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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Waterloo Music opened in Yeovil a couple of years ago and is still going.
  2. He'll never get all his gear on the back of that bike...
  3. I'm screaming at your lovely new bass being placed on a rough gravel road..please tell me there was something inbetween the Bass and the road to protect it?
  4. Notice Thomann say the B Stock has 'warranty' whereas the Deco 'is for decoration only'..still got German DSR to fall back on if it is crap. Seems odd to sell something for so much if it is actually 'for decoration only'
  5. Etienne Mbap wears gloves too, not sure if there are medical reasons in his case?
  6. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1485989695' post='3228411'] Not for that much. You sort of expect a Deko to be about £40, in which case it's worth the gamble that it might have genuine issues. This is only £60 less than a full-price one. [/quote] It's really a B stock then...no they're listed at £315
  7. [quote name='sk8' timestamp='1485862174' post='3227219'] [url="http://m.music-group.com/Categories/Bugera/Guitar/Guitar-Head-Amplifiers/1960-INFINIUM/p/P0AAJ"]http://m.music-group...NFINIUM/p/P0AAJ[/url] Think Lemmy! Hell, I've bought pedals more expensive! Let's see how it works out for bass [/quote] How much did you pay, they seem to be around the £350 mark..?
  8. I've heard because match sticks are softwood they will affect the tone, so hardwood cocktail sticks are my choice.
  9. If as you say ( and your subsequent Luthier says) the frets are not seated properly and the fretboard has been damaged by the work done that is not something that 'time' would affect, so the delay in taking it back is incidental. If it's bad workmanship, it's still bad workmanship a year down the line...... I'd be going back to the Luthier, explaining to him all the issues and the delay in returning and ask him for an explanation- but not in a confrontational way! If you then get no joy you can then weigh up your options. What I would say however in cases such as these on this forum, that there always seems to be 2 sides to a story, and if you 'out' the Luthier it may get messy for you both! In my experience working with a Luthier for 3 years, if someone was not happy with work done, he would go out of his way to ensure the customer was happy, even if he effectively lost money on the job
  10. String spacing looks a bit narrow to me, think I'll have to pass.... oh, and I could have a genuine 58 P Bass for £500 less..decisions, decisions
  11. https://www.thomann.de/gb/decorative_guitars_and_basses.html £280 for a deco.....!
  12. Depped for 'Crawfish Junction' ( a Blues Band would you believe) at the King Billy in Glastonbury on Saturday night, I can now say I've played Glasto....! Depped a few times before with them, so knew the set which has very few 'low hanging fruit'. Drummer was a dep too so it was interesting!
  13. Based in Leeds....wonder if a well known Bass Tutor is involved? Incidentally the ACG does not seem to be a model that ACG have on their own website.
  14. It's the age old quandary: "Can Blue men sing the Whites, or are they hypocrites"?
  15. Indeed you will! Pair it with another 8 ohm cab and you will get 500w into them, but as you probably realise, it will not sound another 2/5ths louder!
  16. Here's my favourite moment from LADH: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unoYkG3EUwc"]https://www.youtube....h?v=unoYkG3EUwc[/url]
  17. Had the same rig and it served me well until GAS got the better of me....!
  18. I had an original 1962 EB2 and sold it a long time ago and revisited it recently with a Korean Warwick Star Bass 5 which had the 34" scale neck. It has now been sold also but was a lovely Bass, too lovely to keep in the end!
  19. Bone nuts are easy enough to make: go to the £1 shop, buy a dog bone, cut and shape! If you take too much off, do it again with another bit of bone, unless you are 'bone idle'!
  20. Been some threads on these if you do a search. Heavy is an understatement, seem to remember Andy Travis may have had one, you could PM him?
  21. I962 Gibson EB2 -Bought for £50, sold for £150 Jaydee Roadie-Bought for £400, sold for the same.
  22. [quote name='MoJoKe' timestamp='1484937947' post='3219925'] OK, I have just bought fakes too...... Twice. I've used Elixir on all my basses for many years now, so know what I'm dealing with. These are definitely not genuine The first set were obvious, wrapped wrongly, badly snipped at the ends. Republic of Ireland. He refunded me and didn't want the strings back. probably not even good enough to use for anything, let alone bass strings... Seller was [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/332034457296?_trksid=p2057872.m2748.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT"]http://www.ebay.co.u...K%3AMEBIDX%3AIT[/url] The second set arrived this morning. Different seller, much more authentic packaging, the strings had a pretty much identical construction to the genuine ones, but they are definitely not coated. I have strung them on a 5 string Jazz, along with a known genuine .130tw, and the feel is totally different, as it is to the feel of my newly strung Lakland 55-02. They are not as slippy, soft or flexible as the real thing, and definitely have no coatings. Seller is: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/172466904547?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT"]http://www.ebay.co.u...K%3AMEBIDX%3AIT[/url] and he still has 6 sets for sale. Avoid both like the plague.... [/quote] You have a PM!
  23. 'Musical Icons' by 'Sacred Cow' is one of my least favorite albums by the band. From the whiny vocals by Red Merlot, tuneless guitar from Paul Jackson and drums by Roger Ludwig it is a tuneless dirge all the way through. One slight saving grace is the Bass by Leo Gibson.
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