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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. [quote name='Naetharu' timestamp='1488876419' post='3252481'] +1 to seeing if you can get a Fender/similar neck for it. If you're willing to go from Europe then I think Thomman do some very decent and affordable necks from their Harley Benton range. They offer top-notch customer service too so I'm sure they would be willing to check the dimensions etc. for you if you were to give them a call/email. [/quote] From another post from the USA, I don't think Thomann will supply across the pond/or charge £100 postage?
  2. I picked up a mint MB NYC121 cab to run with my MB CMD121P. It suits the amp ( which is effectively a LMIII) and was £250.
  3. Just a quick on-topic mention of strap locks, have some on my jazzbass and I thought they seemed a bit loose yesterday. Gave them a wiggle and the pegs into the bass itself were both loose, so had to tighten the screws.... No point in having the peg pull out of the Bass and it end on the floor. Check your screws!
  4. Not been to the show for a couple of years now but seem to recall free earplugs being handed out at the check-in when I last attended.
  5. Supported a Burlesque Show last night in Glastonbury. The Burlesque Show organiser sang 6 songs with us as part of the event and we finished with 'The Stripper' tune and we were warned in advance the women would be doing a full frontal to us and not the audience. 2 words: nipple tassles! Good fun but their show needs to be a lot slicker. Still beats sitting at home....!
  6. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1488544791' post='3249856'] I agree about the headstock but that brass inlay looks a bit special. I tried inlaying with resin bonded "gold" metallic dust once. Never again. [/quote] Looks like a Jaydee...
  7. As it's a Gibson, is that not just to stop the jack plug being ripped out again as the headstock dives to the ground when it's being played...? Unclear as I'm 62, whether I need to put a ?
  8. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1487754201' post='3242367'] Clive is 30 but he looks 65. He's that good. [/quote] I used to work for a Luthier in Ripon, the same small town as Clive operated in and he was held in great esteem.
  9. I had a fretted one, bought it as a 'Deco' for around £40 and at that price it was a bargain. I have big fingers and I struggled a bit as I normally play a 5 string (surprise, surprise) so I flipped it on here fairly recently. The build is not the best in terms of the quality of wood used but it plays and has a decent tuner/e.q. system that the makers say is better than a piezo type. One has to get used to the rubber strings and tuning something that has little resistance but I guess they are all like that.... Sound-wise you could sound like a DB easily but as I say I struggled to fret it due to the reduced scale, narrow neck, 4 strings and positional issues for me. A tip, Thomann sell a 3/4 size padded guitar case for around £12 and the Uke Bass fits in well. Hope this helps?
  10. [quote name='bumnote' timestamp='1488151403' post='3246397'] we had missed the show in 74 because they cancelled. and we waited another 20 odd years to get the opportunity to see what was one of my favorite bands of all time. I went up with a bunch of friends/musicians and sat at the side of the hall towards the back. The sound was awfull and made worse because we got a sound reflection off the back wall about a second after we heard it the first time. Considering they were so particular and achieved such clarity and quality in their recordings we were hoping for a good live sound which we just didnt get. Although it didnt really bother me, in that 20 odd years they had become far more jazzy/ if thats the right word, Walter played guitar, I cant remember if there was a second guitar, but we were hoping for some of those biting solos from the earlier albums, but it sounded more like jazz noodling to me than reelin in the years It was extremely disappointing, and I guess we had built our expectations up to a level that would have been difficult to achieve. . [/quote] I may have posted this before but in 74 managed to see SD at Leeds University: full band plus Mike McDonald and David Palmer too. So impressed we hitchhiked to Scarborough the following Wednesday to see them ( got a lift with this crazy woman who was drinking sherry as she drove...) got to the venue to find it was cancelled.
  11. Crikey, this looks like being bigger than the S.E. Bash.....anyone know any famous Bassists to invite along ( present company excepted!)?
  12. [quote name='scrumpymike' timestamp='1488209423' post='3246801'] Anybody on the forum got experience of Zilla cabs? [/quote] Is that the 'Surprise, Surprise' cab?
  13. [quote name='lownote12' timestamp='1488186069' post='3246498'] My VM P 5 was astonishingly light, and when I checked on the GAK site they're listed as basswood body. [/quote] My VM Natural Jazz was a brick and my VM P lighter but a basswood body under white paint.
