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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. I love a nice Pedant..... [attachment=198898:2_05-carat-red-garnet-drop-pendant--in-sterling-silver-1__78371_zoom.jpg]
  2. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1440005541' post='2847532'] [url="https://m.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_b_550_black_progressive_series.htm?o=14&ref=mal_a_14&search=1440005315"]https://m.thomann.de...arch=1440005315[/url] I have the fretless version of this bass. It's blown me away and feels and sounds so good. £105!! (and it's black. \m/) [/quote] These come up as Decos too( got one a couple of weeks ago) so for around £50 your budget is hardly bothered!
  3. Those classicals are only a few pence more than the postage charge!
  4. I've read this thread and I've had virtually everything that people slate including Crate, Laney, Marshall, Roland, Peavey and G-K. Luckily I was not sufficiently "aware" until more recently in my bass purchasing journey and it's after trying some cheapish combos like Fender Rumble and Ashdown Rootmaster, just last week, I realise how good my MarkBass stuff sounds and perhaps more importantly, how easy it is to get a good sound.
  5. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1440060400' post='2847873'] Is that why you're being tautologous, with both "over" and "plus" in the title? [/quote] Looks like I'm being taught a lesson?
  6. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1440012314' post='2847618'] Good lead! Presumably gives you a nice shiny coat too [/quote] Yes,..... the Pet Food Shops do usually sell leads...! Seriously, depending on the size and shape of the bone you can usually get 4 Bridges from a £1 Bone and the more you make the quicker you get!
  7. You'll find anywhere that sells Pet Food usually sells Boiled Bones. Those not stuffed with marrow make a very cheap source of Bone Bridges!
  8. Should anyone be interested got these details from their Customer Care Team. The BXD 12 is: [size=2] 41x40x48 cm and weighs 19.9Kg[/size]
  9. Eh? Looked at counter, said exactly 82,000 views. Wrote "Nail on Head " and it had jumped 34 in 10 seconds!
  10. A sheet of veneer A4 size comes in at around £2.
  11. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1439920168' post='2846806'] My mini clippers/whatever they are called have arrived. I haven't yet had a chance to [b]file the ends flat. As they are, they don't really grip the frets (on the ex-Andytre deko jazz bass neck) enough, but I assume that they will once filed down.[/b] If I successfully defret the neck, does that mean that I'll have to buy a deko jazz bass to fit it? [/quote] You need to remove the curve from the pliers in order to get the jaws as close and parallel to the fingerboard and under the frets
  12. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1439935152' post='2846990'] Nodules? Can you post a photo of these 'nodules'? Congratulations on receiving what sounds to be an instrument that can quickly be fixed with a couple of new strings. Or something depending on what these nodules are [/quote] Those strings cost as much as the U-Bass, wonder if they can be trimmed?
  13. [quote name='Matt P' timestamp='1439907457' post='2846658'] Yorks5stringer, any chance of measuring the string spacing on your progressive 5 please? and a weight would be nice too, I've been looking for a backup for my Letts 5 and these look mighty tempting (even at full price) if there were options for drop-in replacement pickups that would make it a no brainer (I've been wanting to try nordstrands for ages!) thanks Matt [/quote] De-fretted it's 3.9 kg on the bathroom scales and the nut is 45mm wide: B-E is 0.9cm, E-A 0.9cm, A-D 1cm and D-G 1 cm assuming you use Nylon Flats. It does not feel heavy and the body is quite contoured. At the Bridge the string spacing is between 1.6 cm and 1.8 cm depending on which strings!
  14. So I looked last night and the box in the top left hand corner of their Deco page was empty save a tick box. I ticked this and all of the 18 Decos revealed themselves. Tempting! However this morning it still says 18 Decos but there are photos of the staff in the box and only 4 Decos showing...... As Marvin Gaye used to say, "What's Going On"?
  15. [quote name='planer' timestamp='1439852769' post='2846331'] 50 pages and no hint of an argument - surely some sort of bc record! I find this to be such a happy thread, and it's nice to see people enjoying their Deko basses. I have stopped looking on purpose; if I came home with another one The Boss would blow a fuse, bless her [/quote] Yes, I expect there are one or two "domestic arguments" as a result of this thread however...
  16. The review for the £50 neck- through Bass is quite interesting....
  17. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1439762517' post='2845632'] Here's a link to the website: [url="http://weneedstrings.com"]http://weneedstrings.com[/url] They're not taking any more strings at the moment though unfortunately. [/quote] So there are some "strings attached" then?
  18. Noticed Poundland are now selling the above packed together, should you need almost instant sticking power. Usual cost...
  19. The current Chart Topper "Let's Marvin Gaye and get it On" by Charlie Puth and Meghan Trainor was originally titled "Let's Hank Marvin and get it On". Mattessons complained, so it was changed to the more radio friendly title it has now.
  20. I see there is a new 501 variant of the TTE 500 and 800. Can't see much difference apart from the metal cage surrounding the gubbins now seems to be solid. Anyone tried/seen one yet? [url="http://www.richtonemusic.co.uk/products/markbass_tte_501_head_500_watt.asp?gclid=CjwKEAjwjMauBRDH-bOCo56b13wSJABA2-HvCk94Tx8qRhGkH4e3z_XbuGiyz74d4oqHe90qYS9YpRoC-z_w_wcB"]http://www.richtonem...S9YpRoC-z_w_wcB[/url]
  21. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1439747252' post='2845447'] I'll see if I can get the machine shop at work to help me. Thanks. Wouldn't each single Bart pup cost more than the entire bass? [/quote] The aim is to reduce the curve on the "end" of the end cutters so that the edges will sit flush with the fingerboard and fit easily under a fret.. You may need to regrind the cutter edge although I didn't bother.
  22. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1439697096' post='2845050'] Thanks Y5S. I've bought the mini cutters from that seller. How did you [b]flatten the ends to[/b] make them a better tool for removing frets? I'm going to have a go on the neck that Andy gave me. [/quote] On a linisher belt, you could use a grind stone or do it manually as they are not the hardest metal ever....
  23. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1439668377' post='2844890'] Excellent work York5stringer. Would it be possible for you to post eBay links for where you bought the mini end cut pliers and the veneer? @KB - sorry to hear that your ukulele bass hasn't arrived yet. [/quote] Here you go: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/290934693119?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&var=590137248493&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT"]http://www.ebay.co.u...K%3AMEBIDX%3AIT[/url] [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/181810515167?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT"]http://www.ebay.co.u...K%3AMEBIDX%3AIT[/url] I should have said I grooved a soldering iron tip so I could heat the frets before pulling them, apparently it melts the glue although saw no sign of any on mine. Also insulted tape in between frets to cut down on break out but reckon it made no difference.
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