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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Just read through the content and looked at the photos, nice bit of PR 'puff' for Gizmodrome and Status Basses. Not sure what the picture of him 'gurning' and clenching his fist is about: and there's just lots of other spurious photos too with very little written content over 8 full pages and 7 photos, all obviously taken in a local hotel room. Still it could have been worse, like an old interview with Sir Paul?
  2. [quote name='Rocker' timestamp='1502382620' post='3351133'] Tried out a couple of basses in a Dublin music shop recently. The amp was a Hartke TX600 and a Hartke speaker [it might have been a 1*12" or a 1*15"]. Anyway the sound was great, not that my playing was all that good, not sure if the Squier PJ or Fender Mex or a combination of all that got my juices flowing. But I don't remember reading much about Hartke. Anyone here got any experience with this kit [b]or should I just stick with my Markbass MiniMark?[/b] All commentes welcome. Thanks. [/quote] Depends on what you want to/are doing? I use my Minimark ( assume you mean the 2X8 250 watt combo and not the Micromark) as a 1 stop solution for small gigs and home practice. For larger gigs I use my CMD121P, sometimes with a NYC12" cab in a large venue. If you like the MB sound, why change...?
  3. According to BGM new Geddy's are Mexican, but the rear of the head stock of their review Bass said 'Made in Indonesia'....!
  4. There's a review of the Squier VM Jaguar shortie in September's BGM. Also one of the Fender Geddy Lee Jazz Bass which would not be suitable for the OP's daughter yet......let's see if anyone has spotted the big error in the review of it? Clue: read the first paragraph then look at the rear of the head stock photo, directly to the right hand side!
  5. MarkBass Micromark 801 then, hardly any knobs and tiny....
  6. Not sure why Paul has not considered contacting Fender, given a similar thread and scenario a few weeks ago with a different Fender Amp.....has to be worth a shot, it will cost you an email/phone call!!! Oh, and the other amp was s/h too and Fender replaced it.
  7. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1497638711' post='3319761'] An angle grinder and flap disc! Haha. You would need to use a pretty mean grade to flatten the frets and even with a steady hand it would really make a mess of the fret board. And it would take a lot of work to make it right if even possible. Not worth the attempt. A pair of specially ground pliers is essential! That's my tip makes it so much easier. [/quote] Angle grinder might give you the Billy Sheehan scalloped fretboard effect however..... I ground some pliers like these or buy them ready made? https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/182264972837?chn=ps&dispItem=1&adgroupid=13585920426&rlsatarget=aud-133395220626%3Apla-142405615746&abcId=&adtype=pla&merchantid=6995734&poi=&googleloc=1006578&device=c&campaignid=207297426&crdt=0
  8. You need a hum-bucker pickup then.... No issues with my Ibanez Artcore V short scale
  9. Popped into Guitarbitz today, popped out a few minutes later. A few Squiers, some MIA and no Bass amps...
  10. I've looked everywhere including their site and cannot find any dimensions for the Pro Racket bag. My Jaguar V is longer and wider than many and the only bag I could find at the premium end was the aforementioned Mono Bass Sleeve in which it fits snugly. Had some very early issues with the Tuners digging up the lining but I have it in writing from Mono, if the lining fails they will replace the bag! If I'd seen the PR Gig case a month ago and I knew my Bass would fit, then I'd have saved £75!
  11. [quote name='bassjim' timestamp='1502097535' post='3349229'] New Overwater Jazz just arrived before the weekend so obviously I took it out at the weekend to play at a wedding. Yep that works! Warm and punchy, responsive, balanced,easy to play, feels great, looks great,sounds great. All through the gig I'm just going "wow" to myself. Band members said I was in my own little bit of bass heaven and could see and hear how pleased I was. They could tell the difference in sound as well and that says a lot in my book. To say I'm really pleased is an understatement. Money very well spent, I cant recommend these guys enough. Very happy bunny. Id post some pics but my 30mb data allowance here on FC is being used in an ad so if any one wants to see it , please can the advise how to get round that and I'll post some pics! [/quote] My settings: manage attachments
  12. Someone was bound to come up with the answer
  13. They forgot to mention it was gigged at 'The Ivy'...
  14. I had a Stagg and bought a Stagg stand: https://www.thomann.de/gb/stagg_svedb_electric_upright_stand.htm
  15. I use an Ibanez Artcore 5 with flats and a Squire Jaguar V on rounds with a PJ pickup config.
  16. [quote name='la bam' timestamp='1501252739' post='3343649'] Has anyone else tried one of these yet? Im very tempted. There seems to be no YouTube videos apart from the g a k and markbass one out there, which surprised me. [/quote] It was demo-ed at the recent SW Bass Bash by Mojoke
  17. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1501258802' post='3343692'] Who is going to transcribe all the music for her? [/quote] Not me! I think she has already ruled herself out as with a sax player we tend to go into jam/improv territory.
  18. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1501017403' post='3341885'] [/quote]
  19. Been looking for a new keyboard player for our Soul Band and someone our Sax player knows with a big band was approached. Here is the response: "She is a professional piano player who works [u]entirely[/u] from dots and hasn’t got into to working things out by ear it seems – so every song would have to be transcribed onto manuscript paper." Anyone ever come across this before?
  20. I bought a second hand Randy Jackson 115 Cab from a well-known bass gear shop that 'someone' had removed the Mark Bass badge from... had to buy some really sticky double sided tape to re-attach it as it kept on falling off due to the vibrations!
  21. Done a few Festival gigs recently with a House P.A. and Soundie and without fail, when they see my MB combo, be it the Minimark 802 or CMD121P they say 'Good, no problems there'!
  22. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Warwick-Triumph-Bass-5-String-High-C-/192236587542?epid=1454566832&hash=item2cc2318a16:g:5JkAAOSw1BlZWk7k"]http://www.ebay.co.u...JkAAOSw1BlZWk7k[/url]
  23. [quote name='MarkG3' timestamp='1500648793' post='3339385'] Should also add that it really needs to be maple too! Seemingly there isn't anything at all on thommans deco part at the moment but will try and keep an eye on it [/quote] So many buyers have alerts set that the chances of getting anything in Decos seems remote. Everytime I've gone on, all is sold.
  24. [quote name='oldbass' timestamp='1500303919' post='3336787'] Had to sell my vintage bass for the money so went out and looked for a replacement. Guy at PMT took down a box with a VM P in it. I was surprised. Weight is 7 3/4 pounds with perfect balance, its nicely made and sounds very good and I'm a tweaker so I rolled the fret board, fitted a vintage RI bridge and PU's though it didnt really need it. I now have a very giggable lightweight keeper. [b]Its also worth remembering that the VM range are made from Basswood which is softer than Alder but no probs so far. [/quote][/b] The natural wood ones tend to be Alder as it has a better grain and is harder than Basswood: the downside is they are heavier than the colours. Had a VM Jazz that was too heavy, even for me....
  25. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1500871792' post='3340672'] They did a great job with it. A good rendition. But as a baby boomer I have to say it doesn't come close to the soul and passion captured in the original artists recording. Blue [/quote] Don't disagree, was not suggesting that DB is/was better than AF. However the whole session had a great feel, you could see how DB was in awe of DH by the way she was looking at him, yet she was musically and vocally his equal (IMHO).
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