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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Well my Ukele Bass has just arrived. Upon close inspection there is one tiny dint on the top, the diameter of a ball-point pen tip but hardly noticeable with another on the body side, near the heel, again tiny. The electrics work fine with a built-in Tuner and it plays well although the rubber strings are something to get used to! Are you meant to put talcum on your hands to play these? Slight buzz around the 5th fret on the A&D strings so I may experiment with the Truss Rod... The back and sides are nice wood, the top although "book-matched" has knot marks above and below the sound hole. Sounds quite cool through my Mark Bass 801.
  2. [quote name='landwomble' timestamp='1433414100' post='2790838'] Oooh, forgot to mention. My shorty P bass had a very slightly rough neck. It's a matte finish (not sure if all their guitars are finished the same way) but a very quick rubdown with a 320/220 grit foam sanding pad and it's *butter* smooth now. Lovely. [/quote] Yes, but does it "play like Butter"?!
  3. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1433255362' post='2789454'] Once I forgot to add some strings to an order. I emailed them before dispatch, but they dispatched first. Then they replied to the email and said that if I bought some strings, they'd send them out post free. It's [b]possible[/b] something similar might happen this time. [/quote] Yes, lightening struck twice and they gave me a code to put in the comments box which took off the postage for the case. Result. Let's hope the Uke does not have to go back...!
  4. Virgin have been forced to offer refunds and cancel future events following complaints from the public who attended their Jimi Hendrix Experience days and Jimi Hendrix did not turn up.
  5. See Dave was on message with our Dave, what with Manchester being a "Northern Powerhouse"......
  6. Well, just had notice the Deko Uke has been dispatched so it would seem my email to them getting a half sized guitar gigbag for it has failed ! Hey ho.
  7. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1433234786' post='2789075'] yeh vodaphone [/quote] It [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1433234786' post='2789075'] yeh vodaphone [/quote] It went something like this: HMRC; You owe us £15 billion tax Vodaphone: We'll give you £4 billion HMRC: OK
  8. Lets face it, when some of these "offshore" companies have been done for Tax, they negotiate a settlement with HMRC, was it one of the Mobile Phone companies?
  9. [quote name='MoJoKe' timestamp='1432647717' post='2783546'] I am given to understand they are good - worldwide both guitar and bass versions... [/quote] [quote name='MoJoKe' timestamp='1432647717' post='2783546'] I am given to understand they are good - worldwide both guitar and bass versions... [/quote] I've Pm'd you
  10. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1433197166' post='2788912'] EDIT: Uke now sold out. Good luck Owen. EDIT: The price of the non-deko uke has gone up to £89.32. I wonder how often they check the exchange rate. [/quote] I expect they check the Exchange Rate daily, given the amount of stuff they ship they could lose £10000's otherwise Oh, just had confirmation of a Deko Uke on its way, I'm trying to add the cheap 1/2 size Guitar case to the order to give it some protection when I gig it....!
  11. I hear The Beetles, Korn, Maze, Wheatus, Ziggy Barley,John Oates and Prefab Sprout are all on the Bill this year along with Jasper Carrot in the Comedy Tent
  12. This actually reminds me I had a similar request quite a few years ago for a Wedding Booking in the States for my Band. I guess it was the same type of scam where they wanted my login/bank details. I seem to recall they were offering flights out there and $500. I asked them why they did not go for a more local Band but heard nothing back...
  13. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1433177864' post='2788613'] Buddy played at many cricket grounds. It's a little known fact that the band name came out of this and was nothing to do with insects on a recording. [/quote] [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1433177864' post='2788613'] Buddy played at many cricket grounds. It's a little known fact that the band name came out of this and was nothing to do with insects on a recording. [/quote] Of course he played down the fact he gave his name to Manchester Band "The Hollies" too...
  14. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1433147740' post='2788152'] I went to Kingsholm Rugby Ground at Gloucester to watch Madness on Saturday. That was good. Perhaps rugby grounds are better suited than round cricket stadiums [/quote] Yes, but was Buddy Holly on The Bill somewhere?
  15. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1433155432' post='2788252'] When said songstress performed at folkie Cropredy a few years ago, the contract was amended to include a Tree Bog, somewhere near the river Cherwell. [/quote] [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1433155432' post='2788252'] When said songstress performed at folkie Cropredy a few years ago, the contract was amended to include a Tree Bog, somewhere near the river Cherwell. [/quote] Always wondered, don't the crops get trampled/spoiled if they're ready at the time of the Festival?
  16. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1433153408' post='2788216'] The songstress/model actually died in a car crash in 1979, and was surreptitiously replaced by Teresa Stratas for the recording of her eponymous album of that year. [/quote] Had to look that one up, well done!
  17. I'd agree to "string them along", but would that be 4, 5, 6 or more? I'd need to be sure...... Actually, doubt if it genuine as they did not ask for a "Fender Bass"
  18. [sub]60's "Shout" songstress and M&S model Lulu has a detailed rider in her Performing Contract as to the provision of toilet facilities.[/sub]
  19. [quote name='No lust in Jazz' timestamp='1433063635' post='2787373'] I accept this logic, but then pretty much all of the massive "sonically questionable venues that rip you off for ticket prices, parking and drinks and snacks" fall into the same category. [/quote] But did Buddy Holly play at them then?
  20. Just propaganda from our wonderful new Government. They've cut HMRC back to the bone, closed the customer friendly offices where you could go in and discuss your tax for telephone contact centres that take ages to get through to. And we all know where the biggest tax dodgers are and it isn't selling on eBay. I used to work with HMRC back in the day and they had a whole department called HINW which was "High Income Net Worth" which was where they recovered loads of Tax by targeting individuals who earned lots.
  21. Might be worth seeing a picture of the Bass to help with its authenticity...?
  22. I wish I had not visited this thread.
  23. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1433019241' post='2787188'] I was being tongue in cheek about your tongue in cheek [/quote] Did Buddy Holly play there then?
  24. [quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1433020026' post='2787198'] Left Twix, right Twix. The Japanese Fenders are similarly described and there seems no difference, they just used different phrases at different times. [/quote] Twix's come from Korea?
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