest yet, but tempted to keep it and make it passive. BUT the Jack input is on the edge of the bass..not the control plate. So can you get a control plate without the Jack input? [/quote] Don't you mean 'can you get a control plate with the jack input'? If you want to bypass the active elements you could replace the active control plate with a passive one with jack built in, assuming the pickups would work passively?
  19. Just did a 30 minute set at the Mid Somerset Show. Got there at 3.00 pm for a 3.15pm start only to find I could not see the entrance to the Show. Drove around for 5 minutes and eventually parked opposite despite having a permit. Got into the Show, no Steward knew where the Music tent was, spent 10 minutes wandering around ahuge site asking people in the mud. Eventually found our Tent and started the set 15 minutes late. Then the rain started outside... Music was fine, the rest not so.
  20. I've just read the Brian Sweet book , 'Steely Dan'. Interesting chapter about 'Nightfly'. Chuck Rainey only played Bass on 1 track. I'm also a fan of 'Flying Cowboys' by Rickie Lee Jones produced by Walter Becker. She was naturally wary of him producing given the Becker/Fagan obsession with getting the drum track perfect down to milliseconds and sometimes spending months on just that. In the end Becker said Flying Cowboys was not much more the RLJ's original demos with a few bits added on, like Bass and Drums.
  21. There's a lot of flippant comments on this thread...
  22. [quote name='Grassie' timestamp='1502912038' post='3354379'] Disappointingly, he did say in the article that he's only got it "for noodling on". Somewhat inspired by seeing Thundercat at Glastonbury, he asked Status to make him a six string version of his paramatrix bass. So there you go - just gonna give Rob Green a buzz and tell him I too saw Thundercat (on telly) and can I have a free bass please. I'm actually hoping to see MK play that sixer live. [/quote] Maybe he'll do a Pot Noodle advert on it?
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