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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. I know there have been similar posts regarding Sales and people saying they will buy stuff, then going quiet, but just wonder what the Collective feel about the above issue? For myself, if I posted in "Items Wanted" and someone contacted me and said "I have this item for sale", I would at least reply to them out of courtesy and ask for further details if interested, or say, "No, that's not what I'm looking for, or I have bought one now, but thanks for taking the trouble to PM me." Given that we can all see if a PM has been read, and at what time, there should be no excuse for it to be ignored IMHO!
  2. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1442113864' post='2864479'] DEKOS! Beatles bass. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_beatbass_vs_vintage_se_deko.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...age_se_deko.htm[/url] Jazz bass. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_jb_75_na_vintage_serie_deko.htm"]http://www.thomann.d..._serie_deko.htm[/url] Resonator thing already sold out. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_custom_line_resoking_b_deko.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...king_b_deko.htm[/url] Four string fretless acoustic bass back after being sold out before. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_b_30_nt_fl_acoustic_ba_deko.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...tic_ba_deko.htm[/url] EDIT: Whoops! Just noticed that these have already been posted. Also, I just noticed this advice that I somehow missed the first time. The veneer fits very loosely into the fret slots. It's the middle of the night now (unfortunately woke up needing to pee) but today I'll cut off some veneering and see if i can fit two layers in a slot. The veneer feels very thin and I'm not sure that it's the 0.6mm that the eBay listing said it was. EDIT: The veneer is wider than I thought. When I actually put strips in, I could only fit one strip per slot. I've glued them in with EvoStick Wood Glue, as that's what I found when I looked in the 'big box of adhesives' that we have. Zebrawood appears to be a poor choice of veneer, as it splits along the grain. The first few frets are filled with veneer cut against the grain, the rest cut along the grain. There may be some visual inconsistency between the frets but C'est la vie. I'll leave them for at least a day, but the veneer strips for the first few frets done seem to be glued in firmly. I've now got strips sticking up. I was planning to trim them down closer to the fretboard with a Stanley knife, and then sand them down flush. I hope this will also remove excess glue. I've got enough veneer left over that I could veneer the headstock, Andyjr1515 style. I'm very tempted to do so, but will sand down the headstock first in the belief (incorrect?) that this will make the veneer stick better. Further apologies to Andytre for once again massacring the neck he gave me. [/quote] Keying surface/removing all clear coat is necessary depending on computability of glue with clear coat. You can clamp the veneer with wood on either side of headstock ( assuming you have clamps). Care with tuner peg holes and break-out...
  3. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1442166452' post='2864838'] Yeah, it's got an article/interview with Mark King amongst others. [/quote] When did yours pop through the door? I'm trying to work out if mine's got lost or maybe delayed...
  4. [quote name='SICbass' timestamp='1442153012' post='2864711'] I actually cried with laughter when I read this. [/quote] That's a post from the grave...
  5. Any Subscribers had the September Issue yet, I've not seen mine and wonder if it's out yet?
  6. Embryonic 10.CC songsters "Hot Legs" who had a minor hit with Neanderthal Man rejected Hot Chocolate, Hot Tuna, Hot Chip and Cold Turkey before agreeing on their name.
  7. [quote name='squire5' timestamp='1442075841' post='2864279'] Was that old Rick Stein in the front row.Didn't know he was into George Ivan. [/quote] Yes it was, and I was surprised too, expect there may have been a few "celebrity" invites to bulk out the front row including Kim Cattrell . First gig I have ever watched that took place in the middle of the road (or should it be The right side of the road?). Looked in vain during the closing credits to see who was playing Bass, on his Facebook they say it was Paul Moore
  8. The Album by one time PP Arnold backing band The Nice called "The Thoughts of Emerlist Davjack" is actually named after a real person with that name. I know this because Keith Emerson, Davy O'List ,Brian Davison and Lee Jackson have all independently corroborated it.
  9. [quote name='Slipperydick' timestamp='1441818575' post='2862059'] They used to play Barbarellas in Brum early 70s. Not to my taste tbh. iirc they ended their set with Wm Bell's Private Number. [/quote] I fancy a chat with William Bell, so could you pass it on if you remember it please?
  10. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1441896434' post='2862760'] I'm at a logistics and supply conference. I've just discussed 'dekos' with an academic specialising in the 'Reverse Supply Chain', which is where end of life / faulty products make their way back to the original manufacturer or some other organisation for remanufacturing, recovery of parts/materials/etc. She thinks it entirely plausible that given the prices of the full price instruments and how large organisations work that: 1] Thomann may be pretty much getting their investment back given the deko and full price. So, they aren't losing money on the dekos, just not making a profit. Margins will be small enough that even checking them properly may not be worth it. and 2] The previously mentioned theory that whole batches may be assigned as dekos based on some samples being faulty could be true. Again, checking things carefully may be unprofitable. Plausible does not mean likely of course. [/quote] Is there a Plenary Session at the end which no-one attends as they are back off home?
  11. Just bought a Mark Bass Stand from Stuart. Excellently packed in padded envelope with lots of Gaffa Tape in evidence. Buy from Stuart with confidence and I'm sure selling to him will be equally as trouble -free.
