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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Anyone spot a contradiction in the two statements below? (my underline) These are quite rare to come buy, especially in this [u]perfect fully original condition[/u]. The only part that is [u]currently missing [/u]is the thumbrest (there are still two holes for it in the pickguard and body), but these are universal and very cheap to get. Also made in Germany but I suspect Eastern Germany.....?
  2. Lyle Lovett and his Large Band features the ubiquitous Lee Sklar on Bass, he's a favourite of mine too.
  3. Of course the poster who suggested 'not drinking the alcohol' may in fact had a great sense of humour and was playing it very literally.....just a thought as much of my favourite humour comes from across the Atlantic
  4. Had the first of 2 gigs depping. Can't say too much but it was a tiny bar and they were far too loud, sound was appalling and despite them being experienced musos I was embarrassed. Have done a couple of rehearsals with them so knew the set but nothing prepared me for the onslaught! No dynamics just everything at full volume. Experienced pro that I now am will say nowt, just pack better ear defenders for next gig...
  5. Don't think they understand 'irony', which is ironic given Alanis Morrisette's hit.....
  6. Do a search, there have been a lot of threads about this, mostly on talkbass but some on here too
  7. It's weird that something that is not 'small form factor' weighs so little!
  8. There's one for sale in the amps section(usual disclaimer)
  9. Nice, just cracked out the bass and played along with it: deceptively simple structure but all in the feel...
  10. Lots of us have just disconnected the piezo too, there is a thread on it as you don't just pull off the wires....
  11. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1460639414' post='3027484'] Yes, but not as much as the look of a bass. The holy trinity of wrong: 1: head overhang 2: Markbass yellow 3: Ratfur carpet covering. [/quote] Bloody hell, I had 3 out of 3 until I got a bigger RJ 15" vinyl covered cab to go with my TTE500 head. Does it count If I have a yellow lead as well.....?
  12. What about the MB Ninja Head 1000w and Cab. Not cheap but more powerful or the Nano 300w Head and N121 cab? Cheaper and tiny....
  13. My Warwick came with flush straplocks as standard, did not put me off....
  14. Sometimes if you get a wrong-un they will sort it w/o a quibble, other times they will quibble to a degree that seems very petty. That's the price you sometimes have to pay for their low prices and the fact they have virtually no competition now over here in the UK at the lower end of the price point....
  15. I've had mixed results with Thomann. Had some exemplary items but also been dicked about when I bought a 'Displayed' Varaix in the days before B Stock. It had clearly been ragged, came without manual, stereo lead and power supply and they argued the toss when I rang them about it. The issue went back and forth or a month so I wrote to the CEO having been offered a further small discount. In the end go it for less than £500 when they were £ 700. Write to the Boss!
  16. What's with the dual spelling of Alder/Alda. Was Alan involved in some way...?
  17. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1459776069' post='3019460'] What he said. HTH? [/quote] I guess your ears are tricked as once you are in a room with punters in and even just 1 guitar and vox I found it struggles but to be fair, that is not it's rationale. BTW the stick-on tweeter is a waste of time unless you need hissy top....... Don't get me wrong the 801 is great for a decent practice sound and has a tiny footprint in my studio (dining room) but its applications are limited much beyond that. When I go to Folk Open Mics, turning up with it and a Bass Ukele causes less friction with Cecil and Cecelia Sharp than my MB TTE 500 and the RJ 15" cab...!
  18. At home mine sounds really loud when practicing but at a recent Folk Open Mike I did, I could not hear it, even tilted in a busy room but others could further away. I have taken mine to rehearsals with a singer/guitar, keys, electro acoustic guitar and cahon and it was fine, the other option is to plug it into PA
  19. Donald's Book makes quite good reading too....
  20. [quote name='MoJoKe' timestamp='1459411551' post='3016193'] Take it up with Marco, I don't work for Markbass, so have no axe to grind here, just quoting what they have said for so long on their website! More importantly it would be sensible to check whether Thomann are quoting for 2015 models before hitting the buy button.... [/quote] Not an issue for me either....just sayin! All my current MB gear was sourced from UK dealers incidentally.
  21. Voltage in EU and UK is the same as makes no difference: the old chesnut you quote is to get you to buy from the local importer and to support UK retailers.....
  22. [quote name='MoJoKe' timestamp='1459342165' post='3015603'] The "street" price for the mono one (GAK etc) is still around £1049, so if you've seen cheaper it may be someone trying to shift a 2014 or demo model, or alternatively the cheapest DV Mark guitar one, which does sell for around that... [/quote] Thomann: Mono £777 and the Stereo £859. http://www.thomann.de/gb/search_dir.html?bf=&sw=markbass+multiamp
  23. Just noticed the other day how much they have come down in price, a mono one is now around £750
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