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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Weird, as at the bottom of the page are a US address and contact numbers...
  2. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1478466964' post='3169275'] You can normally tell BCers by the lanyards (available in the shop or at your local Bash). Alternatively follow Bluejay around and [b]see who she talks to. [/quote][/b] Judging by the number of excellent photos she has posted, that is virtually everyone....!
  3. They've included message at the bottom where someone says it is not genuine...
  4. [quote name='Shambo' timestamp='1478268014' post='3168047'] La Bella's just fitted and sounding and feeling lovely. Just the [b]one schoolboy error[/b]. [attachment=231433:WP_20161104_13_43_44_Pro.jpg] I'll give them a couple of days on the guitar then begin a proper set up. [/quote] One? I can see two!
  5. My Squier Precision VM V has flats, no issues either.
  6. 'What were you all expecting, Motorhead?! ' Lemmy see ....
  7. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1478044261' post='3166394'] You don't need to add disclaimers Blue. This is quality stuff. Ringo sounded great, all out of key and nervous 😃 [/quote] Can I be the first to bring out the old chesnut about 'Ringo not being the best drummer in the Beatles'...?
  8. She's credited on '19' playing Bass on 'Best for Last'(as above) and 'Make you feel My Love'.
  9. Americana Band: Ibanez Artcore V Soul Band: Squier P Bass V Jazz Band: Self-made/Shuker Jazz V Jam Nights: Ibanez Artcore V cos it's small.
  10. Saw the Blockheads maybe 5 years ago, NW-R was wearing a light-coloured suit and I watched with some amazement as it got darker and darker as the night progressed!
  11. The other option is to just disconnect the stock tweeter. I can live without it!
  12. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1477915819' post='3165180'] Like plenty of us all I'm sure, I've been lucky enough to visit (and spend in) most of the Bass shops we all talk about on here, Bass Direct, Wunjo Bass and The Gallery in Camden for example. Never got to BassGear which I'm sad about, as I understand it was a great shop to go to. Of those 3 I'd say The Gallery is probably my favourite place to [i]visit[/i], but I've actually spent more money with Bass Direct than I have in the Gallery and Wunjo. Not 100% sure why that is, but what I do like about BD is that you certainly know where you are with Mark, he's opinionated and that's fine with me, I don't really need buttering up to purchase something, GAS usually does it for me anyway. But I also understand that folks like to feel that their custom is valued, and I agree that sometimes, that can be lacking in the experience at BD. I mean, a smile costs nothing, right? Personally, I will have usually exchanged some emails with the guys before visiting to check a few things, as with it being 140 miles away I can't just call there on a whim. The point I'm making is that they know that I've travelled for probably 2.5hrs to get there to check something specific out (and most likely buy) and I [i]have [/i]felt that they could make more of an effort with the pleasantries given the distance I've travelled. Not a show stopper for me like I say, but still true. Over the past year or so, I've put some serious thought into opening a Bass shop myself. I have not looked into the financial aspects of such an endeavour as yet, and that will probably frighten me to death!, but moreso thought about my combined experiences of shop visits around the country and wanting to provide customers with a positive experience on every level from arrival to departure. Perhaps I should ask Mark for a Job? [/quote] Too misquote from another source, the only way you'll make a fortune selling bass related gear in the UK is to start off with a larger fortune...!
  13. Who says Germans don't have a sense of humour...?
  14. Looks like a flat-mate moved out and left the Bass in lieu of his rent....!
  15. TC and Fender Rumble..both a bit big...? Sorry, sound like a well known troll!
  16. There's a HB PJ Bass on eBay at the moment BIN £100, resumably a Deco but no mention of that and the headstock not photo'd close up. I asked the question what make it was and immediately got a reply it was a HB and they offered it for £90 BIN. Someone may think it's a bargain....
  17. I have a MB 801 45 watt combo which is great for home and acoustic practice: small footprint and loud enough to play along with Cd's and YouTube off the laptop patched through the radiogram... I also have a MB CMD 112 P which gives me 300 watts on its own or paired with a NY 112 cab the full 500watts for gigs. I'm in an Americana Band (vox X2, 1 mouth harp, 3 acoustic guitars) with no drums so quite low volumes but my 801 is sometimes not quite enough and the CMD 112 seems overkill unless I'm with the Soul Band which has drums , keys, horns etc etc. I'm hankering for something with a small footprint that I can practice with but is also maybe 100watts so I can use it with the Americana Band without worrying it is not too quiet. The PA for the Americana band is only small and the mixer is full, so can't DI/lineout into it. Any suggestions, wondering about the Phil Jones 100 watt Bass Cub but some reviews seem to say it is quite quiet? I don't want anything more than a 10" speaker otherwise it gets too big for home use....
  18. It will never replace the string bass. After all, it won't book gigs, send out posters, carry spare fuses, capos for the guitarist, and be the only one with gaffa tape....
  19. The voltage red herring has been aired on here a number of times due to the disclaimer on the MB site which really only applies to importing US market items in EU countries where the voltage is markedly(!) different. I had a LMII bought in France for many years, the only issue was that the UK distributer would not touch it under warranty, had to send it back to French Retailer who sent it to the French distributor for warranty work..when I dropped it! Think you've just got a rogue head, leave the voltage alone!
  20. I've loads of bass boxes, anyone in South Somerset who wants one just PM me. No, I'm not posting them! N.B. Noticed £1 shops selling bubble wrap now but only the small stuff.
  21. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1476811497' post='3157503'] If you zoom in, it looks like the S/N has been photoshopped out..? [/quote] Burman Amp, Newcastle address, just up the road for you...?
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