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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1429802505' post='2755133'] Which reminds me, Jet Harris is a distant relative of Wernher von Braun. [/quote] So was Bill Haley...
  2. Not that I'm bothered by minutiae, but the counter is "moi" and I have not the inclination to sit in front of a screen watching the numbers tick off up to the next 1000 and then manually adjust the thread title. If someone however could devise a programme to do this I could sit on my luxury dessert island (Banofee Island) raking in my share of the increased advertising royalties.......? Re the counter itself, I am sure darker forces are at work suppressing the clicks as I believe a green-eyed monster lurks within. Anyway, back to more mundane matters: The Shadows only gig on sunny days and with their backs to the sun.
  3. [sub]They seem to have changed the layout of the pages now.....[/sub]
  4. When I approach a chicken I use a handful of corn: it seems some of the contributors to this post have done the same! I regularly play this at jams, I think I learned it from Youtube videos both of Jaco and others.
  5. There are lots of pail imitators but "The Alternative Fact File" stands top of my bucket list.
  6. [sup]MSL Professional[/sup] [sup][url="http://www.mslpro.co.uk/brands.php"]http://www.mslpro.co.uk/brands.php[/url][/sup]
  7. [quote name='rmorris' timestamp='1429570207' post='2752823'] Yes - conductive paint for rf shielding is doped with carbon to make it effective. It's not as good as Copper Tape ( you need to get the type with conductive adhesive if you're not soldering pieces together...) Aluminium tape works but it's not quite as effective as Copper. As others have pointed out: It does little against low frequency hum (eg 50 Hz Mains hum and harmonics) as this is mainly Magnetic Field and "laughs in the face "of normal shielding. Short of employing 'mu-metal' materials there's little you can do in the way of shielding and you're reliant on balanced audio connections and humbucking pickups etc. to reject this type of noise. To avoid it you need to get away from the source of interference (eg your amp although there's little escape from lighting rigs etc. Or at least position yourself at 90 degrees from where the interference is at it's worst) But back to the Copper Tape and Shielding - it won't stop the mains hum but it will likely help with the local taxi firm and mobile phone signals interfering with your signal. [/quote] [quote name='rmorris' timestamp='1429570207' post='2752823'] Yes - conductive paint for rf shielding is doped with carbon to make it effective. It's not as good as Copper Tape ( you need to get the type with conductive adhesive if you're not soldering pieces together...) Aluminium tape works but it's not quite as effective as Copper. As others have pointed out: It does little against low frequency hum (eg 50 Hz Mains hum and harmonics) as this is mainly Magnetic Field and "laughs in the face "of normal shielding. Short of employing 'mu-metal' materials there's little you can do in the way of shielding and you're reliant on balanced audio connections and humbucking pickups etc. to reject this type of noise. To avoid it you need to get away from the source of interference (eg your amp although there's little escape from lighting rigs etc. Or at least position yourself at 90 degrees from where the interference is at it's worst) But back to the Copper Tape and Shielding - it won't stop the mains hum but it will likely help with the [b]local taxi firm [/b]and mobile phone signals interfering with your signal. [/quote] Will it work for Uber...?
  8. Under the coalition Govt, The Icicle Works, albeit on a zero hours contract.
  9. "Musicman" written on the headstock....just kidding!
  10. [quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1429292215' post='2750176'] Fold cooking foil....you can get it to an exact size and thickness, will not mute the sound, and it will mould to the contour of the wood. [/quote] And handy for chasing those dragons...
  11. [sub]Singer Jessie Ware has just moved to Hertfordshire. I'm not sure where.[/sub]
  12. I guess Mods have special counters, probably only go to 3..3 strikes and you're out? Just to show I am not going Gaga, here's a screen grab from my laptop showing the post number, admittedly not the easiest to read: [attachment=189741:Untitled.png]
  13. I have a "super jazz", a Squire P and a Warwick Star bass, all 5 strings. they vary in neck width and tone and I end up playing one for a couple of weeks, then move on to the next etc etc. I always think, wow, this sounds/feels nice, why did I stop playing it and move on to the other ones................!.
  14. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1429286881' post='2750098'] You meant, perhaps, 1230..? (... or is your mind [i]really [/i]slipping; no surprise, of course, seeing the enormous effort supplied so far... ). I can be a stickler for symmetry on occasions. [/quote] I'm sticking to my guns on this one , it's definitely 1229, 1230 is the Tiney Tempeh post.... Anyway, you can't just flip my [s]joke[/s] post and call it yours, ..........can you? Just to clarify, this is post #1236
  15. I need to stop looking at this thread. I've just been idly wondering how I could amplify the Warwick Mini Thumb bass and use it as a tiny backup..... yes, I know it has nylon strings but it comes with a stand and mini gig bag!
  16. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1429286181' post='2750080'] Margaret Thatcher was a huge fan of Iron Maiden. [/quote] You may wish to look at post 1229....!
  17. [sub][sub]Following their appearance on "Later", I hear scruffy millionaires "Blur" are including the controversial Robin Thicke song "Blurred Lines " on their new release.[/sub][/sub]
  18. No, but I've always wanted to suggest we get back OT, another thing crossed off my bucket list...
  19. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1428930874' post='2746025'] Late 70's Band "Wire" are considering a collaboration with Manfred Mann's Earth Band. [/quote] [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1428930874' post='2746025'] Late 70's Band "Wire" are considering a collaboration with Manfred Mann's Earth Band. [/quote] Nah, the other option was obviously "Sparks".
  20. I can't believe I hovered my mouse over the picture in the hope the Bass would appear!
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