  14. In the past I have known of landlords being given an entertainment allowance for bands by the brewery/parent company of say £200 a week and only paid bands £100-150 of it and kept the rest. A place asking for name and address may just be a way of the parent company checking that the money has made its way to the band and not to the landlords pocket?
  15. [quote name='Huge Hands' timestamp='1488191107' post='3246550'] Totally agree Chris, I've "been there, done that" with a lot of your examples, hence probably being a bit paranoid myself about losing my main regular gig. I am happy to be man enough about it if it does happen, especially if this bloke is more available for them, I would just prefer it didn't. I was just trying to show York5stringer another example of why this might be happening - perhaps their normal bassist is also paranoid about losing his gig, so is trying to free himself up to not allow them to get comfortable with another player? [/quote] The other bass is a freelance photographer and works away a lot and the band know and understand his issue. I guess he may be due back on the Friday of the first gig but he felt that he could now do the one on the Saturday. Anyway this is all conjecture, I'll find out for sure when I see them for a pre-gig rehearsal.
  16. On the VM range, the natural wood bodies tend to be heavier as they are nicely grained maple as opposed to lighter basswood covered with paint.
  17. Well, there seem to be broadly 2 camps on this situation: 1. Be grateful for what you have got/ 'a bird in the hand'/'suck it up' or 2. Expect people to honour arrangements they have made with you. I can't pretend to be so super busy depping that I've turned down other gigs for the original dates they required (and maybe if I had I would be in a stronger position) but still feel they have undertaken a contract with me (OK by text) and they should honour it. It irks me that they feel it is OK to give back-word: if the No 1 Bassist was even remotely in the picture they should have said at the outset and I would have factored that in and been fine. As it is, I'll probably get a couple more deps from them this year ( as No1 Bass works away from home quite a bit), but will say something (at the rehearsal they expect me to attend gratis) once I find out the full circumstances behind the decision. Thanks to all for their input.
  18. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1488112990' post='3245888'] I would gleefully do the one gig, and say nothing. It wouldn't even enter my head to moan about it. This is the nature of deputising, and I doubt they meant to muck you about. Unfortunately they are technically your employer, and as such you're at their mercy a wee bit. As a hired gun, you have to be flexible and complaining or turning them down flat would more likely see you painted as unreliable. Did you turn down any gigs in order to play for these guys? [/quote] No, but I might have had to....!
  19. There was a week between being offered two gigs and it being cut down to one. Whilst I know the set, they have a habit of adding a few new tunes which I duly learn and then have to rehearse with them also. If I am lucky enough to be offered further gigs again from them, I shall agree with the caveat that those gigs means just that. Thanks for the feedback.
  20. So imagine you get a text from a band you regularly dep. for offering you two gigs on consecutive nights in around a months time. You text them back , thanking them and saying you are available and put them in the diary. You then get a text saying the existing bassist may be able to do one of the gigs after all and they will get back to you. You then get a further text saying yes, their existing bassist can in fact do one of the gigs, but are you still up for the other one? Do you: 1. Thank them for the one gig, say nowt but feel a bit put-upon? 2. Say 'No way Jose, you offered me two gigs, that is what we agreed and that is what I'll do? 3. Thank them for the one gig but point out they did ask you if you were free to do both, you cleared your diary for them and now you are going to be out of pocket? 4. Any other suggestions..?
  21. [quote name='MoJoKe' timestamp='1487860040' post='3243637'] You little beauties! This is just 28 minutes from my house! Count me in, I'll definitely be there! My hands work properly now!!! I am now working more regularly/closely with MSL, so if anyone has any particular requests for anything Markbass (or dare I suggest DV Mark too?), I can arrange to bring demo stuff. We'll be showing off most of the new products at LBGS, including the Ninja 102-250 combo, the K1 combo (which will excite everyone who does a bit of slapping or uses a 2 or 4x10... it is SO HiFi and bright, and the single cab is louder than my two TRV cabs together), the new EVO dual channel head and a couple of new cabs. Let me know what you'd particularly like to see, and I'll bring what I can! [/quote] Ninja and K1 combos would be nice please Kevin?
  22. Thought he was a Bass Collection JiveBass man?
  23. A good rehearsal can mean a bad gig and vice versa too...!
  24. I have heard it said on here that if you practice /rehearse all the time, you just get good at rehearsing/practicing and actually playing gigs is a different skill. My Americana Band rehearse every week (and it does my head in) unless we bring on new material, which we are doing this year, thank goodness!
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