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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Update: The Bach has been refunded, they agreed a scratched and dinted bridge was not good but all the other issues were negligible. The Squier has gone back to G4M due to a weird rattle/resonance in the headstock that I cannot locate or cure. Suspect it could be a truss rod issue although it works OK. Annoying if their tech cannot sort it as i really like the Bass.
  2. GK MB110 less than £300, MB 801 more than £300 but 8" speaker and only 50 watts. MB 802 150 watts and over £500
  3. [quote name='Jazzjames' timestamp='1494341207' post='3295125'] Let me know what the solution is, I have this problem too and I've also tried everything! [/quote] On a Squier Jaguar V?
  4. Tried everything including swapping machine heads and still this 'rattle' in the headstock area which happens when i dig into the B and E acoutically. Rather than faff about any more, G4music have agreed to take it back and get their guitar tech to look at it. All I can say is that if I tap the headstock there is a metallic rattle/resonance coming from it, yet if I compare to the P Bass I have there is none, it just sounds woody. I do wonder if the rattle is from the truss rod, despite the fact it works fine. Worse case scenario is I get a refund but I really like the Bass.....!
  5. When played acoustically and through an amp, on my new Jaguar V the B and E strings have an odd rattle if I dig in on the open string. Did not notice straight away when I got the Bass and only after I swapped out to flats. I have checked and tried to eliminate the following: Action: checked the Truss rod adjusts and the action is not so low that it's fret rattle and is not the truss rod rattling itself. Tuners: If I hold the tuner ear tightly/press against it the rattle/vibe stops. Obvious you might think, but I've taken the tuners apart, reversed the shim so its tighter and the ears are a lot tighter to move, so think have eliminated them as source. Is there anything else I can do here? Strings: could be loose windings...swapped back to OEM strings and still rattling. String Tree: tight, no rattle Screws: been round scratch plate checking there are no loose screws, whilst it was removed checked pickups were not the cause, they are tight and no wiring rattling around. The jazz pickup has individual allen screws for the poles, these have all been checked too and tight. Convinced it's to do with the B and E Tuners as the rattle goes if I hold the ear tightly but screws are tight, there is no play in the tuner. is there anything I'm missing as I feel I've tried everything...! I could swap over tuners to ones I know do not rattle(ADG) but suspect its to do with the thickness and frequency of the B and E...? Any ideas gratefully received!
  6. Anyone notice Klaus had a big block of foam under his bridge?
  7. In the unlikely event we don't get 12 weeks of sunshine you could try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSboSy3IsvM
  8. Nice cameo from Klaus Vormann showing how he did the intro to 'You're So Vain' on Bass. One of the 'Soundtrack to my 70's' albums.
  9. Sold Mike a bespoke EUB, lightening payment and great comms. from him.
  10. Watch out Mr Blobby does not stand on your monitors....
  11. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1493914200' post='3291821'] Ive wondered why those awful (to look at) clip on headstock tuners haven't got a time on them... at least you could kill two birds with one look without the audience knowing that you are clock watching. [/quote] Trouble is you might think the time is 4.40 (or 4.32) when its in Tuner mode.....
  12. There were a couple in the classifieds here about 4 weeks ago...
  13. I think whether I get a 1954 P Bass (26-12-1954) or one from 1955 is totally irrelevant.....!
  14. [quote name='martthebass' timestamp='1493811028' post='3290810'] Nice score Y5S. Ive just picked up a 4 string version of this. Very nice basses for the price, still working out the electronics though. [/quote] Yes, the first 2 knobs are P and J pickups, then the active boost and small knob is tone. Tweaking the last 2 is a bit of a dark art...!
  15. I've read somewhere the bodies are made in Czech and the necks are bought in from Korea. I found faults in both... but have to say others have been pleased with their purchases from BACH.
  16. Just over 4kg, around 9 pounds so not a lightweight but less wood than a P or J and a couple more holes too! So I contacted Bach as soon as it was delivered re issues, they asked for photos which I sent and basically they said 'sorry' but no offer to replace it, discount it or fix it!
  17. A few weeks ago I succumbed to GAS and decided I'd like a Paisley P (Tele) bass but as a 5 string. I'm in an Americana Band and wanted something a bit more 'Country'. Looking around there is no such thing in a 5, so I found the Bach Tele style Bass in a 5 string and ordered it early April. £250 inc postage. I sourced lookalike Paisley paper to cover the Bass and someone to airbrush the pink burst edges. I looked at swapping out pick-ups and tuners, Fender decal (!) and spent quite a few hours looking at other options too. The Bass finally arrived last Friday after its tracking still showed it in Czech Republic.....what a disappointment. The bridge was scratched and dinted in 3 places where they had strung it, the rear of one of the Tuners was also scratched and the neck felt odd, I could not quite put my finger on it. It looked smooth but then I realised in certain light you could see the grain in one place had risen and not been sanded down smoothly and then had been clear coated over. The earth wire from the bridge had become detached in the control cavity where they attached it to the graphite coated sides, so it buzzed like a fly in a Butcher's shop window. I got back to Bach, they were apologetic but no easy offer of replacement or discount so it has been returned to them with a list of Q.C. faults I could easily spot. I'll lose the carriage costs both way but better to get rid now. Incidentally reading their T&C, they transfer the carriage responsibility to the Buyer, once the Bass leaves their premises. Something to bear in mind for anyone buying from them......along with the dodgy QC! So feeling a bit bruised (1st World problem I know) I was browsing G4Music site and happened across a Squier Jaguar 5 in red, reduced down to £220. It arrived late Thursday and as soon as I saw the box I realised it was a return as it looked a bit tired and there were places where labels had been removed. With some trepidation I opened the box, the flap with staples had been taped shut, and I inspected it. Overall decent but with some finger marks and disappointingly buckle rash across the battery compartment in the middle of the back and surrounding area. This was not a ''New bass'. However played very well and even on rounds, sounded better than my Squier P Bass, so much so am not going to swap out the strings to flats Rang G4M yesterday, they offered to replace it but these have been discontinued in the UK and US as a 5 string, so they gave me a further £50 off! So great Customer Service from G4Music ( although they insisted it was new and had come direct from Fender Ireland...!) As the new Jaguar is Red, if I get bored with it a new White pick guard or even a Paisley conversion could be on the cards....! [attachment=244300:P1040513.JPG] [attachment=244301:P1040517.JPG]
  18. I've bought some Zinsser BIN primer which is shellac based. Not used it yet but all the decorators swear by it.
  19. [quote name='Rikki_Sixx' timestamp='1493198917' post='3286357'] Has anyone managed to grab anything other than the 5-string fan-fret as deco lately? Every few days I see a bunch of stuff come up, but by the time I click through to the product it's out of stock! People must have cottoned on to how good these are - or someone is buying them all up to eBay. [/quote] Check out eBay, its awash with them, all being sold as 'New'......
  20. I've just pulled the trigger on a new Squier Jaguar V I found at G4music yesterday. It has simpler controls than the Fender, less switches to move...Hopefully it will arrive before Monday
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