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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. [quote name='julesb' timestamp='1484687725' post='3217590'] I'll start with Trout Mask Replica... [/quote] Surely that's 'Carp' and not 'Crap'?
  2. [quote name='fleabag' timestamp='1484756213' post='3218161'] You just have. Job done [/quote] Is that it? I'm owed a couple of hours at least, maybe ..if ..I ...type..this...very slowly...?
  3. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1484729686' post='3217772'] Sorry, that was me. Great little uke with nothing wrong with it. Not a fan of the strings though. [/quote] No, its all right, I managed to get one about a year ago before they 'vanished in seconds', kept it a while and re-sold it on here just before Christmas at the price I paid. As for the strings,'They all do that sir'!
  4. You could give it a superficial clean, or even loosen the strings,wipe the fingerboard and see how it plays. If you decide to buy make an offer based on its condition. You should at least then be able to get an impression of its sound and feel before making an offer?
  5. Just a small point...I'm sure I've heard of people buying stuff through Amazon who had issues on returning items where it was a third party supplier rather than Amazon themselves supplying. It may be better to go direct through to Music Produktiv?
  6. [quote name='fleabag' timestamp='1484754153' post='3218123'] Aye, it must be hugely traumatic to hit the ' delete ' button Thats 1.2 seconds of your life you'll never get back [/quote] Incidentally, other than in 'Back to the Future', has anyone ever had any of the time they spent on futile pursuits back? As a child I had a stamp collecting album and probably spent a few hours sticking in stamps: now I'm 62 I'd quite like that time back to write facetious messages on online forums...!
  7. [quote name='Burrito' timestamp='1484751181' post='3218082'] I got no email either but then I remembered that the mods get a special carrier pigeoned message, delivered by the spirit of Jaco, James Jamerson & Duck Dunn. A lot of effort considering I don't believe I can make it this year [/quote] Surely it would have been delivered by a Duck?
  8. You can tell the case is plywood....
  9. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1484653510' post='3217155'] The decos are still there although it looks as though the mini Warwick has finally sold. [/quote] I can see them now, just forgot to scroll down!
  10. I've changed browsers so lost my bookmark to Thomann Decos. However cannot find anything on the page when I do a google search. I wonder if Thomannn have pulled them for the moment as can't even see the Warwick deco....
  11. Living next door to Alice by Smokie (profane version). It makes my skin crawl and I know certain audiences love it
  12. 'Top Condition' doesn't really describe it, does it? I'd be a bit embarrassed to sell a Bass without disclosing that, even if it was not subjected to the scrutiny of the BC collective. I've no idea of values on this Bass but suggest ( as I did in my last post) that you guys take this to private messages and sort it out away from the glare of this post.
  13. Using the example of The Ox is a bit tricky given you had Daltry spinning a mic around his head, Townsend whirling his arms and smashing up guitars and amps and finally Moon totally off his head on drums. I doubt anyone who watched the Who at that time said 'Hang on a minute, what the f88k is Entwistle doing playing an Explorer Frankenbass?' as Moon was climbing over the drums and setting the stage on fire...!
  14. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Winny Poo says:[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]'FWIW I am the buyer. And these are the strings.[/font][/color] [url="http://i.imgur.com/8K18FrD.jpg"]http://i.imgur.com/8K18FrD.jpg[/url] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I have bought every single bass I have ever owned used and have never encountered a set as dead rubbery and useless. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'm a considerate ebayer and went so far as to buy from Jamie direct to save him ebay fees. So I was understandably a bit miffed to receive a bass with undisclosed finish wear and gross strings, simply because I would never sell a bass in such a manner without being fully honest about such things. '[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Me talking: It sounds as if it could be a combination of 'undisclosed wear' and the aforementioned strings that has caused the issue. We don't know if both issues were mentioned to the OP by WP, certainly the OP only brought up the issue of the strings in his post. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]As both will be reading these posts, suggest given the responses from the BC collective they sort it out amicably between themselves. As it was bought 'off eBay' the Buyer took a gamble as there is no legal comeback: equally, we do not see evidence of the 'undisclosed wear' either.[/font][/color]
  15. He's had a Double Bass for sale on here since the Summer, 'baby on the way'..it may be even here by now!
  16. Typical HB quality issues, the pickups are not in straight.....
  17. [quote name='Barking Spiders' timestamp='1484318344' post='3214655'] News to me! Yep, hope their injuries aren't serious as I'm deffo a fan, well of the first half dozen albums anyway. Dave Garibaldi is a major influence on my drumming and with Rocco Prestia formed one of the best rhythm sections..in any genre. [/quote] Rocco Prestia is obviously not playing with them at the moment: been on his website but no clues. Is he sick again? When I met him a few years ago I was taken by how thin and slight he was face to face. They say you should never meet your heroes...! Bad news re new bassist and DG who is one hell of a drummer.
  18. Unless the bass was sold as 'New' you have no obligation to do anything. Just politely decline :am sure eBay would intervene on your side should the buyer decide to be awkward.
  19. I see a well-regarded member on here is now a celebrity endorsee of Ibanez ( clue : he has very quick fingers) He has a collection of vintage models too.
  20. I swapped out a shiny Warwick Star Bass for an Ibanez Artcore as I did not feel it suited my Americana Band looks. I guess I dressed down? This replaced:[attachment=235796:P1040453.JPG] this: [attachment=235795:P1030678.JPG]
  21. This issue has been discussed a number of times, both on the 'Deco' thread and in other places. I contacted this guy some time ago as to what make the Bass was as the photos were vague to say the least. By quick return he confirmed they were HB and he offered me a BIN price of £15 less than he had it listed, circa £100 if I remember rightly. I did not take the exchange any further, as others have said life's too short: initially I got steamed up about misrepresenting a Deco as perfect but I doubt Thomann nor eBay are bothered as long as the listing does not deliberately misrepresent the item. It may morally be 'off' but legally its fine. There are bigger crimes out there: NHS, Bankers, Trump...don't get me started! What is mildly annoying is all the Decos now vanish super quick, before you had time to deliberate if you really needed Bass Uke etc etc!
  22. Thanks for the warning but surely if it was unplayable, you could have returned it to G4M for a refund?
  23. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1484136062' post='3212894'] Michael's brother was here? cool [/quote] Michael Peter. I used to call him Mick...
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