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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Used my 'Tuner Out' for a Tuner and don't think headphones would work anyway as they have a stereo jack!
  2. is it just me or is the Bass control 3rd along and the Treble furthest away? Do we know if it will run in passive mode without battery power?
  3. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1438107350' post='2831731'] It looks pretty good and feels very solid, not cheap at all. The pics don't really show it but the black finish is translucent and shows through a red hue maple top beneath. I've bought it to give to one of Mrs C's friends so I'm glad its a goodun [/quote] If it's a quilted finish shouldn't it be soft and fluffy? Mine was the same, no damage really apart from Bloody big "D" on the heel of the neck and body
  4. BassGear do strings at keen prices
  5. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1438094337' post='2831581'] I have tried that... I've also tried emailing the courier in advance... no-one involved (courier or neighbours) really speak good enough english to get the message accrosss Did you go for the same one I did? the fourstring solid body? heres to hoping mines as good as yours if you did [/quote] Mine's a 5 stringer(!) and sad to report the first problem....just had to get my soddering iron out ( Love the Yanks) and fix the loose wire in the jack socket that had rendered the Bass soundless. Tidy cavity mind, wires all clipped/tied together and liberal use of graphite paint. Oh, it's got a nice scarf joint at the headstock and is made in China
  6. [quote name='Thunderpaws' timestamp='1438073233' post='2831307'] What about the Ashdown RM 220? [/quote] Looked at it online, keen price on the 12" speaker one.
  7. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1438061331' post='2831215'] Reviews of the progressive basses have been mixed, but I've seen a lot of positive ones. One package of my order is out for delivery now, but the other one seems to still be in Cologne [/quote] Right it has arrived. Needless to say I had to go out but left a message on the door asking for it to be delivered to a neighbour which they did. (I know this is not London). Bass is absolutely fine, some tiny scratches on the back like ones you'd do yourself, action spot on out the box, just needed to tune it up a tone. Some decent sounds too, wonder if the battery will last? This is going to be a fretless project, will take the nylon flats off my StarBass and use them on this once it's defretted. Also give me chance to fit the new Elixirs I was given (thanks Basschat) to the StarBass and then review them.
  8. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1437921352' post='2829986'] That's the trouble! I know a CMD 121P would cover all bas(s)es for me and have had one before and still use one regularly. I could chop in the TTE and RJ 15" cab and still have some change and I could then keep the Micromark for home practice. Just seen this [url="https://www.bax-shop.co.uk/bass-guitar-combo-amp/markbass-mini-cmd-121p-8-ohm-1x12-inch-basversterker-combo?gclid=CjwKEAjwitKtBRCt3uOYsY2v7FASJACJU5Xs5uTOfD1-8ywGw20vbCAr5Imz8PRKXyfODKsk8YTSiBoC9LPw_wcB"]https://www.bax-shop...YTSiBoC9LPw_wcB[/url] £466? That's a second hand price! Woodbrass even cheaper! So £210 for a Fender Rumble at 100 watts with a 12" speaker or £460 for a 300 watt CMD121P with 12" speaker..... [/quote] [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1437921352' post='2829986'] That's the trouble! I know a CMD 121P would cover all bas(s)es for me and have had one before and still use one regularly. I could chop in the TTE and RJ 15" cab and still have some change and I could then keep the Micromark for home practice. Just seen this [url="https://www.bax-shop.co.uk/bass-guitar-combo-amp/markbass-mini-cmd-121p-8-ohm-1x12-inch-basversterker-combo?gclid=CjwKEAjwitKtBRCt3uOYsY2v7FASJACJU5Xs5uTOfD1-8ywGw20vbCAr5Imz8PRKXyfODKsk8YTSiBoC9LPw_wcB"]https://www.bax-shop...YTSiBoC9LPw_wcB[/url] £466? That's a second hand price! Woodbrass even cheaper! So £210 for a Fender Rumble at 100 watts with a 12" speaker or £460 for a 300 watt CMD121P with 12" speaker..... [/quote] Rats, toyed with getting the CMD 121P from above today and thought I'd wait. Its just gone up another £100. And woodbrass have gone back up too but just to £468! Thomann sell it at £568.
  9. Looks like my 5 string prog-rock Bass will be delivered Tuesday, just read a review of a proper one and it was not complementary!
  10. Wishbone Ash and Wild Turkey are reforming to do a new version of the Jaco classic "The Chicken"
  11. [quote name='The Funk' timestamp='1438019217' post='2830928'] I think you're all missing the point. Is the PC/backing vocalist hot? [/quote] No, but the Boss FX unit was!