  12. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1441806956' post='2861932'] Me? Re-profile a fretboard? I was hoping that I could sand it carefully so that the profile doesn't change significantly. [/quote] Then carefully save the sawdust to use as filler! Other fillers are available but this should match.
  13. [u][quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1441796528' post='2861803'] I'd be more concerned that you published the whole email complete with both yours and the senders email addresses. It would have been very simple for someone less scrupulous than the 300 or so people who've read this thread to have spoofed your email reply and claimed the prize for themselves, while you were still wondering if the original email was genuine. [/quote][/u] Who are you calling scrupulous........?
  14. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1441796155' post='2861792'] I've bought some zebra wood veneer to put in the slots. Since the veneer is 0.6mm wide and the slot looks about 1mm, does that mean that I need to put in two layers to fill the slots? Or does the glue fill in the rest? [/quote] Have you tried a piece of veneer in the slot, just cut a piece off to use as you will have loads left. I found I had to actually thin my veneer down by sanding each piece on a flat surface and on both sides. Would be surprised if the slot is as wide as you think once the veneer is in
  15. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1441779596' post='2861611'] Thanks. All the frets are out now, so I need to order some veneer. The fret slots are a bit sharp and rough, but I don't think this is damage done when removing frets, but is the way they were cut originally. I'll definitely use PVA rather than CA glue, as it's more reversible. [/quote] I found it useful (once I'd trimmed off the veneers and started to sand/re-profile the neck) to save the sawdust, as when mixed with PVA it fills any gaps in the fingerboard or slot ends and is the correct colour too.
  16. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1441751835' post='2861564'] Derek and Clive cassette? [/quote] I always use the term "insulting tape" to see if others pick up on it.
  17. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1441734452' post='2861353'] That's a great result Low End Bee. I've just used my ground pincers to try pulling at the frets of the neck that Andytre gave me. They are in firmly, but don't appear to be glued in. They pull out. I pushed them back in again when I realised that they were moving, but I guess that since I've started, I should continue. Now to work out what glue I need to sick in some veneer. [/quote] I just used PVA as it gives you some time to make sure the veneers are firmly in and your fingers don't end up sticking to each other. Superglue is quicker and just seeps into the gap but is harder to remove once dried, a damp cloth removes PVA before set.. I found it useful to shape my veneers with a small curve and a tiny hump in the middle as whilst I did clean out the nuts slots and deepen them slightly, the veneers were tipping when put in the fret slots. It just helps them seat better.
  18. When Melle Mel split up his Hip-Hop crew, Mel C went onto greater things with The Space Girls and Bryan Adams
  19. Happy 100,000 views, thanks to all who have contributed and err...viewed. Today's big question, do we stop at 100,000 (ish) or continue?
  20. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1441722580' post='2861206'] Well. Wellity, wellity, wellity. Curiouser and curiouser. I followed Yorks advice and unearthed the magic strip of power! It was covered in some kind of thin black force field. This protective field was thick and robust at the E but tapered away to nought at the G. So I scraped the bugger off So now the E and G share the low output duties while the A and D are ear splittingly loud. I feel like I've made progress I now realise that the low output is the output I'm aiming for. The thing has a far higher output than my electric basses so taming it somewhat would be a result. I will go in again for a prod around another time. [/quote] Just use some masking/insulting tape cut to size on the A and D?
  21. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1441719687' post='2861165'] Astronomy Domine was co-written by Sir Patrick Moore. Due to contractual reasons it never apperared on the original US vinyl release of TPATGOD and was never credited on the UK release as he was under contract to NASA. [/quote] All those acronyms.......why was Sir Patrick under contact to NISA, did he open their supermarkets?
  22. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1441715992' post='2861110'] NDBD! My fretless acoustic 4 string has arrived. It arrived about 30 minutes ago. Like most have experienced it was very difficult to see why it was a deko. No marks except the stamped D. Neck straight, action ok. Stuck a battery in...the tuner worked well. Machineheads not the most positive in terms of feel and tuning stability not great initially but I am sure it will settle down. And herein lies the rub... Amplified the E string has very, very low output. Unusably low. The annoying thing is I would have been much happier with some cosmetic damage, or a truss rod that needed tweaking. Electronics are a black art to me. So I just have to hope that it's something to do with the strings. Which is a shame because the phosphor bronze ones on it feel quite nice...and probably won't be cheap! Later I will just put a different string on and see if there is a difference. [i]EDIT: I'm being an idiot aren't I? Can the string affect a piezo pickup?[/i] However, for £44 it's still a bargain just as an acoustic instrument. Plus, I can't actually play fretless (yet) so not being able to use it amplified is not a major issue. [/quote] Remove the strings, you should be able to lift out the white saddle piece and hopefully underneath there should be a piezo strip or strips. Check it is totally flat and extends right along the space and that the saddle sits completely flat upon it. If you plug the bass in and lightly tap the piezo with some thing metallic you may be able to locate a dead spot, if it works all along the strip then you should be OK. You may even have 2 strips which start in the middle and go outwards to the edges of the bridge. Even if there is a fault, a new piezo strip is cheapish and fairly easy to replace, if you have small hands!
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