[quote name='casapete' timestamp='1482746291' post='3202438']
So I've got a Countryman bass uke which is great. Had it nearly a year now, and was wondering when
is it time to change the strings? They still seem okay to me, but have noticed the undersides feeling a bit rough, where they make contact with the frets.
It came fitted with cream coloured Aquilar strings, so would be looking for the same replacements I guess?
Anyone restrung their bass uke, and could maybe recommend any strings please?
Also any tips on how to best do it as it looks like it might be a devil of a job, and I'm useless with
tying knots etc, which I think you have to do underneath the bridge. Cheers.
I'd be asking myself do they really need changing? They will not corrode and at that tension, even if a bit rough underneath are not going to snap mid gig. They are never going to sound bright like new metal strings anyway so why give yourself a world of potential pain? Sleeping dogs and all that....!
Caveat: I have been known to be horribly wrong about all sorts of things however.