  12. [sub]Not our drummer but one who had played with the sax player last year and was a local![/sub]
  13. [quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1438002512' post='2830695'] Glad to hear the gear was recovered Although quite annoying had it been nicked f@£@" pikey drummers eh? [/quote] Apparently it was the drummer who nicked it and he has done 2 gigs with our Sax Player. What a bastard. The FX was left outside the pub around 10.00am in the rain but it appears to work OK.
  14. I was rehearsing with a Soul Band last night at The Retreat, Ashcott near Bridgewater in their skittle alley. Those who attended the last Somerset MIni Bass Bash will know the venue. The Sax Player had brought along a Boss VE 200 Vocal Enhancer for the Singer to try as her Bose system does not have any Reverb. She tried it but then decided not to use it and put it down on the Bar of the Skittle Alley which was unstaffed and a few metres from where we were playing.. During the evening a few locals came into the skittle alley to listen and it was not till the end of the evening we realised the Boss Pedal had gone! One of our female vocalists who was new to me went into the main pub and said all the guys who had come into to listen were still there. She mentioned a pedal had gone missing and they said they knew nothing about it initially. Later when she spoke to one of them on his own in the Smokers Den, he said the others had it and they had shown it to him. Turns out he was a drummer. Anyway we spoke to the Landlord who was most embarrassed and knew the suspects but they did not have the pedal on them. The female vocalist went back to these guys and told them it was not worth them keeping it as they would get loads of hassle from the Bill about it and they did not have the psu anyway. She said we could not search these guys as despite the scenario we could not prove it was them. After a quick look around the room and pub I went home. The sax player then went and spoke to the guys who said it would probably turn up in the room anyway... Turns out the female vox was on off duty PC so she called the theft in and apparently the suspects got a midnight knock on the door. The pub rang up this morning to say it had been found in the Skittle Alley! (we had thoroughly searched it before we left). Spookily this new female vocalist spoke to me before we started playing and asked if she knew me as I looked familiar. I joked about being on wanted posters. If a Copper asks you if they know you and you look familiar it usually means one thing!
  15. Well, ruled out the Fender this morning, could not get the tone I like from it and when I dug in the speaker flapped. I guess at that price point something has to give. Could not fault it on features or lightness mind.
  16. [sub]MarkBass Microbass, 45 watts through an 8" speaker.[/sub]
  17. Take your point re the low powered 10" combos but I am talking about Jam/Open Mics, not sizeable gigs and I used to gig with a LMII/III and a Traveller 210 which is not much different to a 121P.....!
  18. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1437911996' post='2829891'] Yup, CMD121p.... Got mine from Ambient on here, in "as new" condition.... They go for just over £400 s/h and as mcnach says, does it all... You will probably end up selling all your other amps! [/quote] That's the trouble! I know a CMD 121P would cover all bas(s)es for me and have had one before and still use one regularly. I could chop in the TTE and RJ 15" cab and still have some change and I could then keep the Micromark for home practice. Just seen this [url="https://www.bax-shop.co.uk/bass-guitar-combo-amp/markbass-mini-cmd-121p-8-ohm-1x12-inch-basversterker-combo?gclid=CjwKEAjwitKtBRCt3uOYsY2v7FASJACJU5Xs5uTOfD1-8ywGw20vbCAr5Imz8PRKXyfODKsk8YTSiBoC9LPw_wcB"]https://www.bax-shop...YTSiBoC9LPw_wcB[/url] £466? That's a second hand price! Woodbrass even cheaper! So £210 for a Fender Rumble at 100 watts with a 12" speaker or £460 for a 300 watt CMD121P with 12" speaker.....
  19. You have to admire Gene Simmond's chutzpah, he admits his Axe Basses cost $250 to make and he sells them for $5000 signed by himself.
  20. Toying with getting a Rumble 100 now, it can always go back if not up to it! 12" speaker should handle a 5 string....
  21. [quote name='Black Coffee' timestamp='1437854310' post='2829580'] You might want to check out the Fender rumble amps. I took the plunge on the 500watt version with 2 x 10" speakers; which is 280watts without another speaker cab to bring out the 500w and I have to say that I am very pleasantly surprised. It has a rather helpful overdrive and gain section and is plenty loud for a reliable back line and soft enough for home practice too. There are smaller outputs than the 500 watt version and they are very affordable and light too. [/quote] Thanks BC however price is creeping into the mid £400 now, almost into MB 121P territory! I wonder if the Rumble 100 cuts it? Looked at the TC Electronic 250 watt 208 today ( by phone) but they admitted it would not handle a 5 string.
  22. I would expect a complaint to the Press Council (or whatever Lizard Dave has put in it's place) from Sylvia at the very least.
  23. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1437830407' post='2829385'] Pixie Lott is the illicit daughter of Black Francis and Kim Deal, she is of normal height, is non magical and doesn't come from Devon or Cornwall [/quote] She comes from well heeled stock however, from over in the Emerald Isle.
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