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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. One other point is that with the Traveller 210 cab, the TTE head looks a bit daft on top as it is quite a bit wider if you use the cabt vertically. There again you may not be bothered and unlike like me buy the head, then realise your cab was too narrow and then [b]have[/b] to get the RJ 15 cab....!
  2. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1441641770' post='2860514'] A buddy uses something like this and it sounds awesome. Useful if you only want to lug half an 8x10 at a time? [attachment=200215:Ashdown Klystron.png] [/quote] My back has just gone into spasm looking at the photo
  3. Full size neck but small body: [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/hofner-shorty-electric-travel-bass/86733?gclid=CjwKEAjw67SvBRC1m5zPv4GboAUSJAB6MJlkfZw5ARn2-jAbF6d2nNJbPmNSGs5SGCi1Bl021INKQBoCJGbw_wcB"]http://www.gak.co.uk/en/hofner-shorty-electric-travel-bass/86733?gclid=CjwKEAjw67SvBRC1m5zPv4GboAUSJAB6MJlkfZw5ARn2-jAbF6d2nNJbPmNSGs5SGCi1Bl021INKQBoCJGbw_wcB[/url]
  4. The Randy Jackson New York 15" cab goes well with the Head IMHO soundwise (as it is designed to) and looks more classy than the other MB cabs, if that sort of thing bothers you.
  5. That headstock looks a bit sharp, you'll need to put a cork on the end to stop you stabbing the drummer....
  6. Well that's less than 1,000 views left to hit 100,000, and with about 8 weeks to the anniversary of the first post. We are almost over the line now....
  7. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1441554548' post='2859748'] Face towels, hand towels or bath towels? Lateral, longitudinal or napkin folds? My rule of thumb is to have a ratio not exceeding 6:4:2, always presuming that one has a back up towel for each one in use. A cursory review of that ratio suggests an absolute minimum of twelve towels per person, hence 28.8 towels per average household of two adults and 2.4 children. So, yes, more than two towels are necessary. How you fold them is a matter of personal preference. [/quote] Too much information, I wish I had never ventured onto this thread. Did I mention I'm throwing in the towel?
  8. I have two towels. This means when one is damp I can bring the dry one into play (that is not a euphemism) and of course after they are laundered I can fold both of them, thus providing some meaning to my pointless existence. Are more than two towels necessary......?
  9. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1441482223' post='2859200'] Yeah that's mine. It arrived perfect not a mark on it, however the frets were bad the third fret made it unplayable, but that was its only issue. As the ad says all the frets are now level, crowned and polished to a mirror finish. And it's set up very well. The current start price reflects my time put into the bass approx 2 hours or so in all and the rest is eBay PayPal fees I've added on. Which I think is fair as this bass I know will play better than a new non Deko one. [/quote] Can't argue with the description nor the price, very fair and as you say, it will play better than a new one. GLWTS.
  10. Might be better posting this in Repairs and Technical Lounge, as many of its inhabitants don't visit other lounges due to them wearing brown cotton coats and having sawdust under their fingernails...
  11. Well his current ads seem to be still up unmolested. A search for "Harley Benton Guitars" led me to another old favourite, remove the pickup cover, call it "unscreened" and "Ker-ching"!
  12. [quote name='jacko' timestamp='1441354923' post='2858137'] The fourth member of the band was sacked early in his career for overplaying during the middle 8. hence the expression 'too much water under the bridge'. [/quote] He went on to team up with Mike Scott and Boy George.
  13. [quote name='rushbo' timestamp='1440979429' post='2855128'] I ordered the 2.5mm rod and the dinky little torch dealio. With P and P, it came to £16.89. You'll need some masking tape, snips, a woodworking drill bit, some medium rough (340ish) and some fine (800-1200) sandpaper. I'm no expert in the fine art of woodworking, so I guess it took me about an hour-ish. Not a tricky job, but I went slow. There's a really useful guide on the Luminlay site and a few similar projects on YouTube. Practice on a bit of scrap first. [/quote] Thanks, may install some in my fretless. I see they do fret markers too for fretless, they would have looked cool!
  14. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1441304088' post='2857813'] the best open mics are where you get a given time slot and a predetermined length of time beforehand, not many about but worth looking for, there's nothing worse than sitting there wondering when you'll get your turn and then some mate of the guy whose running walks in and gets straight on. [b]BTW don't confuse jam nights with open mics they're usually not the same thing[/b] [/quote] We don't see the Open Mic/Jam Police down here very often but there was a true Open Mic near here that stuck to a rigid timetable that was popular with many until the Landlord stopped the complementary food.....
  15. I'm sure there used to be a publication called "Compacted Disc" too........
  16. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1441302565' post='2857792'] This, I started out performing at open mics and all of this rings true. [/quote] Plus two. I started out just attending Open Mics and Jams when I moved down to Broadchurchshire and now run my own Blues Night Jam and had a weekly Open Mic too at one stage. Met loads of useful Musicians and we all now seem to go to each other's events. Equally I've sat in the audience silently seething whist some crappy singer-songster hacks their way through "Aint No Sunshine" knowing I'm probably not going to get another chance to play that evening and the only tune I got invited onto the stage for was the dismembered corpse of "All Right Now" and no, it wasn't..... Ironically, the guy I regard as my mentor down here and I learnt loads of new Jazz repertoire from, turned up last night at my Blues Night. After inviting him up to back a noted local singer /songstress which he did on slide guitar, he asked if he could do the tunes he had prepared for ensemble ( as he'd been "waiting all night"). I laughed and said "Welcome to my world" but then we all played along on his two numbers! The boot is now on the other foot but he gave me a good education and he knows I appreciate it.
  17. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1441202774' post='2856896'] Transitional? Is that any good for Metal? We always have to ask that question on BC. [/quote] Only for Gary Boyle's Band.
  18. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1441150976' post='2856543'] How noble of them. Assuming it's not just some sort of shell game, anyhow. [/quote] It's just transitional but to help clarity, they will use Halogen lighting.
  19. Decos up including Jazz Bass with Maple Board, Shorty and some Guitars
  20. I've bought 3, kept two (and no, did not sell the other one on eBay as "New Other"!)
  21. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1441142369' post='2856487'] That's why you can never find them after you put them down for just a few minutes. [/quote] They are talking about introducing a Table in their stores so you do not lose them, over any period.
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